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Recap / Cloak & Dagger (2018) S02E01 "Restless Energy"

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Now living very different lives, Tyrone and Tandy try to stay under the wire while still honing their powers. After coming to terms with their destiny, the two now find it difficult to just stand by and do nothing while bad things continue to happen throughout the city. Meanwhile, Brigid is struggling from her recovery.

  • Ballet: Tandy has been taking lessons.
  • Dare to Be Badass: Subverted. Tyrone thought Brigid told him about the criminal gang near his church as a call to action. She told him that to get him to lay low.
  • Domestic Abuse: A member of Tandy's group, Mikayla, is a victim of an abusive boyfriend. Tandy roughs up his place and leaves behind a threatening message in order to help her. Unfortunately, it only causes her to pity her boyfriend, who is scared to death (and presumably Playing the Victim Card), and stay with him.
  • Fauxlosophical Narration: Tyrone's physics textbook starts off its entry on the second law of thermodynamics well enough...
  • Game-Breaking Injury: Brigid can't shoot straight after her near-death experience at the hands of Connors. Or is it all in her head? Or is it something else?
  • Hypocrite: Even gets lampshaded by Tyrone, as both him and Tandy call each other out for lying to each other. Tandy was offended by his statement.
  • I Did What I Had to Do: During the meeting, Tandy's mom explained the reason she kept the truth about her father being abusive from her is the fact that women with abusive fathers tend to be in abusive relationships. She thought she could prevent that from happening to Tandy.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: Brigid scolds Tyrone for making things worse with his reckless actions against the gangs. In particular, after stealing from the Uptown Block Kings, he handed dominance to the far more dangerous and violent Money Hustle Gang.
  • Oh, Crap!: Tyrone and Tandy's reaction when they found the gangsters in the room dead.
  • Sexy Shirt Switch: Invoked by Tandy as she improvises a dress out of one of Tyrone's shirts and a belt to get into the underground club.
  • Tropaholics Anonymous: Tandy and her mom have been taking group therapy sessions.
  • Unwitting Instigator of Doom: Tyrone tries to deal with a criminal gang, Tandy tries to threaten a woman's abusive boyfriend. Tyrone launches a turf war, Tandy gets the woman to go back to her abusive alcoholic boyfriend.
  • Vigilante Man: Both Tyrone and Tandy feel the need to use their powers to help people. In particular, Tyrone steals money and drugs from gangs and Tandy intimidates the abusive boyfriend of a group therapy colleague. Neither of them achieve anything positive.
  • Wham Shot: The gang bosses Tandy and Tyrone tried to get a confession from are slaughtered by something.
  • What the Hell, Hero?: Both Tandy and Tyrone call out each other for their respective recklessness.
  • Working Out Their Emotions: After their fight and their respective failures as vigilantes, Tyrone and Tandy try to work it out physically. He practice basketball, she practices dancing.
