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Recap / Back To The Future The Animated Series S 2 E 9 Hill Valley Brown Out

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During Hill Valley’s preparations for Founder’s Day Celebration, Doc attempts to upgrade the town’s power plant to increase power and provide free electricity. Unfortunately it provides so much electricity, all electronics go haywire. Biff leads a mob to run the Brown family out of town. When Biff tries to fix Doc’s generator, he accidentally breaks it, ultimately requiring a power shutdown. How will the town celebrate Founder’s Day without electricity for bumper cars and rock concerts?


  • Acquainted with Emergency Services: Implied when Marty preemptively asks Doc if he should call 911 as the scientist plans to plug his tools directly into the power lines.
  • Adopted to the House: Played with. After Clara, irritated by her husband, orders him to find another laboratory, Doc relocates his current science work to the McFly family's garage. It also serves as his base of operations after the sheriff drives him to the town limits and tells him not to show his face again.
  • Celebrity Paradox: Back to the Future seems to exist in this universe; it appears on a theater marquee.
  • Double-Meaning Title: The title refers both to a state of decreased electrical power (a brownout) and to the townsfolk wanting to drive Doc out of Hill Valley after his latest experiment backfires.
  • Exiled to the Couch: Clara exiles Doc to Einstein’s doghouse for causing Hill Valley’s electrical problems and getting her and the boys in trouble with the rest of the townsfolk.
  • Fingore: One of the townsfolk gripes about hitting his thumb every year while putting up the Founder's Day posters...right before he hits it for this year.
  • Gone Horribly Right: Doc's plan to restore electricity works so well people cannot turn off their electronics and light bulbs remain lit even after they're no longer connected to any lamps.
  • Hypocritical Heartwarming: Jules picks on Verne a lot throughout the series, but when he happens on two bullies taunting Verne about being Doc's son, he immediately tells them to unhand his brother.
  • Hypocritical Humor: After Doc gets thrown out of Hill Valley, he disguises himself before going to the hardware store for the materials to fix the problem. On the second attempt, Marty asks Doc why he doesn't just send him after what he needs. Doc answers that he'd stand out too much...while Doc himself is wearing a geisha outfit.
  • Mistaken for an Imposter: When the Sheriff tries to enter the hardware store, the shopkeeper thinks he's Doc in disguise.
  • Power Outage Plot: Part of the plot involves Hill Valley attempting to deal with electrical issues. Ultimately, Clara brings one of the founders of the town forward in time to remind everyone that the inhabitants originally celebrated without electricity, and the townsfolk actually do have fun with the old-fashioned games.
  • Produce Pelting: After Clara observes a bright side to the blackout — the perishable vegetables are half-price — one of the town women throws a tomato at her, which is quickly joined by others.
  • Stating the Simple Solution: Doc, having been thrown out of town for causing the blackout, dons disguises to get the materials he needs for his plan to restore power and enhance electrical output. On the second one, Marty asks why Doc doesn't just tell him what to get and let him bring it back.
  • Tempting Fate: Jules comments about asking Doc for help with his and Verne's papier-mache mule...right before Doc, having slipped on some cans, falls onto it and smashes it to pieces.
  • "Yes"/"No" Answer Interpretation: Doc wonders if Clara knows he caused the blackout as he approaches the house. When she tosses him a suitcase before slamming the door, he glumly says that she knows.
  • You're Cute When You're Angry: When Clara pushes him out of the house after he accidentally messes up her and the boys' projects for Founder's Day, Doc tells her she's adorable when she's sarcastic.
