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Playing With / What Year Is This?

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Basic Trope: A time-traveler asks a passerby what year it is after traveling.

  • Straight: Alice and Bob are sent back in time and ask a local, Robert, what year it is.
  • Exaggerated: Alice and Bob travel somewhen, ask a passerby what year it, leave, and do it again until they're in the year they're aiming for.
  • Logical Extreme: Alice demands Robert tell her the current month, day, and year in the Gregorian calendar system; the time in both Coordinated Universal Time and the local time zone down to the second; and the position of the moon, as of the exact point when she is done talking.
  • Downplayed
    • Alice asks for the date or weekday, and maybe even the month, knowing or assuming they can't be too far in the past and that that question draws less suspicion.
    • Alice goads Robert into a conversation until he discloses information on current events that indicate what time they've traveled to.
  • Justified
    • Time Police Officers Alice and Bob have to follow protocols to make sure that they are in the right time period.
    • Along with knowing the year, Alice also has to confirm that people still speak English in the future so they can communicate.
    • Alice is a Robot and needs to recalibrate her internal clock after the time shift.
  • Subverted
    • Robert gives them same date they left; so it turns out Alice built a Teleporter instead of a Time Machine and they're just two states over.
    • After catching Robert's attention, Bob compliments him and asks where he got his hat.
  • Double Subverted
    • The teleporter took Alice and Bob to Another Dimension where the Gregorian calendar was never invented and they're actually a few centuries off from when they think they are.
    • Bob deduces what year they are in because the store Robert names is closed in the future.
  • Inverted: Robert has seen a lot of time travelers in his time and asks Alice and Bob what year they've come from.
  • Parodied
    • Alice and Bob appear to have gone back to Dark Age Europe, but "Sir Robert" reveals its a Renaissance Fair twenty years in the future.
    • Alyx and Beep traveled back to the same year from a more distant future and ask Alice and Bob what year it is.
    • Alice and Bob traveled back to The Big Rotten Apple and Robert is a Jerkass who just tells them to piss off.
  • Averted
    • Alice's mom gives Exposition of what her plans were that day before Alice can ask where or when she is.
    • Alice and Bob don't come across anyone in the time they travel to.
  • Defied:
    • Alice and Bob knew what time they were going to before they got there.
    • Alice has a universal clock that tells her when she has gone to and doesn't bother to ask Robert.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Enforced: Alice and Bob are characters in a historical Edutainment Show and need to make sure the kids know what time period they're learning about.
  • Lampshaded
    • Robert tells Alice and Bob what year it is but comments on how odd their question is.
    • Bob explains to Alice that time travelers ask the locals what year they're in all the time.
  • Discussed: "Bob, we can't just ask them what year it is. Who does that? We can't draw suspicion on us."
  • Conversed: "You built a clock into that thing, right Alice? Because I don't want to go around asking old-timey strangers what day it is."
  • Invoked: Alice didn't tell Bob what year they're going to just so she can do a Stock Phrase.
    Bob: You still haven't told me; where did we go to?
    Alice: You mean "When did we go to?"
    Bob: (Beat) You didn't not tell me just so you could do that one bit, did you?
  • Exploited
    • Alice and Bob travel to a time period where time-travel is publicly available and this would be a reasonable question.
    • Robert is an undercover Time Police officer and arrests Alice and Bob in a sting.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice's faulty time machine gave Bob a little Harmless Electrocution and he asks her what year he's in when he regains consciousness five minutes later.
  • Played for Drama
  • Played for Horror: Alice and Bob ask Robert what year it is, but Robert...
  • Implied: ???
  • Unparodied: Alice and Bob have already gotten the year from Robert and relay it to Alyx and Beep when they ask them.
  • Untwisted: ???
  • Deconstructed: Robert gets confused on how anyone could not know what the year is and walks away uncomfortable.
  • Reconstructed: It was New Year's Day, so Robert gives Alice and Bob the benefit of the doubt that they lost track of time and tells them the new year.
