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Playing With / Spoiler Title

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Basic Trope: The title of a work spoils the ending.

  • Straight: The title of the last Tales of Troperia (An inversion of The Game of the Book) is called The Death of Dr. Big Bad.
  • Exaggerated: The title is The Death of Dr. Big Bad, the Death of Francis in fighting Dr. Big Bad, the Return of Alice, the Dawn of the Golden Age of Troperia, the Wedding of Bob and Claire and the Birth of their First Three Children Danny, Evelyn, and Francis, Alice's Retirement into Candlemaking, Gretchen's Foundation of a School for Heroes, The redemption of Claidheamh, and Irene's Compilation of the Five-Man Band's Adventures into a Series of Novels Called Tales of Troperia.
  • Downplayed:
    • The novel is called Final Death, which could refer to Dr. Big Bad or Francis.
    • The title is a spoiler for the end due to one of its double meanings. The other meaning, and one that’s frequently more conventional, refers to something more innocuous.
  • Justified: The readers are fed up with Dr. Big Bad being a Karma Houdini and readership of the previous novel was noticeably down. To try to bring people back to Tales of Troperia, they promise Dr. Big Bad will have a satisfying death.
  • Inverted: The title is the events of the previous book.
  • Subverted: In Final Death, both Frankie and Alice have Disney Deaths, and Dr. Big Bad is simply arrested instead of killed. At the end of the book, it appears no one died.
  • Double Subverted: But in the epilogue, they drop a bridge on Jason. He stays dead, and the narrator calls it a "Final Death".
  • Parodied:
    • The preceding book was called The Finding of the Macguffin Emerald Enabling the Five-Man Band to Defeat Dr. Big Bad, Leading to the Death of Dr. Big Bad, the Death of Francis, the Return of Alice... In fact, the each preceding novel spoiled not only the events of the book itself but all of the following books, so the audience knew the end of the series before even picking up the first book.
    • The title of the book is literally the entire climax.
  • Zig-Zagged: ???
  • Averted: The book is called The Macguffin Emerald, which doesn't spoil anything but still applies to the book.
  • Enforced:
  • Lampshaded: Dr. Big Bad: "NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't die! But it was the title, so it must be."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: Not wanting to be defeated by the lowly Five-Man Band but knowing the end is near because of the title, Dr. Big Bad takes his own life.
  • Defied: The book is titled Moss, even though no character is named Moss nor does moss play any role in the story. It confuses fans to no end.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Deconstructed: Since fans already know how it ends, no one actually buys the book.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Fans have been waiting to see Dr. Big Bad die, so fans buy it en masse to see it.
    • Even if readers know what will happen, the book had good critics about how it maintains suspense, to the point some readers thought the events told in the title wouldn't happen, making it the most critically acclaimed of the saga and a best-seller.

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