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Playing With / Self-Abuse

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Basic Trope: Masturbation is portrayed as dangerous.

  • Straight: Bob masturbates, and goes blind.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Sex Is Evil
    • Bob accidentally touches his penis while in the shower and goes blind as a result.
    • Bob goes blind when he's washing down there in the shower or holding his penis while he pees.
    • Bob thinks about touching himself one day, and goes blind as a result.
    • Bob masturbates. His eyes explode.
  • Downplayed:
    • Bob's masturbation habit too often damages his sex life with others or his perception of sex, but not his body.
    • Bob gradually develops impaired but still functional vision as a result of strangling the turkey.
    • Bob's masturbation is not itself a problem, he just happens to do it violently resulting in damage to the genetalia.
  • Justified:
    • Bob's masturbation distracted him, triggering some sort of accident upon him.
    • Bob got semen in his eyes, and went temporarily blind as a result.
    • Bob is from a species which dies after mating. While solo acts aren't lethal like the actual act it does do permanent damage.
    • Sexual gratification does cause you to go blind in a Metaphorically True sense, which results in Lust Makes You Dumb.
    • Bob is a porn addict and his desire to masturbate causes him to go metaphorically blind to his depravities from his gradual escalation to more extreme fetishes and kinks, eventually ensuring that he's looking at some pretty illegal shit.
    • Bob is antisexual and opposes masturbation because his beliefs are that all sexual activity is something to be opposed. It depends if other antisexuals agree with him or think that he's going too far.
    • Alternately Bob is either a religious fundamentalist or is a religious puritan; in either case, Bob is a hypocrite who believes that other people masturbating is bad but is fine when he does it.
  • Inverted:
    • Bob masturbates, and his blindness is cured.
    • A lack of sexual release is portayed as hazardous to physical health.
  • Subverted: Bob masturbates, and excepts to be struck blind, but nothing happens...
    • Bob goes blind while masturbating but the cause is isolated to a complication with increased heart rate. It was called out as explicitly just a matter of time before /any/ increased exertion caused it.
  • Double Subverted: ...immediately. As a result of his euphoria, he trips, falls, and hurts himself.
  • Parodied:
    Bob Jr. is masturbating.
    Bob: Son, don't do that. You'll make yourself go blind.
    Bob Jr.: Dad, I'm over here.
  • Zig Zagged:
    • Some men go blind from masturbation, some don't.
    • The effect varies by sex. Regardless of age men are always harmed by it - unless they are eunuchs but they are also not that interested in it. Women can be harmed from presence or lack of masturbation depending on details like menstruation and pregnancy.
  • Averted:
    • Bob doesn't go blind.
    • Bob doesn't masturbate.
  • Enforced: Sex Is Evil
  • Lampshaded: "I thought that was just a myth."
  • Invoked: Dr. Lumos deliberately designed his "righteous kindred' to be physically harmed by "sinful" activity.
  • Exploited: ???
  • Defied: Bob calls out the concept as a complete bullshit myth. With real high level biology pointing out not only lack of evidence but flaws to any theoretical mechanism.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Bob makes several comments at different times suggesting that he is going to masturbate. Each time, he begins to fail to notice more and more of his surroundings until he goes fully blind. This is commented on, but the true source isn't identified in a way that the audience witnesses.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Bob is not prepared to go blind so quickly, and does not have arrangements such as a seeing-eye dog in place to help him along.
    • Bob avoids masturbating as much as possible in order to retain his sight, causing him to have no experience with climaxing and making his first time awkward.
    • Bob's constant masturbation to porn causes him to eventually get arrested due to him spending years looking at child porn and other extremely depraved and illegal forms of pornography. He's become so blind to the depravity of his actions that he's completely unable to comprehend why he's being arrested in the first place.
  • Played For Laughs: Bob was born blind smugly notes that he can't go blind from doing that.

I'd give you a link back to Self-Abuse, but masturbating made me unable to edit pages.
