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Playing With / Military Maverick

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Basic Trope: A member of a service who is successful despite (or even because of) their flouting of the rules.

  • Straight: Master Sergeant (of the Tropeland Air Force) Robert T. Tropesmann, the flight lead of Omega Squadron (as Omega 1), tends to be a wild jackass whenever he feels like it. In spite of his flagrant flouting of the rules, he's still not even demoted or had his pay docked, let alone dishonorably discharged. The reason being is that he's the military version of the Cowboy Cop: A comically disrespectful lout who Always Gets His Man in the end (or in Robert's case, finishes the job).
  • Exaggerated: Chief Master Sergeant of the Air Force Robert T. Tropesmann had only been capable of achieving this rank because of his rampant rule breaking: There are multiple Noodle Incidents, from the time when his cockpit was once mysteriously filled with the smoke of cannabis, to the countless times he's been discovered with another Omega Squadron pilot in bed (He's pretty much banged ALL of Omega Squadron, male or female), to the fact that every mission involved at least three separate war crimes, to the countless times he'd been Buzzing the Deck, and to that one time when he was once discovered in bed with the Tropeland President himself.
  • Downplayed: While Staff Sergeant Robert T. Tropesmann is a bit of a dick at times (the worst he'd do is Buzzing the Deck), he's still Tropeland's Ace Pilot.
  • Justified: Robert is such a good Ace Pilot that he's pretty much absolved of any crime he'd do because he'd finish the job. Everytime he does, upon touching down back at base, he'd get the typical Arson, Murder, and Lifesaving speech.
  • Inverted: Airman Basic Alice Von Trope of Kappa Squadron (as Kappa 88) is a Lawful Stupid Insufferable Imbecile who can't get anything done, and as such she's pretty much Captain Crash with every mission, even if she never breaks any rules as she bails out of her burning plane.
  • Subverted: ???
  • Double Subverted: ???
  • Parodied: ???
  • Zig-Zagged: Robert's rule breaking tendencies and his competence vary... Wildly, to say the least.
  • Averted: Robert is a Nice Guy and still Tropeland's Ace Pilot.
  • Enforced: The Cop Show made the Cowboy Cop famous. Military and Warfare Television can surely do the same by having this trope!
  • Lampshaded: "Shit, when's Omega 1 getting booted? That bastard's been running amok for so long!"
  • Invoked: The Tropeland Air Force hires Robert while he's still a mercenary, and they take into consideration that any rule breaking he may do is part of everything that goes under collateral damage, because he's so damn good that rules are totally beneath him.
  • Exploited: Alpha Squadron of Wikistan notices a secret chokepoint that Omega 1 missed while he was too busy dive-bombing Wikistan naval ships, and they sneak into said chokepoint to get into a vital Tropeland area that Omega 1 was supposed to be protecting.
  • Defied: "Robert, you better stop breaking some fucking rules before I personally get to dishonorably discharge your sorry ass myself. You wanna know how much damage you've caused? Two million Wikistani civilian lives are taken in EVERY MISSION THAT FEATURES YOU. That's how much damage you cause when we hire you."
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???

Goddamn it, you Military Maverick! You don't want me to PT your ass to hell and back!? THEN STOP FUCKING NATTERING, VANDALIZING, AND PUTTING IN WORD CRUFT AND ZCES ALL OVER THE FUCKING PAGES!
