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Playing With / Late Pregnancy Realization

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Basic Trope: A woman doesn't realize she's pregnant until late into her pregnancy.

  • Straight: Alice suspects that she's pregnant, but only after gaining 20 pounds, craving unusual foods and feeling movement in her stomach. She goes to the doctor, where she's told that she's seven months along. This after she doesn't realize she missed several periods, had bouts of Morning Sickness and went through mood swings.
  • Exaggerated:
    • Alice doesn't realize she's pregnant until her water breaks.
    • Alice's baby bump is obvious to everyone except for Alice, even when she reaches her third trimester.
    • Alice never realizes that she's pregnant, even when she's overdue.
  • Downplayed: Alice mistakes a slight baby bump for stubborn belly fat; it's only then that she discovers she's five months pregnant.
  • Justified:
  • Inverted:
  • Gender Inverted: Bob is pregnant, but he's in denial about it even with all the obvious symptoms.
  • Subverted:
    • Alice experiences the symptoms of pregnancy, but her doctor tells her the she's not pregnant.
    • Alice is told that she isn't having a baby.
    • Alice is asked if she knows that she's pregnant, to which she says she does.
    • Alice is complimented on her pregnancy, but she says she's just fat.
  • Double Subverted:
    • But then Alice gets a second opinion from a doctor who confirms that she is pregnant.
    • She's actually having twins.
    • But after saying she does, she asks herself, "Wait, am I?"
    • She's just making an excuse and didn't want the person to know she was caught off guard by discovering her pregnancy so late.
  • Parodied:
  • Zig-Zagged: Alice thinks she may be pregnant, but she isn't sure because several tests and doctors are giving her conflicting results. She also shops for maternity clothing just in case.
  • Averted: Alice confirms her pregnancy within a few weeks of her missing her period.
  • Enforced: The producers want women to detect early pregnancy symptoms or spin a cautionary tale for those decide to wait too long to announce that they're pregnant.
  • Lampshaded: "Congratulations, Alice! Wait, you're due next month? You don't have a lot of time until the baby comes!"
  • Invoked: Bob knows that Alice is pregnant, so he makes subtle hints such as buying maternity clothes, asking her what she craves and furnishing a new room for the baby.
  • Exploited: Bob suspects that Alice is pregnant and tests her secretly. When it turns up positive, he keeps it around just in case she's oblivious about it.
  • Defied:
    • Alice uses pregnancy tests and visits her gynecologist after each time she has sex.
    • Alice reads guidebooks on pregnancy just so she knows what will happen if she does conceive.
  • Discussed: Alice asks Bob if it's possible to become pregnant without any symptoms, aside from weight gain and cravings.
  • Conversed: Alice and Bob witness a full-term woman announcing that she's pregnant. They then talk about whether she just realized this and if she experienced any symptoms beforehand.
  • Deconstructed:
    • Alice didn't allow herself enough time to prepare for the upcoming arrival, and she's still rushing to get things done by the time she gives birth.
    • Alice is seven months pregnant and only realizes it when she goes into labor. The baby, who is born premature, requires special care.
  • Reconstructed:
    • Thankfully, Bob, among others, are there for Alice and help her take care of her baby. She also treats this as a learning experience in case she expects a second child.
    • The baby makes it, and Alice sees this as a sign to take better care of herself while pregnant. Her next child, if she decides to have one, will have a better chance of avoiding birth defects.
  • Played for Laughs: Alice has all the symptoms of a pregnancy, but when asked about it, she says that she ate a baby.
  • Played for Drama: Alice doesn't realize she's pregnant until she miscarries.

Months after conception, the Late Pregnancy Realization is coming.
