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Playing With / Hate at First Sight

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Basic Trope: Two characters meet and instantly hate each other.

  • Straight: Princess Alice of Tropetopia and Princess Roberta of Wikistan meet at a soirée and immediately begin politely bickering.
  • Exaggerated: Princess Alice has a habit of despising every single person she sees.
  • Downplayed: Princess Alice and Princess Roberta meet, but even though they don't completely hate each other, they are slightly annoyed with each other.
  • Justified:
    • Count Charlie has put them under a spell as part of his Evil Plan.
    • Alice and Roboerta are both very shallow people who judge others based on their looks.
    • Alice has a sixth sense that tells her when someone's evil upon first glance.
    • Alice has been hearing about Roberta for a long time, eventually learning all the horrible things she has done to her kingdom, so naturally when she finally sees her she burns with loathing.
    • One or both of them did something foolish, insensitive, or otherwise unflattering, which results in an utterly horrible first impression.
    • Alice was deeply hurt by someone who happened to look like Roberta. Seeing Roberta brings back those horrible memories.
    • Alice and Roberta are both The Paranoiac, so each assumes the other is a threat simply for... um, existing.
  • Inverted:
  • Subverted:
    • Princess Alice and Princess Roberta meet eyes and glare at each other as dramatic background music plays… then it turns out they were looking behind each other.
    • Alice and Roberta glare at each other with intense hatred, but upon getting to know each other a little bit better, they actually along pretty well.
    • Alice and Roberta have met before, but are both pretending to be different people to avoid being killed by Drake's assassins.
  • Double Subverted:
    • The two princesses are actually ignoring each other at the moment since that’s the worst thing a princess could do to another princess.
    • Alice betrays Roberta and the two become sworn enemies and go right back to hating each other.
    • They have met before, and are willing to work together, but a flashback to their actual first meeting indicates they weren't originally overly fond of each other.
  • Parodied: Alice and Roberta act like they're getting along just fine, despite outright saying that they already hate each other.
  • Zig Zagged: ???
  • Averted:
    • Princesses Alice and Roberta barely notice each other.
    • Princesses Alice and Roberta do not have any particularly strong feelings for each other when they first meet, but later they develop a rivalry that eventually gets out of control.
  • Enforced: "We need these two to hate each other over the course of one episode. "
  • Lampshaded: "Wow, they don’t even know each other and already they’re at each other’s throats."
  • Invoked: ???
  • Exploited: The evil villain, watching from afar, immediately notices that Alice and Roberta take a dislike to each other from first sight and does everything he can to further fan the flames of hate.
  • Defied: Alice and Roberta take an immediate disliking to each other, but consider themselves both enlightened individuals and decide they wont let petty first impressions guide them. Through genuine effort, they become friends.
  • Discussed: ???
  • Conversed: ???
  • Implied: Alice and Roberta say and do things implying they hate each other, but they never meet on screen.
  • Deconstructed: Alice and Roberta's instant dislike for each other made it impossible for them to cooperate when the state of the world is threatened.
  • Reconstructed: Alice and Roberta learn to work together in spite of their dislike. While the two still don't see eye-to-eye, they become respectful of each other.
  • Played For Laughs: Nothing in particular actually happens between Alice and Roberta in their first meeting, with the only indication of their later rivalry being how they both mention that they thought the other was weird (neither of them even found out about it, either).

I HATE YOU!!!..... go back to this link before I try murdering you NOW.
