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Nightmare Fuel / F is for Family

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  • One of Frank's former bosses at the airport was killed in a freak accident, in which he got his head sucked into a propellor. But for some reason, two of his employees find the video recording of the incident to be really funny.
  • After Kevin disparages Frank's job as just being a "baggage handler," Frank drives him to the airport, pretending he's signed Kevin up for military service in Vietnam and giving Kevin some graphic descriptions of what Frank went through during the Korean War as some of the things Kevin can expect as a soldier, including possibly having to shoot children, before he reveals that he is taking Kevin to the airport so that Kevin can see what Frank does at work to provide for the family.
  • After learning that Kevin had sex with his girlfriend, Vic slips into a cocaine-fueled rage and goes on a rampage, shooting up his own house with a gun. Fortunately, nobody got hurt (well, except for a frog which was shot into pieces).
    • Vic doing an entire bag of cocaine and completely blacks out, with the camera focusing on his growing pupils. It's really just luck that he didn't die.
  • Scoop Dunbarton accidentally stepping on a suitcase bomb, which causes him to be blown up into pieces. A piece of shrapnel (in fact, Scoop's signature laminated newspaper article he always wore around his neck) also kills his uncle Roger by flying into his neck, making him bleed to death.
    • In General, Scoop Dunbarton is a terrifying man just barely bordering on Nightmare Retardant. The giant dent in his skull from getting kicked by a horse coupled with the mental instability probably makes him the scariest character in the show.
  • While walking around Pittsburgh, Bill is attacked by a rabid dog that bites into his pants leg, and he's forced to grab a nearby drug syringe and stick the dog with it, most likely killing it.
  • Chet! Dear GOD, Chet! While he initially seems to be an awesome guy, he turns out to be a mix of Sociopathic Soldier, Shell-Shocked Veteran, Faux Affably Evil and Smug Snake all rolled into one. A war criminal several times over, he's married to one of his victims, who he abuses and treats like a slave behind closed doors, cheats on her constantly, manipulates everyone around him, makes their lives worse for seemingly no reason, and seems to delight in invoking Yank the Dog's Chain. It's telling that Frank begins season 3 thinking Chet is the second coming of Jesus, and by the finale, is literally prepared to murder him.
    • Not to mention his death. He absolutely deserved it, but he's last seen on life support after his wife fed him an entire bottle of Draino one night, after having been slowly poisoning him for who knows how long. Oh, and Goomer knew this was all going on, but didn't say anything, just to satisfy his voyeurism.
  • Sue's father rather calmly telling a story of his first girlfriend, who had drugs planted on her by his overly protective father, which led to her father punching her down a flight of stairs in a fit of rage and killing her instantly in the process. And for as horrid as this is, it's made worse by him saying he's glad his father did it.
    • Frank and Stan were trying to one-up each other on who had the worse father, but neither of them comes close to this example of an abusive dad.
      Otto: My father turned me in to the Gestapo...
      Goomer: Oh, yeah, that's the winner.
    • Babe's horror story with his father is that his father used a knife to cut a tattoo off of Babe's chest when he came home from the Navy. Babe's dad was as bad as any of his friends' dads. It's Played for Laughs, unlike Otto and Stan's stories too.
  • One episode of season 4 begins with what appears to be a Colt Luger episode, with Colt chasing a crime boss named Mr Big... except the chase is taking place in a deserted nighttime Rustvale, the Murphy's hometown. While this is odd enough, Colt finally corners Mr Big in an alley, and prepares to arrest him, only for Mr Big to remove his hat, and reveal Big Bill!
    Colt: *in Franks voice': Dad?!
    • Big Bill then pulls a crutch out of his trenchcoat, and somehow uses it to blow Colt's (who now had Frank's face) head off. Yeah, it turns out it's a nightmare Frank is having, but the initial reveal really comes out of nowhere.
  • While it's probably meant to be played for Black Comedy, Frank and Sue watch a birthing video during a Lamaze class that is dedicated to a woman named Lena Montgomery. Said woman turns out to be the same woman giving birth in the video itself, and it's all but implied that she died shortly after the film was made, if not during filming. Made all the more unnerving when, as Sue is about to give birth in the Season 4 finale, Samantha demands that Sue give birth naturally "even if it kills her."
