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Heartwarming / Nightmare Time

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.

The Hatchetfield Ape-Man

  • Jonathan Brisby is built up as the typical Disposable Fiancé, and Lucy admits that they are mutual gold-diggers. He also is legitimately worried about Professor Hidgens scamming Lucy when he catches onto the situation, saying he's going to tell Lucy everything.
  • As over-the-top and ridiculous as the whole thing is, many still admitted to being genuinely moved by the ending, when Lucy is rescued by the real Ape-Man who saved her life all those years ago, they finally get a chance to properly introduce themselves, and he carries her off into the sunset. After all the shit Lucy's gone through, it feels earned.

Watcher World

  • Bill is overprotective, but we find out that his judgment of Deb as a bad girlfriend for his daughter is right. Alice sees photos of Deb cheating on her, and she's not willing to admit that her father does have his best interests in mind.
  • It's revealed that the Sniggles are Trapped in Villainy. When Sniglette breaks character and gets hurt, her fellow Sniggles break character and call for a medic. Notably, Alice breaks out of her sulking to ask if she is okay.
  • The barker tells Bill not to bankrupt himself over winning a doll for Alice. Then it gets dark when Bill thinks he whacked Alice's head while hitting the hammer and collapses.
  • Even when brainwashed, Bill realizes that he can't physically hurt Alice after seeing his reflection in the Hall of Mirrors. Bill puts down the mallet and talks her through the understandable panic attack. When the mascot wants blood anyway, Alice shoots Blinky.
  • The Surprisingly Happy Ending was very much this, for fans expecting the worst after what happened with Alice and Bill in The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals, and with the general reputation Hatchetfield stories have for Downer Endings. After being pushed to the very edge of what they were capable of by all of Blinky's power, in the end Alice and Bill's love for each other, still there after years of resentment and miscommunication, wins through. And after all the drama and bloodshed of the climax, the denouement gives us the perfect final grace note of their reconciliation.
    Bill sits behind the wheel of his AMC Pacer, driving south through the Hatchetfield Witchwood. He glances over to the passenger seat, where Alice sits staring at her phone.
    Bill: (beat) Whatcha looking at?
    Alice: (beat) Instagram.
    Bill: (beat) I won’t pry.
    Alice finishes what she was doing. She tosses her phone into the backseat, and rolls over to get some sleep. Bill’s phone pings with a new notification: “Alice Woodward started following you.” He smiles, and drives his daughter home.

Forever and Always

  • It's pretty sweet that, in a timeline where The Guy Who Didn't Like Musicals never happened, Professor Hidgens is on good enough terms with Emma and Paul to be invited to officiate their wedding. This also confirms that, even when there isn't an apocalypse-inducing crisis happening, Emma keeps in contact with him after taking his class.
  • Zoey and Emma now seem to be on much better terms; she's mentioned as having given them a wedding present of a vegan cookbook. And given Emma/Emdroid's insistence on going vegan, this is actually a pretty thoughtful and useful gift.
  • In a dark and twisted way, Paul 23 and Emma 2 affirming their love for one another, and beginning down the road to a lifetime of Unholy Matrimony. In this strange and screwed-up world, they managed to find the only person who could truly understand them and love them as they are.

Time Bastard

Jane's a Car

  • Even though it ends very, very badly, it's sweet to see Tom and Becky so happy in the first half of the episode. In this timeline, Tom seems to be on his way to recovering from his loss and ready to enter into a loving relationship again, and Becky is a wonderfully supportive figure in his life.
  • Tim shows no resentment towards Becky when Tom starts dating her, and in fact lets his dad know he's okay with them being an item. He expresses that, while no one could ever replace his mom, Becky's a really nice person that he likes being around, and it's nice to see his dad happy again. A sweet sentiment, and remarkably mature coming from a relatively young kid.
  • Tim refers to Paul as "Uncle Paul" and picks up his habit of mentioning relationships as intimate. This confirms that in this timeline, Paul and Emma still got married and are on good terms with Tom's family.
  • Ethan and Lex show up in the opening scene, her listening to music in the car while he works under the hood. They don't do much, but it feels so good to see them alive and happy, just goofing around like a couple of normal teenagers. While Ethan briefly loses his cool when the car nearly runs him over (in spite of Lex not touching anything), he calms down and apologizes when he realizes he's upsetting her. And, in spite of the episode's horrifying ending, they make it out of this one alive and well! The Langs definitely know what the audience wants.

The Witch in the Web

  • After everything she's gone through in this story — and everything it's implied she's gone through in her life up to this point — finally seeing Hannah at peace, having conquered the demon attacking her mind her whole life and finally affirmed that her mind belongs to her and no one else, with her abusive mom on the way to prison and Lex and Ethan on their way home and Duke and Miss Holloway looking on approvingly at her bright future — is a massive example of Earn Your Happy Ending.
