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Nightmare Fuel / Nightmare Time

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As a Moments subpage, all spoilers are unmarked. You have been warned.

    The Hatchetfield Ape-Man 
  • The subject matter in "The Hatchetfield Ape-Man" is very much on the comedy side of Horror Comedy, but plenty of people said they found Robert Manion's Ax-Crazy performance as Hidgens to be just as terrifying as it was hilarious. The moment the mask slips off and he screams in pure, undiluted rage, "LUCY?... OPEN THIS DOOR!" convinced many fans that Robert could kill it acting out the similar scene of JD's Villainous Breakdown in Heathers: The Musical.
  • For that matter, if you remove the Hatchetfield weirdness that pushes it into Refuge in Audacity territory, Lucy's situation is pretty terrifying: two people, one of whom she considered a friend and the other she was beginning to fall in love with, are in fact partaking in an elaborate con to steal her money and kill her. One does grow fond enough of her to have a change of heart, but not enough to confess the truth to her—he just plans to marry her under false pretenses and deceive her for the rest of her life so he can have access to the money. And then they find out there is no money, and one of them gets very angry...
    Watcher World 
  • It's a surprisingly mundane moment of Real Life fear to make this page, but a lot of viewers of "Watcher World" found they got so invested in the story thanks to Alice and Bill's characterization that Alice's panic attack on top of the Tear Jerker hard to take. Despite the fact — or maybe, for some, because of the fact — that none of the action is actually seen, the imagery of Alice trying to stumble down from a rickety, 425-foot-tall wooden rollercoaster in the middle of a violent thunderstorm while her anxiety disorder is rapidly kicking in was a massively triggering Primal Fear.
  • Similarly, one of the other scariest moments of "Watcher World" was the Surreal Horror Big-Lipped Alligator Moment with Blinky's Watch Party, which many compared to a classic Creepypasta. Again, it was almost for the best that this was a reading and not a staged performance, because the imagery of a goofy children's performance being interrupted by what looks like a realistic horrible injury followed by the actors "breaking character" and using their real names as they freak out would've been a lot for an audience to take.
  • Blinky is a very Bad Boss according to the Sniggles, who reveal (in song) that if they mess up or displease them, he doesn't let them eat.
  • Bill almost murders his daughter in a rage, and only stops himself when he catches a glimpse of himself in the mirror and realizes what a monster he's become.
    Time Bastard 
    Jane's a Car 
  • Jaime Lyn Beatty's portrayal of a Manipulative Bastard using abusive techniques to control Tom's behavior and screw with his sense of right and wrong was lifelike enough to make many viewers deeply uncomfortable — and the idea of her winning at the end and getting free rein to sink her claws into Tim as his "new mother" is even worse.
    The Witch in the Web 
  • The endless recursive nightmare scenarios that make up Nightmare Time are as close to Exactly What It Says on the Tin for this trope as it gets, with an endless procession of new scares to follow up old ones — James Tolbert's terrifying intensity as the Judge sentencing Hannah to be hanged, the grotesque Body Horror of the Three-Girl Creature followed by the nightmarish cacophony of voices followed by the all-too-familiar sleazy malice of Uncle Wily, followed by Angela Giarratana's truly bravura performance as the utterly unhinged and sadistic Witch in the Web.
    Witch: Your bones will be mine! Your blood will be mine! Your pretty hair and your little mouth! And I’ll SHIT OUT YOUR ASS!!!
    Honey Queen 
  • The true nature of the Honey Queen pageant. Rather than a simple talent competition, it's used by the Church of the Starry Children to select a sacrifice for Nibbly. The "sweetest woman in Hatchetfield" isn't just a euphemism; the winner has to be the person who wanted to win the most, and would do anything to get the title, because it enhances their flavor.
    • When Linda wins the competition, she's lead into the woods by her own father to be sacrificed. All she can do as she's pulled into Nibbly's drooling maw is cry and scream for her husband.
    Nibbly: Hello, Linda. Yum yum...
    Abstinence Camp 
  • The puppet/mask/whatever used for the Hatchetfield Axe-Man is rather scary, and there's some intense Body Horror descriptions of the victims of his attacks. Of note is when he turns one student's flesh into wallets overnight.
    Killer Track 
  • The flashing, almost-gory visuals of the titular song are pretty disturbing.
  • The scene where Miss Holloway tries to fight the effects of the track, screaming her head off and almost killing Duke to try and get the song to stop before she finally succumbs to it.
    Yellow Jacket 
  • Similar to the Axe-Man's terrifying face, Pokotho's mask and face is incredibly eerie, from its bloodshot eyes to the stone-like cracks in its mask...*shudders*
    • The way he absorbs his victims' minds, referring to it as apotheosis. We never see what happens to the breathing yet lifeless bodies of Sophia/Spitfire and the unnamed victim from Hannah's vision, do we?
