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Funny / Thy Dungeonman

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Multiple Games

  • If you type "die" in Thy Dungeonman or Thy Dungeonman II, you die and the narrator mocks you for your stupidity. In the first game, you lose 100 points for doing this.
  • Seeing how bad the archaic grammar gets. Some examples: "Thou're not very goodst at thist gamest", "I like thous't spirit", and "Thou don'tst have a trinket to give".
  • The combination of Ye Olde Butcherede Englishe and modern slang.
    Ye totally has the plague.
  • If you type "go [anything not valid]" in Thy Dungeonman, the game will say, "Thou cannotst go there. Who do you think thou art? A magistrate?!". Thy Dungeonman II has a magistrate stride into his office "like he owns the place".

Thy Dungeonman

  • If you try to talk to anyone or anything not valid, the game will tell you this:
    Who is ___? Your new boyfriend? Somebody from work you don't want me to meeteth?
  • Try to look at the trinket:
    Quit looking! Just get it already.
  • Take the trinket, then try to "take" or "get" it again:
    Sigh. The trinket is in thou pouchel. Recallest thou?
  • The third time you type "Get ye flask".
    Okay, okay. You unbolt yon FLASK and hold it aloft. A great shaking begins. The dungeon ceiling collapses down on you, crushing you in twain. Apparently, this was a load-bearing FLASK.
    • This also causes you to lose 1,000 points.

Thy Dungeonman II

  • If you hold your nose for too long, you'll get the following message:
    Ye suddenly collapse deadeth onto the cold stone floor. Since ye are not much of a mouth breather and forgot to unplug thy nose, thou hast suffocated. Thou art hilariously dumb. Thou loseth. Thank thee for playing.
  • When you've been snooping around Magistrate Ripberger's office and meet him in the hallway, he asks you what you're doing. You barely stammer, "Gumble-duh. Dumble?". He says, "Very well" and tells you to carry on.
  • If you get killed by a Hongrel/Mongrel/Longrel, you see a "-1" float up from your head, indicating that you've lost your last Hit Point. You reach for it, but to no avail. The last thing you see is the text "REVO EMAG", "GAME OVER" backwards.
  • When you kill a Hongrel/Mongrel/Longrel, you say a bad one-liner and realize after saying it that it wasn't that good. Of course, this doesn't keep you from using it the next time you kill a monster of the same type.
  • If you try to give something you don't have, the narrator will scold you for giving away things you don't have, but failing to return his Game Boy.
  • If you aren't wearing the loincloth and try to look at it anyway, the game will tell you this:
    Eww. It smelleth as though it could use a good washing. I hope it does not alarm thou to mention that thou art not actually wearing it, friend.
  • Write "take drawer" when you're in the magistrate's office:
    Don't be silly. It's part of the desk. What if I typed TAKE FOOT on thou. How would you like that?
    And if you write "take foot"...
    Thy literalist humor does not warrant a response.
  • Try to take Magistrate Ripberger's placard.
    Dude! Ripberger would KILL you!
  • If you try to take the placard in the chef's preparatory room, you'll be told that it's firmly bolted to the wall and that you've learned not to mess with things that are firmly bolted.note  If you remove the picture of Percy, this will be the message if you try to "take placard":
    We've chatted re: this placard and w/r/t it's takability maybe thou weren't cc:'d that this sucker isn't going anywhere.

Thy Dungeonman 3

  • Go to the Streets of Westerberg and type "retire":
    Fine. See thou later. You has no job and you the die of starvation, hunger, malnutrition or something dull like that. Good riddance
  • All of your interactions with Fat, Fat Friar are hilarious.
    • Try to take the monk's cauldron/broth:
    Nay. Ye suspects it might actually be monk's laundry. Ye further suspects that won't stop him from eating it.
    • After trying to take the Stein, Thy Dungeonman wakes up in a cauldron... and realizes he still has the Stein. The narrator then points out that this is apparently not why the Friar attacked you. The narrator then retorts the Friar's attempt at justifying his behaviour.
    "Please understand, 'tis nothing personal," Says Lord Round Mound, "Foodstuffs are scarce these days and thou aren't." Um, wasn't this guy just eating an entire glazed ham?
    • When you fail to escape the pot after 7 commands.
    "The pot begins to bubble. Thy first instinct is to excuse thyself and apologize. Then thou noticeth a peculiar, being-cooked sensation and the distinct odor of mincemudge. At any rate, thou art stew and Fat, Fat Friar gets a little bit closer to being Fat, Fat, Fat Friar thanks to thee. Thou art dead. Next time, Try Hard 2: Try Harder."
    "Wow, thou art a glutton for punishment. Speaking of gluttons, ol' Fatmonk Mc Munchalot clubs thee over the head yet again. We can only assume that thou dead and that thou needed more salt. Way to go."
  • When you get the coins in the log:
    OMG! Some totally undeserved gold. You pocket that lewt forthright!
  • If you take the coins and try to "get coins" again, the narrator asks whether you're looking for a loophole in the game.
  • If you try to pick up the log, you remember finishing last in the the Worlds Strongest Dungeonman contest because Magnus and Junko were cheaters.
  • Try to get dank log insides after getting the coins in the log:
    Dost thou really think thou art gonna "use dank log insides" later on in this game?
  • If you try to go down the stairs in the tavern, the narrator tells you that they're just for show and says that maybe the graphics were a bad idea after all.
  • Type "buckle swash" in the tavern.
    Yikes! Ye've been walking around with thy swash unbuckled for the entire game!
  • The ending. You apparently walk into the sunset with Ye Flask.
