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Funny / Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles (Mirage)

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Although Darker and Edgier than anything on this page, even the Mirage Comics could make a funny once and a while;

  • In issue 4, the Turtles are ambushed by vengeful Foot ninjas, who want to avenge the Shredder's death. As they fight them, Raph, along with some of his opponents, falls off the roof. Raph desperately tries to grab on to a clothesline to save himself but unfotunately, it snaps, sending him swinging into an apartment, straight through the window, where a couple is about to get romantic, after sending their kids to sleep.
    Wife: Oh, Herb... We might wake the kids! Tee, hee!
    Husband: C'mon, hon—"Cagney & Lacey" is over... Let's...
    (Raph comes smashing through the window)
    Husband and Wife: Yaaa!
    Raph: Oh wow... What a landing! (to the couple) Uh... Hi there! Sorry about your... Ah... Window... Um... Ah... Better be going now!
    (Raph rushes out, slamming the door behind him, while the kids, now awake, witness the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtle, in their home)
    Son: Momma—who was that Little Green Man?
  • When the Turtles are forced to fight in the Triceraton Arena, the Turtles soon turn the tables by taking the Prime Leader hostage. Cue this gem from the commentators;
    Commentator: Oh my God...! Friends and fellow triceratons... Oh my God! The combatants— Those turtles have attacked and now hold prison our Prime Leader! Oh my God-! This is terrible, horrifying... Camera six, can you get a close-up on the action?
  • At the end of No. 7, with the US military storming the TCRI building, the Utroms bid the Turtles and Splinter to use their transmat device to escape to the Utrom homeworld. Cut to April's apartment, where April O'Neil is watching the action on the news, worried for her friends. She hears a noise from her bathroom, and goes to investigate. She finds the Turtle crew haphazardly stuffed into her bathtub!
    Raphael: GAR! Those little creeps! "Oh, don't worry, we'll beam right into the comfort of your own living room- no prob!" HAH! RIGHT! Ah, well, I guess I shouldn't have tried to kick that leader guy...
  • While setting up for Christmas, Raphael does his best Bill the Cat face for Klunk.
  • In Masks Part 1, Raph and Don play Scrabble. Don keeps on thinking, angering Raph, to the point that he roars at his face to go ahead. Don decides he is ready to make his move... and he writes... "Fid".
    Raph: Fid? Fid? Fid? That's not a real word!
    Don: Sure it is. It's a tool used by sailors to splice ropes together.
    Raph: Giddoudahere! Where's that dictionary?
    Don: (cheerfully) You'll be sorry!
    Raph: Shut up! Fid what the heck is a fid it's not a real word even if it is in the dictionary...
    • Later Renet meets Splinter for the first time. She remarks that he looks more like a dog, pats on his head and then calls him "Splinty". Splinter is not amused at all.
  • In Tales of the TMNT Vol 2, issue 3, a Foot mystic narrates:
    The Turtles... How I hate them. I hate their still-born reptilian ugliness... the stench of human waste that clings to them like rancid yolk. I hate their blank pupil-less eyes and gum-drop heads. Their stupid Italian names.
  • Another moment which was funny, but got even more Hilarious in Hindsight: In Tales of the TMNT volume 2 issue 61: Sometimes They Come Back, published in 2009, there is one scene where Michelangelo runs from an explosion shouting excitedly.
    Don: Where's Raph?
    Raph: (referring to Mike) Right here with Michael Bay.
    Mike: Michael Bay kicks ass!
    Raph: You are a moron and no longer my brother.
