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Funny / Pokémon: Jirachi: Wish Maker

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  • The opening narration, listing hopes and dreams that ends with:
    "...and to meet lots and lots of girls! Well, I didn't say that all their wishes involved Pokémon!"
  • Diane's cry for help after Meta Groudon gets her can be summed up as this. Is she even crying for help or having an orgasm?
    • The fact that she was caught by Meta Groudon's tentacles is even more unsettling if not hilarious.
  • What does Jirachi do when Max wishes for candy? He teleports it all from the stand just outside. Especially when we see a very confused shopkeeper!
    "Candy! Candy!"
    • And right afterwords, May tells Jirachi to get rid of the problem (the candy), so he teleports her into the middle of the pile.
  • When May tells Max to go to sleep, Max tells Jirachi that they'll just pretend to be asleep so they can play. May seems to hear him, so she starts singing her lullaby. Max is sound asleep in about a minute.
  • Spying on Max and Jirachi, Team Rocket argue about what they're gonna do once they get ahold of Jirachi.
    Jessie: Jirachi? Hey, that's the Pokémon they say can grant wishes!
    Meowth: And it can teleport stuff, too.
    James: And our first wish should be that it doesn't teleport itself away from us once we capture it!
    Jessie: COULD YOU HAVE SAID SOMETHING EVEN MORE RIDICULOUS THAN THAT?! What if Jirachi grants us just one wish only? You'd waste it on that?!
    Meowth: I didn't even think about that! We might only ge one wish, and that's it! We're gonna need the perfect wish!
    Jessie: I've got it! Why don't we just wish for a hundred more wishes? It's genius!
    James: But, Jessie, if Jirachi teleports away from us after the first wish?
    Meowth: I wish I could teleport away from the two of you.
  • Then there's this bit of dialogue when Team Rocket sees Jirachi drawing energy from the Millennium Comet.
    Meowth: Do you see dat?
    Jessie: You think I'm blind?
    James: That would explain the hair.
