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Fridge Brilliance

  • In a world of Personality Powers, Yuno sticks out for using Wind Magic, which is associated with being carefree and energetic in spite of his calm, composed demeanor. However, his magic incorporates a lot of Razor Wind, and he can be very cutting with his honest, snarky remarks. His actual, original, magic being Star magic also fits him a lot more, since Stars are objects that can provide a guiding light in the darkness, much like Yuno himself gradually starts adopting traits of The Leader as he progresses through the series, inspiring his fellow Golden Dawn members with his hard-working example, as well as fitting his seemingly-distant personality and general stoicism. Stars also shine brightest when placed in the dark, fitting Yuno as somebody who improves rapidly through his rivalry with Asta, as well as having near-flawless teamwork with him despite the many differences between their characters.
  • Gauche has Mirror Magic. Although this magic suits someone who's vain, Gauche isn't so much vain as he is self-centered, which is seen in how he only duplicates himself. When he resolves to save Asta, Sister Theresa, and the other orphans, he gains a new spell that allows him to duplicate others.
  • When her siblings are threatened by Kivn, Noelle learns a new spell that clads her in a water armor that looks a lot like her late mother's. In this instance, she's taking Acier's role, protecting them in her stead like a mother would.
  • The Spade Kingdom is trying to forcibly recruit Arcane Stages into their ranks, in spite of Dante having no problem defeating them when he fights the Black Bulls. Recall, Lolopechka stated that only Stage Zeros and Arcane Stages, whose powers are too unconventional to fit in the power scale, can defeat devil hosts. The Spade Kingdom is trying to prevent these inexplicable mages from being potential problems in the future.
  • Magna fights by throwing baseballs made of fire. He's a literal flamethrower.
  • All of Vanica's Dark Disciples have Magic attributes involving the body: skin, hair, nail, eye, and tongue. It's only fitting that the Dark Disciples most fervently loyal to their master have magics related to her's, blood.
  • Charmy has always shown a much more dangerous side underneath her sweet demeanor, especially when it involves food. When she awakens her dwarf heritage against Lira, it turns out her giant sheep is actually a hungry wolf who eats magic — A Wolf in Sheep's Clothing.
  • Asta kept trying to propose to Sister Lily despite the fact that she’s a nun and can’t marry. But he’s also unable to use magic and wants to be the Wizard King, so he probably assumes that the rule preventing her from marrying him is roughly as flexible as any rule in place preventing him from being the king.
  • Yami's willingness to bring Asta into his squad takes on a whole other meaning when we realize that he's already had a devil power user in his squad in Nacht. He may have recognized a similarity in the two.
  • Dante's Gravity Magic has the power to warp space, which may seem like an extreme application of his magic. But then you remember that his brother Zenon has Spatial Magic, and he probably trained with Zenon to master his magic enough to the point he can affect space with gravity.
  • At first it seems bizarre how Asta is the only known individual that was born with absolutely no magical power when even peasants like Magna possess mana (albeit very low reserves). However, since his mother Licita passively absorbed mana, she must have absorbed all of Asta's mana while carrying him to term thus leaving him without any mana when born.
  • Zenon remembers his past after getting a hole through his chest courtesy of the wind mage Yuno's arrow. Then it's revealed that he had to kill a powerful wind devil that would've threatened the Spade Kingdom by fatally impaling through his best friend/rival Allen. Getting a hole through his body at the hands of a wind mage is an very understandable Trauma Button for Zenon to remember his tragic past.
  • Yuno uses his star magic to withstand Lucifero's gravity. At first you can attribute it to a star being a celestial body that could have its own gravitational field. If you try to find a proper scientific explanation, you learn that a star constantly struggles against the force of gravity, which tries to cause a star to collapse. And a star's core is very hot, creating a pressure within the gas which counteracts the gravity, leading to hydrostatic equilibrium.
