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Fanfic / The Black Panther of Amphibia

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The Black Panther of Amphibia is a crossover story by Epiclot214 between Amphibia and Black Panther (2018), in which T'Challa, Shuri, and Erik are dragged to Amphibia along with Anne, Marcy, and Sasha, respectively, due to being with the girls when the Box is opened, and now all six of the teenagers have to find a way home.

  • Adaptational Nice Guy: T'Challa is a lot more pleasant here than the ruthless warrior he could be in Marvel canon.
  • Adaptational Species Change: Ulysses Klaw is a toad in this and is also the leader of the tax collectors instead of Bogleech.
  • Age Lift: The story has T'Challa, Shuri, and Erik as teenagers around Anne, Marcy, and Sasha's age, where most versions debut as adults.
  • Ascended Extra: Normally Stan is just The Cameo in his appearances, but here "Stan Leap" is the Mayor of Wartwood, so he's a significant recurring character.
  • Contrived Coincidence: Besides T'Challa and Shuri ending up at the same school as the Calamity Trio, Erik, who is their cousin, meets them on the same day that they all get sent to Amphibia.
  • Crazy-Prepared: Shuri made sure that T'Challa had some of the Heart-Shaped Herb on him, which saves his butt when he and Anne end up stranded in Amphibia.
  • Decomposite Character: Toadstool is still in Wartwood, but Stan Leap is currently the mayor instead of him.
  • For Want Of A Nail: Thanks to T'Challa's Ugali dish, the Plantars manage to avoid being put in the Shame Cage at the pot-luck. That instead goes to Toadstool, as he submitted a store-bought cake and forgot to remove the price tag, and Stan calls him on it.
  • Godzilla Threshold: T'Challa and Anne being Trapped in Another World full of dangerous giant bugs is serious enough that T'Challa uses the Heart-Shaped Herb he had on him as a precaution, and even tells Anne the truth about Wakanda.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Stan is fairly quick to give Anne and T'Challa a chance once he realizes that they're not monsters, just for starters.
