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Darth Wiki / Tales Of Two Worlds

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Tales of Two Worlds will be a group of books - Not quite a series, as the different books don't have much interconnection - all set in the same fantasy universe. Said universe is made up of two distinct worlds, one belonging to demons, the other to angels. While demons can and do frequently cross into the other world, they normally do not get any angelic visitors, thus most of the stories will be set in the angels' world.Said world consists of three main continents, with far more countries than the author should have made, and a big variety of both humanoid("angels") and non-humanoid("angelkin") species.

The first book of the Tales will be Finding Magic.

Tropes used in the Tales of Two Worlds:

  • All Trolls Are Different: One of the angel species. Trolls used to live underground, and thus their skin, which tends to be violet or blue-ish, and eyes are more sensitive to sunlight than other species'.
  • Bizarre Alien Sexes: Demons, including Naga, have three different sexes. None of those corresponds directly to one of the angels' sexes, and all three are needed for conception. As a result, most demons take some time to understand how angels' sexes and genders work.
  • Feathered Serpent: Tanin and Amphiptere dragons can be featherd, though they aren't always.
  • Our Angels Are Different: In tandem with Our Demons Are Different. They're not messengers of God, it's just what they call themselves to differentiate themselves from demons.
  • Our Demons Are Different: In tandem with Our Angels Are Different. When inhabitants of the two worlds first met, many of the "angels" were scared of the "demons", and very successfully tried to, literally, demonize them. That may have been ages ago, but even nowadays most myths tell of evil demons, although in reality, a demon is not more likely to be selfish or sadistic than an angel.
  • Our Orcs Are Different: Orcs are one of the angel species. Their skin tends to be gray and more leathery than other angels, and they are more adapted to living in cold climates.
  • Our Vampires Are Different: Vampirism works gradually. A vampire can decide to turn another angel or angelkin; over a few weeks or months, the fledgling vampire's irises turn red, they become highly sensitive to sunlight until it causes strong burns, and they lose the ability to gain anything out of non-blood foods. They also stop aging, though hair still grows and wounds heal at an accelerated rate.
  • Our Werebeasts Are Different: There's a distinction between "Werebeasts" and "Werebeings". Werebeasts were - supposedly - created by demons as a punishment. They take the shape of big animals thought of as dangerous or scary in their respective region, are unkillable though they can be hurt, and only exist to attack angels. Werebeings are angels who survived an attack, and every month during the moon phase they were attacked, they turn into mindless half-angelic beasts.
  • Winged Unicorn: They can happen when you breed a unicorn and a pegasus, though they are rare, especially the version with fully functioning traits (wings and magic) of both.
