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Characters / The Super Mario Adventures Crossover Clash Opera TV Hero Universe Other

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    Johann Graves 
The mayor of Jackal City.

    Arguing Couple 
A pair of civilians who constantly argue over the possibility of having sex.

    Blade's Parents 
Sword Masters of the former Blade Crew, the parents of Bruno Bennett were killed on New Years' Eve by the 12 Groups.

    Jonathan S. Platt 
A member of Jackal City's elite who dislikes the Blade Crew.

    Zax'az Bespaloni 
An alien mechanic/bartender who befriends the Jackal City Hero Agency.

    Galactic Guru 
An alien who is famous for stopping a humongous interplanetary war.

    Former Jackals 
The original heroes of Jackal City, who are sought out by the current generation. The group consists of Ophelia Stewart, Don Powers, Transformo, and Kirk Martin.
  • Gadgeteer Genius: Kirk acted as the team's technician, and upgrades the current Jackals' tech.
