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Characters / The Complete Adventures of Lucky Starr

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The recurring characters from The Complete Adventures of Lucky Starr.

David "Lucky" Starr

The titular character for each book, and member of the Council of Science. David was born on Earth, the child of Lawrence Starr and his wife Barbara. He grew up with four loving adults, because Lawrence, Conway, and Henree were all friends who had joined the Council of Science. David called all the men “Uncle” (sometimes even his father), and it was only natural that Henree and Conway adopt him when the Venus-bound ship his family was on was attacked by Space Pirates and David had to be ejected in an Escape Pod.

David has grown up amazingly, and after his initial assignments becomes known as "Lucky". He’s partnered with John Bigman Jones, and the two of them canvass the solar system to protect its citizens from dangers both internal and external. Lucky Starr's calm and decisive reactions contrast against Bigman's rash but resourceful responses, making the two a devastating duo facing any opponent.

John Bigman Jones

Lucky's shorter Sidekick, he's willing to go to great lengths to prove that he's the equal in size to any other man, irrespective of what a measuring stick might say.
