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Fauna and flora of Wester Island

    Emerald-crested Dapplinger 
  • Com Mons: Being the annual regional bird, the Emerald-created Dapplinger can be found all over Wester Island.
  • Meaningful Name: The Emerald-crested Dapplinger gets its name from its green crest.
  • Mix-and-Match Critters: The Emerald-crested Dapplinger resembles a cross between a toucan, a hornbill, a bluejay, and a crow.
  • Man-Eating Plant: True to form, Bramblemaws are sentient carnivorous plants that try to devour anything that crosses their path or gets close to them.
  • Meaningful Name: This plant species gets its name from its prickly stems and huge mouths.
  • Never Smile at a Crocodile: The jaws of a Bramblemaw bear a close resemblance to those of crocodilians, especially the saltwater crocodile.
  • The Spiny: Stepping on one is usually a bad idea, though it's actually safe so as long as you don't lose your footing and end up in its jaws. Also, avoid coming into contact with their prickly stems because that will hurt.
    Bonefish & Devil Bonefish 
  • Always a Bigger Fish: The Devil Bonefish is much larger compared to its smaller counterparts.
  • Canon Immigrant: The Bone Fish and the Devil Bonefish originate from Shinpei Hayashiya's Deep Sea Monster series.
  • Dark Is Not Evil: Despite having a dark blue body coloration, the Bonefish are not truly malicious and are just predatory creatures that need to eat.
  • Dem Bones: Instead of literally being living skeletons, they have skeleton-like armor that gives them a frightening appearance.
  • Meaningful Name: They get their name from their skeleton-like armor.
  • Pike Peril: The Devil Bonefish bears a slight resemblance to a pike.
  • The Swarm: Bonefish tend to move together in schools.
