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Awesome / The Count of Monte Cristo (2002)

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  • Dantes wringing Dorleac's neck while they both struggle in the ocean. After 15 years of sadistically whipping poor, innocent Dantes and actively stripping away his faith in God, Dorleac had it coming for a long time.
  • The treasure that Dantes and Jacapo find. According to the latter, there's just so much of it, that just the portion they can carry in their rowboat would make them rich as kings, and there's still more of it in the cavern!
  • Albert telling the muggers "Do your worst!" when they threaten to cut off his fingers in order to send it to his parents and make them pay a ransom.
  • While it wasn't intended on Dantes' part, his speech as Albert birthday party acts as a beautiful testament of what he's personally been through. Yes, he had that beautiful future stolen from him when that metaphorical storm took the form of his friends' betrayal. And yet, Dantes is alive to give Albert this moving speech because he has that much inner strength!
  • Edmond exposing Danglars by staged Batman Gambit. Helping Fernand and Villefort to steal treasure from Edmond's ship overnight, he's surrounded by police forces. He says the nobody will prove anything to him (as Luigi Vampa has already left with stolen treasure) only for Edmond to say that they can easily prove it by searching Danglars' ship. Cue Danglar's face screaming Oh, Crap! when he looks at chest from Edmond's ship that he stole from both him and Fernand plus Villefort. He then tries to attack Edmond only for him to beat him effortlessly, revealing him his true name and then pushing him out of his ship while he's strangling himself on rope, surviving only because Edmond tells the constable to cut him down so he may live with the consequences that will soon follow.
  • So it's cool unto itself when Dantes gets the Villefort to incriminate himself before the police, using the cover of steam to hide them while he confesses his crimes. Can't get more awesome than that, right? Wrong! As Dantes has Villefort escorted to the same kind of prison carriage he condemned him to 16 years prior, he spots a pistol that was left there courtesy of Dantes. Seeing no way out, he puts the gun to his mouth... only to find first-hand it's not loaded. Just outside the carriage, Dantes says "You didn't think I'd make it that easy, did you?"
  • Edmond and Fernard's confrontation after 16 years, complete with an Ironic Echo.
    Fernard: Edmond...! How...?
    Edmond: How did I escape? With difficulty. How did I plan this moment? With pleasure.
    Fernard: So you've taken Mercedes...?
    Edmond: And everything else. Except your life.
    Fernard: Why are you doing this?
    Edmond: (smiles at the irony) It's complicated. Let's just say it's vengeance for the life you stole from me.
  • Jacopo using his knife throwing skills to throw Fernard off his aim when he attempts to shoot Mercedes to spite Edmond, saving her life.
