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WMG / Korra After Series Events

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    Korra and Asami's relationship 

Korra and Asami will end up married.
They're all but confirmed to be a couple now.
  • They are confirmed, and their personalities mesh well together. And Avatar ages in-universe with out-of-universe, so it is definitely a possibility.
  • Korra and Asami will craft betrothal necklaces/rings for each other. Korra will earthbend jade or a similar beautiful stone, while Asami will forge Korra's from platinum and/or other precious metals.
  • The wedding will be in the Spirit World, and Iroh the First will officiate.

Korra and Asami's relationship has no formal definition
In contrast to most people's assumptions about "being a couple" Korra and Asami will not give birth to or adopt children nor will they get "officially" married. If the show continues, they will be acknowledged as being "together" but nothing more than that will be revealed. There will be no indication that their relationship is even remotely sexual. They will probably live with each other alone, and have family pictures/events together.
  • Ergo, if Asami gets kidnapped, Korra will not say "get your hands off my wife!" But if Korra dies early, like many people guess, Asami will take care of Naga and be invited to Korra's family functions.
    • All that being said, the relationship will be established as being more than platonic/friendly, through a contrast between their connection with Mako and Bolin.
      • Thoroughly Jossed in Turf Wars. The two are explicitly presented as a romantic couple.

Asami and Korra will have at least one biological child together.
Adding onto the above prediction, the couple will be able to have their own kids. Raava will help make this happen. Asami will carry the child/children.

Asami and Korra will each have a biological child
And Mako will be the surrogate father (or sperm donor). This is done with all three party's consent. Fitting as they both dated him, and seem to still have a connection post break up.
  • Alternatively, they can just travel to Jyuusenko, take some baths until they find the right pond, and alternate the man and woman duties in order to get pregnant.

Korra and Asami will move into the Spirit World
  • The new portal equals good real estate. This would also mean Korra's role as the Avatar will expand further, to dealing with spirits directly.

Korra and Asami are going to end up trying to reestablish the link with the past Avatars in the Spirit World.
  • I freely admit to still being kind of numb over the end of Season 2.
    • The Raava that currently exists is NOT the same one that fused with Wan. Korra's link to the past Avatars is gone.

Korra and Asami are going to find Wan Shi Tong and kick the ever-living crap out of him.
We all want to see that Karma Houdini get some much needed comeuppance for turning Jinora over to Unalaq in Book 2. Or at least admit that he was wrong for what he did and a Horrible Judge of Character.

The Spirit World is going to react rather... interestingly to Korra and Asami's presence.
If a fearful Avatar turns the Spirit World dark and hostile, what kind of effect will she have when she's falling in love?

Asami's warning to Tenzin was just a ruse to get some time alone with Korra.
However, upon hearing from Tenzin what he'd allegedly been planning, Varrick will decide that it actually sounds like a great idea.

New Team Avatar, plus most (if not all) of their allies, will be accepting of the news...
But the new villain, should there be a comics continuation, won't be. It might not be done in a relatively overt manner owing to the primary demographic, but the writers will be able to imply it with the subtlety of the sledgehammer.
  • Or there will be a Noble Bigot character who will later see the error of their ways similar to Master Pakku.

If there's ever a third series, Asami will play a similar role in that Avatar's life as Katara did in Korra's
As The Avatar's widow, she'll oversee the next Avatar's training, though as a nonbender, she'll be focused more on educating this Avatar on the world (after Korra, it seems only logical to make sure this Avatar knows how things are in the world). Bonus if this Avatar proves nothing like Korra, and Asami is shocked her wife reincarnated into this particular person.

During the Spirit World vacation, Ikki will pester Jinora to go "check" on them.
Let's face it: the moment Ikki realizes there's something romantic developing for her surrogate Cool Big Sis, there is no way she's letting it go.

Asami will design Korra her own customized, blue-and-white version of the airbender flight suit.
It may well come equipped with accommodations for a waterskin or something similar. Of course, the idea of seeing Korra in a skintight suit like that will serve as major motivation.
  • Why stop there? Put some cable spools on for some metalbending action, and some asbestos gloves to make the fire extra hot. Adorn the front with Raava lines and you have a proper Avatar Korra super-suit. Her girlfriend's obscenely rich and owns RC's foremost R&D apparatus...

Korra and Asami will obtain a pet turtle-duck.
They will name it Cuddles.

Korra and Asami's relationship will face tension due to their very different lifestyles.
Korra, being a spiritual leader, would be expected to live modestly and have few worldly possessions. Asami, on the other hand, is a wealthy businesswoman who grew up in luxury and would have to give that up to be with Korra.

    Individual characters 

Bumi will outlive most of the cast
He will end up becoming a master air-bender soon after the end of the series and (like his name sake) lives to be over 100 years old to train the next Avatar.
  • I hope you're proud of me Dad, you too little brother.

The legacy Korra and her friends will be the opposite of the Gaang's
Aang is remembered positively as the Avatar. Toph is simultaneously remembered as the greatest Metal bender, and a great police chief. Yet they both had conflicts within their families that took decades to resolve (if you can even call them resolved).

  • Bumi feeling unloved and insecure for being a nonbender. Wanting to please his father.
  • Kya leaving home to find herself, leading to some unspoken problem that apparently resurfaced in the valley of lost souls.
  • Tenzin being super serious, and uptight carrying the legacy as the last air-bender. Wanting to please his father.
  • Lin being super uptight not knowing her father, and wanting to please her mother.
  • Suyin's general delinquency

In contrast, Korra will have a very positive, if not idealized, relationship with her family and friends, but some hiccups with her job as the Avatar.


  • She has a perfect relationship with Asami
  • She's an upstanding citizen of Republic City
  • People respect her accomplishments
  • Has an Avatar Kyoshi like following among a number aspiring warriors/soldiers.
  • Becomes a living Nuclear deterrent


  • Many in the Earth Kingdom/Nation will blame her for the fall of Ba sing se. They will mention that Aang took out the Fire Lord at age 12, Kyoshi took out chin the conqueror, and even Yangchen abandoned her beliefs to do her job. Korra "didn't know" about the Earth Queen.
    • Except that Korra did take down a terrible tyrant: Kuvira. There's plenty of people in the Earth Kingdom/Empire who despised the "Great Uniter", none the least of which would be the citizens of Zaofu. Others would include her ethnic incarceration victims and others put in the "re-education" camps, and it's probable that lots of statesmen (like the Governer guy in "After All These Years") knew exactly what she was: a despot.
    • You missed the point. Kuvira coming to power was the result of the political situation in the Earth Kingdom. It started with the Earth Queen. Korra was not aware of the Earth Queen's less than admirable behavior, despite the fact that addressing corruption falls under her responsibility as the Avatar (precedent: Chin the conqueror, Sozin and Ozai). Zaheer took her out after an apparently long plan. Korra, though in some ways unintentionally, created the power vacuum that led to Kuvira. Taking her out wasn't just stepping up as the Avatar, it was cleaning her own mess (resulting from her inaction).
  • Republic city is generally positive, but still does not consider her input when making political decisions (Book 4).
  • All the Nations will come to believe that Korra is largely irrelevant politically due to:
    • Her inaction out side of republic city concerning harmonic convergence
    • Her being sick for two years (not her fault, but it gets the world used to working without her).
    • Going on vacation when Republic city still had to be rebuilt (may affect Asami as well).
    • Korra's disconnection to the past Avatars.
  • Superficially, no one criticizes Korra to her face.

  • Bolin will still get some flack about joining Kuvira. His movers will be blacklisted, similar to the Red Scare, for decades.
  • Mako will still be Wu's bodyguard, as Wu never gets the chance to formally step down. But is remembered positively.
    • Mako does try to go back to being a police officer, but it doesn't work out.
  • Asami will be remembered positively. Though many of her accomplishments are mistakenly credited to Korra by Korra's supporters. This bothers Korra more than it bothers Asami.
    • "Korra rebuilt republic city's infrastructure after harmonic convergence"
    • "Korra built the humming birds alongside Verrick"

Kuvira will become The Atoner.
She's had her Heel Realization, and will attempt to make up for her crimes somehow.
  • Kuvira might possibly accept that she won't get forgiveness from the Beifongs after her behaviour, but her first attempts might not make things better. Eventually, she'll come to do the right thing.
  • Korra will teach Kuvira meditation, perhaps even into the Spirit World. Either way, it will help Kuvira confront and overcome her inner demons, allowing her to complete her Heel–Face Turn.
  • Kuvira will likely be instrumental in finding a peaceful solution with Earth Empire loyalists, which might earn her a lighter sentence.

Particularly to the people of the Fire Nation, Korra will become known as the Dragon of the South.
Just as with General Iroh the elder, breathing fire seems to be one of Korra's specialities.

Adding to the above, Korra will achieve an in-universe Memetic Badass status.
Considering her accomplishments, it's almost a given. She air-kicked Amon out of a window, while he was bloodbending her. She had an all-out, one-on-one brawl with the incarnation of chaos and darkness, culminating in her tearing out its heart. Under the influence of deadly, debilitating poison, she tore through platinum chains and nearly reduced a dangerous, airbending anarchist to a stain on the mountainside. She stood at the center of a spirit energy blast that vaporised downtown Republic City and created a new spirit portal to boot. The next time some hapless Mooks hear their job is to take out the Avatar, you cannot blame them for saying "Screw This, I'm Outta Here".

Mako's arm won't heal entirely.
He'll retain some measure of scarring. The scars might even become iconic, being a souvenir of him single-handedly blowing Kuvira's Colossus in two.

Zaheer's poison will continue to give Korra health issues later in life.
Mercury poisoning is pretty serious, and even if she did get it removed, she still carried it around in her body for three years straight. It might even result in her dying earlier than expected, much like Aang's complications from the hundred years he spent frozen.

Vaatu will return more quickly than expected.
As stated in Book 2, Vaatu is currently being regrown within Raava. Korra was exposed to Kuvira's spirit ray, which uses the same energy as Vaatu's Death Ray and therefore might accelerate his regeneration.

Meelo will follow in his uncle's footsteps and join the United Forces.
He definitely appears to enjoy the role of both Drill Sergeant Nasty and badass commando.

Bolin's next job will be:
  • Something in Zaofu, where he'll move with Opal after patching things up.
  • Back to the Fire Ferrets, only to realise that he doesn't like it.
  • An attempt at running for political office in one of the freshly independent states, making him the Earth Kingdom's version of Arnold Schwarzenegger.

On one hand, this does mean Korra is going to have to spend a lot of time training them. On the other hand, polar bear dog cub-puppies!

A certain unfortunate businessman's office/factory was located within the spirit energy blast zone.
"No! Not my Cabbage Corp!"

The next villain (if there is a continuation) will seek to seal the Spirit World off again.
Whereas Unalaq (and later Korra) realised the potential of the spirits, eventually leaving the portals open, the next villain will be a human that lampshades the spirits and their Designated Hero status. Their argument will be that once again the spirits are causing destruction, and that minor workarounds, such as the park dedicated to Korra, were not worth the serious problems that came with leaving them open.

Inspired by the likes of Suyin and Kuvira, Korra will take up (or at least try to take up) elemental dancing.
She can leap and twirl like nobody's business, she's incredibly strong (think effortlessly lifting and tossing her fellow dancers), and it would be a nice alternative to traditional sparring. Additionally, the flow and harmony involved fits well with Korra's evolved bending style, as opposed to her far rougher, cruder original style.

Kuvira's cell is platinum, carved from the shell of her own Colossus.
It's the most convenient source, after all, and the irony should speak for itself.

Prince Wu will get genuinely better at singing, perhaps even pioneering a new musical genre.
  • Perhaps he will use badgermoles to make a new genre?

  • As stated above, Korra and Asami will, with the aid of spirit magic, have at least one biological child together.
  • Bolin and Opal will have an earthbender, an airbender and a firebender. The latter won't be a Chocolate Baby, however. Bolin has Fire Nation blood, and it's not inconceivable for an element to skip a generation.
    • Earthebender and airbender, sure, but if bending ability works like actual genetics (which I admit may not be true) Bolin's firebending is a recessive gene or not present at all, so it couldn't express itself with their kid. Unless this reveals the ethnicity or even identity of Opal's grandfather...

Mako is going to end up a lot like Lin
While not nearly as bitter or resentful, Mako didn't really show any signs of bouncing back relationship-wise from the break-up. His initial reaction was even to distance himself from everyone he knew and bury himself in police work. And while he basically gave his Korra his blessing at the end, it's got to hurt a bit that the most serious romantic interest is going to end up with his only other serious romantic interest. So, considering Mako's general distaste for actually dealing with messy emotions, he follows the Lin route of completely neglecting his private life in favor of his work. In the next couple decades we'll see a bit of a Generation Xerox with Korra in a Tenzin-esque role to Mako's Lin and Bolin's Suyin.

Suyin will decline an alliance with the new Earth Nation government
While Wu allowing the Earth Kingdom to evolve and progress, establishing the nation as a confederation with a democratically elected leader is essentially a good example of change she's been hoping for, Suyin would still decline membership with the new government nonetheless. Considering Suyin's decision not to take police action against the anarchy in the Earth Kingdom, Suyin just doesn't seem like the kind of person who sees herself in political positions.

Zaheer will show up for an I Told You So moment about ten minutes into Asami and Korra's Spirit World vacation.
"See, I told you your power was limitless."

The possible future of everyone and their (possible) kids
  • Korra and Asami: They don't have kids. In contrast to Aang and Katara, Asami will pass away before Korra does. Korra insures that the reincarnation cycle will continue and then dies saving the world from a new threat. The next Avatar is an Earthbender orphan who lives in the capital of the reformed Earth Kingdom.
  • Bolin and Opal: They get married and have two daughters who they go to great lengths to have strong, healthy relationships with. One of their daughters will be one an Earthbender who takes after Opal and the other an Airbender who takes after Bolin.
  • Mako: Word of God says Mako will find love and do it right. Mako has a son with a woman he meets while still serving under Wu. They raise their son in Republic City after Mako ceases being Wu's bodyguard. Their son becomes a prominent figure in the community who helps revitalize Pro-Bending and expand the sport outside of Republic City.
  • Tenzin's kids:
    • Jinora has a family with Kai and eventually becomes the leader of the Airbenders of the New Republic area. This results in her being less close to her children than Kai is and causes some strain when Kai passes away.
    • Ikki: She somehow convinces Huan to get with her after a long period of time and is only pregnant by the time of the new Avatar's first big adventures and challenges. She helps teach him how to Airbend.
    • Meelo: He becomes more rebellious as he gets older and leaves to join the United Forces. He is an effective military leader but is very hard to work with. He is also a Kavorka Man, but has yet to have any children by the time he meets the new Avatar.
    • Rohan: He becomes Jinora's right hand man who often accompanies her on travels or takes care of the Republic City Air Temple.
  • General Iroh II: He has a son named Zuko the Second who becomes the new Avatar's firebending teacher. Zuko the Second is a gay man and can't have a by-blood heir, so his younger sister, Izumi the Second, becomes Fire Lord when Iroh II dies.

     Groups and Nations 

The Earth Nation will become The Federation, with city-states like Omashu and Zaofu retaining a great deal of autonomy.

The new portal will mark the emergence of the Spirit Nomads.
People from all nations will leave their old lives behind, embarking on a pilgrimage through the spirit world in search of enlightenment.

Avatar Korra Park survived the Battle of Republic City.
As an added bonus, Korra's statue will now look in the general direction of the Spirit Portal. After all, the portal is located within the former Spirit Wilds, which could arguably have been seen as Korra's greatest contribution to the city when the statue was made.

The Earth Empire's (military) government, probably centered in Ba Sing Se, will form The Remnant after Kuvira's surrender.
While many officers and officials will abide by Kuvira disbanding her regime, it's quite likely that some will want to keep the Earth Empire. The higher-ups will either find a successor ("interim" or not), or establish a ruling military council of some sort. Attempts to liberate the Great Uniter from her captors are certainly a likelihood.
  • It's possible that dealing with the more reluctant elements of the Earth Empire was one of the things Team Avatar and the world leaders had to do in the space between the Battle of Republic City and Varrick and Zhu Li's wedding. This would explain why Asami expressed such exhaustion over "the past few months".
  • If any portion of the royal family survived the war, they could easily call bullcrap on King Wu's dissolution of the throne and appoint their own successor. Then we have a civil war ready to be fought.
  • If said Earth Empire holdouts do actually manage to get as far as Kuvira's cell in any such jailbreak operation, what would their reaction be when/if Kuvira declines the jailbreak?

We haven't seen the end of the Red Lotus.
Who knows how many of their agents are still out there, working to get closer to the remaining world leaders?
  • With the dissolution of the Earth Kingdom's monarchy, the most "old-fashioned", hereditary systems are now the Northern Water Tribe and the Fire Nation. If the Red Lotus does rear its head again, Desna, Eska and Izumi will probably be their next targets.
    • They might go after the United Republic as well— Zaheer seemed to indicate that they had no love for Raiko's government, and the remaining agents might see Republic City as weak and vulnerable while they're rebuilding after Kuvira's attack.
  • The Red Lotus will inevitably make a comeback. There is a possibility that The Fire Nation's, Water Tribes' and United Republic's governments are infested with Red Lotus sleeper agents who compose cells which developed since the Red Lotus's formation, and they may be attempting to sabotage those governments and armed forces. I mean, Aiwei and Unalaq (though he betrayed the Red Lotus) are examples to show that leadership in the worlds' governments may as well be compromised. What if while Xai Bao left, he had followers who stayed behind in the White Lotus with the objective of corrupting it?

The Earth Kingdom continent will be divided
The northern portion of the continent will be a Republic Union (each state has individual representation/governance but Republic city is the capital) and the southern portion will the New Earth Kingdom/Empire (Ba sing se is the capital). This division will be derived from a combination of the Kuvira remnants, loyalists to the royal family (ie: Mako and Bolin's grandmother) and the Red Lotus (sort of acting behind the scenes on both sides to incite more political upheaval).
  • Zaofu will represent a neutral area for diplomatic purposes.
  • Korra will likely be more loyal to Republic city and the Union by proxy.

A continuation will take place in the Fire Nation, should it ever be made
.It will cover Fire Lord Izumi and Zuko, because they didn't get fleshed out as much as they could have and fans would go crazy if they did.

There could be a Civil war between Team Avatar, with various supporting characters on each side
Given the focus on the Government in this series, it would be interesting to see some kind of situation that tears the group apart, along with several other people. Korra would lead her group, whilst Mako would lead his.
  • Korra's group would consist of: Asami, Tonraq (Plus the southern water tribe), Jinora, Suyin (and her family, with the exception of Opal), Zuko /Izumi, Kya and Varrick.
  • Mako's group would consist of: Bolin, Tenzin, Ikki/Meelo, Opal (and the air nation), Lin, Bumi, and General Iroh (Along with the united forces group)

The Legend of Korra will officially continue in different formats.
Most likely, it will continue through comics/graphic novels. There might be a possibility for other mediums, such as games, online shorts, or an animated film, as well.
  • Confirmed! Dark Horse Comics is starting up a comic series for Korra, with Mike on board for writing, and Bryan being an art and story consultant.

There will be a folder for The Legend of Korra Comics.
It shall include multiple WMGs of its own, relating to possible events and happenings within the comic itself.

If there is a sequel of some sort, the main protagonist will be a non-bender, while still during the era of Korra.
Well why not? It's a great change of pace to create a protagonist whom the audience can relate to. Korra served quite an inspiration after Book 3 that one could imagine that there are other people who aspire to be a hero like her. A protagonist who could easily fill that role would be a non-bending White Lotus agent. His mission is to hunt down remaining Red Lotus cells. To begin with, the White Lotus has an important role in promoting world peace and public welfare, so it presents an opportunity to see how the White Lotus organization has evolved and functions in the present day. Plus, it's a good way to see how an aspiring non-bending hero lives his life in a world with benders and the Avatar, while being part of a peacekeeping organization starting out as an average member. A greater purpose of creating a non-bending protagonist is to create a story that shows you don't need to be the Avatar or a Bender to make a difference in the world.

A made-for-TV movie will be released and tie up as many remaining loose ends as it can.

After end of Korra's time, Third Series take places 65 or more 70 years and still be very much Asian-like Dieselpunk society with few Atompunk elements until Biotechnology and Bio-Augmentations become emerged technology and formed as underground movement by using alchemy and it can make all benders as "Trans-Avatars" with some Organic abilties with Antangonist who clearly an Anti-Villian want be the Avatar as long people take him seriously (Im thinking somewhat of BioShock-like plot) and making the third series turn into Anime-like BioShock Expy clone
Let be somewhat Realistic that third series spin-off is going to be like late 40's to mid 50's or somewhat mid 60's
  • That Earth Republics (Presumdly future nations after Post-Earth Kingdom) begin have some waves of Pan-Earth nationalists demending to United as Republican based Empire model after Earth Empire. Or getting those waves because the original Earth Empire remant became more than now an terrorist group to make people to want attemped united under an new leader with Kurvia/Ozai expy just like New Ozai Society in Last Airbender comics.
  • Red Lotus gets it's new leader after Zaheer acesended to Spirital world and go kidnapped mostly benders around the world to make an army of Red Lotus to defeated the new second avatar team.
  • The Fire Nation will have created a new democratic government as a result of Zuko and later Izumi's influence, finally rejecting the imperialist legacy that Sozin created.
  • The Air Nomads will have learned from their predecessors mistakes that led to the genocide and further spread their territories beyond Air Temple Island and the remaining three original temples. The most notable of these new territories are a network of small temple like shelters known as Air Sanctuaries spread throughout the other nations.
  • Korra and Asami's daughter control as White Lotus leader while Bolin and Opal's kids will have ether Earthbending or Airbending with somewhat first Non-Bender in years after events of Book 2.
  • Put New Avatar crew will died except Mako and Opal (Bolin's wife).
  • The series Major villian of third series is "Trans-Avatar" wannanbe who been being bulled from Avatar supporting students at his younger years, And after of event the Villian became Bioengineered and started runs an underground Biotechnology Company with paramilitary group from United Repubic police and second new team avatar.
  • And Forget the Equalists could split into make Post-Equalists group around the world due lack of leader put thier is maybe mostly live on just like Communism in nutshell is make more ideologies (which depended what you live, I guess) in real life.

Some kind of Cold War analogue will happen in the future.
Between whom, I'm not sure, but the way history has been progressing in the series suggests that this will probably be what comes next. "Hitler" has been defeated and the atomic bomb analogue has been invented and used in battle.
  • After the fall of Kuvira's government, the current Earth Kingdom government has re-formed into a communist state to account for its large population and size, and is trying to help a still impoverished Southern Water Tribe (I always viewed the Southern Water Tribe to be not as developed as the other countries for many reasons, save for the Earth Kingdom (but I guess in this story, the Earth Kingdom had an easier time developing because the communist ideology that was put into use sometime after Kuvira's hijinks was effective at helping to organize the nation.)) Now the Earth kingdom is the Earth Union (or something...). Also, this has lead the government is trying to control the population by homogenizing the culture of the EU, which has lead to som unrest. The UR disagrees with the EU's government, because they feel as though communism is a threat to the UR's culture and ideals. The UR attempts to keep the Southern Water Tribe from adopting communism. Eventually, tensions rise, and the UR president secretly enlists the help of Varrick and Zhu Li's kid (who inherited the company) to re-create the Spirit Vine Cannon). Asami Sato is now old and wrinkly, and retired from being the CEO of Sato industries, but still takes part in government activities, especially those concerning war (weapons and all). Knowing that Sato would never agree to the construction of a Spirit Vine Cannon, the president tries to hide it from her, but she finds out. Asami reaches out to her fellow White Lotus buddies in the EU to help her begin the search for the next Avatar. She ends up being the primary person in charge of training them. Jinora is the new head of the Air Nomads, with Opal as her second-in-command. Mako is technically retired, but helps the new chief of police work with the Fire Nation to control Cactus Juice Cartels. Bolin is dead, but college kids study his movers in class. Huan artist, duh. Korra is dead due to her mercury poisoning taking a much greater toll on her body, but she has adopted children. We see a re-occurence of crazy genes among Zuko's descendents (and we also find out what happened to Azula). Eventually, the war ends with the Southern Water Tribe adopting an altered form of communism, the UR adopts more socialist ideals, and the EU breaks up into multiple countries based on ethinic (and possibly racial) differences so that they can continue to live how they see best. Asami dies at the end of the series.
    • TL;DR: The UR is the USA, the Earth Kingdom essentially becomes the USSR, cactus juice is acid, and Asami is a badass till death. Oh, and the SWT is actually Vietnam.

The sequel series (if one is ever made) will take place in the far future...
...With a new Avatar of course (Earth, or possibly even back to Fire), but this time, it will be set in a cyberpunk futuristic setting, with the United Republic colonizing the galaxy with robots, lasers, and Spirit Energy-powered hyperdrives. If TLOK was basically A:TLA in the Roaring Twenties, the third series will be TLOK IN SPAAAAACE! Oh, and in a nod to this series, "Varricks" and "Zhu Lis" will still be used as a unit of measurement.

The next Avatar series will take place in a futuristic Cyberpunk setting.
People live alongside spirits, bend the four elements, attach cybernetic limbs to their bodies, and communicate with each other via a global communications network. The Avatar will be a decker who can wield all four elements and traverse three different "worlds" (the physical world, the spirit world, and cyberspace). Companies like Future Industries, Cabbage Corp., and Varrick Global Industries will be grow into massive MegaCorps that are run by amoral Corrupt Corporate Executives, at least one of whom will be a dragon.

In other words, it'll be a Spiritual Licensee of Shadowrun

A future Avatar series will take place in a post-apocalyptic world.
The Avatar universe officially has WMDs meaning that a spirit-ray war could result in a post-apocalyptic world, possibly following the Cold War analogue mentioned above.

Another possibility is that the use of the spirit ray will speed up Vaatu's return, resulting in another Harmonic Convergence ahead of schedule. This time, Vaatu wins the battle and destroys most of the world.

The next Avatar will be the villain.
He/she will learn of all the horrible things his/her previous lives went through (Kuruk losing his bride to Koh, Roku being killed by his best friend, Aang being the only survivor of a genocide, the first 3 season finales of Korra) and it'll drive him/her mad and go all dictator on the world. Normally the Avatar's previous lives would be able to stop this through the Avatar state, but since Korra lost her connection to the previous Avatars the current one only has to deal with Korra and Raava, both of whom were weakened by Kuvira's spirit cannon. The series would ultimately end with the Avatar dying in the Avatar state, ending the cycle on earth (the last element Wan learned).

By the time the next Avatar is active, a worldwide Portal Network will be built.
Please spare me the quotes implying only the Avatar can create portals. It's possible for characters, even spirits, to be wrong or tell half-truths, and the bending arts are still evolving. The third series could be about Doing In the Wizard and making miracles mundane.

The next Avatar series will be a prequel about Avatar Kyoshi.
That way we continue the cycle (Fire, Air, Water, Earth- even if it is anachronistic), and we get a setting that manages to stay distinct from ours by not moving too close to a time like our present.

As for why Kyoshi-we've seen a lot of her later accomplishments, and in general when people talk about a past Avatar she's the one that gets brought up- I don't think Roku's even been mentioned in Legend of Korra, save for a brief cameo in Beginnings, so it would be interesting to see what she was like before that. Also, what we know about her makes her a very different Avatar from Aang or Korra- she was born in a remote village (Whereas Korra is the daughter of her tribe's leader and Aang was raised by monks) and had to become Avatar after the last one died at only 33 years old after a lifetime of shirking his duties.

So, it's a great set-up for an Avatar whom we know little about compared to the others, but what we do know paints her (No pun intended) as very different from the rest.

A sequel will have Real Robot's as the primary armed force of the four nations.
Technology was already on the way towards making mecha the primary fighting force of Kuvira's army. In 70 plus years, you don't think they would be able to put out units equivalent to a Zaku or Scopedog in this setting? Bonus points for one of the main characters in a sequel being a mecha pilot.

If there's a comic continuation, the villains will be violent Expys of the Eugenics movment.
Seeing as all of the villains in the series paralelled a political movment of the early 20th century, they seem to fit right in. Their plan could involve killing off all who fail to meet their standards, and they may try to manipulate Korra into joining them. After all, who's stronger than The Avatar?
  • Furthermore, their highest ranking members will form a team of exceptional benders, similar yet different from The Red Lotus
    • The Big Bad will be a bloodbender of some kind, who's somewhat sadistic.
    • The Dragon will be an Earthbender who pines for Kuvira to return and still wears an Earth Empire uniform. He'll have a new Earthbending style: the ability to form any earth at his disposal into any other form of earth, i.e. alchemy.
    • The Brute will be a powerful firebender who is even more of a Politically Incorrect Villain than his teammates, and acts extremely homophobic towards Korra and Asami.
    • The Evil Genius will be a quiet Badass Normal/Badass Bookworm who is a swordsman using a similar style to Piandao from the original series.
    • The Dark Action Girl will be an airbender who was expelled from the air nation early on, her shtick will be she simply doesn't care about hardly anything at all, and is thus able to fly.

As an extension of the above, which I won't edit directly because that's rude...
  • The waterbender will have a Healing Factor, drink blood, and tame wolfbats.
  • The firebender will bend a Laser Blade.
  • The airbender will bend liquid nitrogen, as the opposite of lavabending.
  • The earthbender will be able to bend even the purest of metals such as platinum. Meaning that it would take a new form of restraint to restrain him.
  • The Badass Normal may hold some form of Equalist ideology and propose that benders are not allowed to reproduce. This will put him (or her) at odds with her teammates.

Korra's earthbending successor gets a charismatic badger-mole mount similar to Appa and Naga.
Hopefully we also find out if ex-Prince Wu's ability to communicate with them runs in his family; if it does, that could explain how they ended up ruling the Earth Kingdom in the first place.
  • Unlikely. Sokka and a bunch of hippies were able to charm badgermoles back in the original series, meaning the bar to get badgermoles to do what you want is fairly low. If it is a hereditary ability, it's a very common one.

Sooner or later, we'll get a time-travel plot in which the old and new Team Avatars team up
  • Because fucking awesome.

The next series, if there is one, will take place in the avatar universe's equivalent of the 1990's
  • If it were the equivalent of the 1980's, we'd all be subject to watching the avatar do battle in parachute pants. Just...egh.

Korra will become peerless.
  • If the series picks up 5-10 years after the finale, Korra will have substantially increased her combat skills. In accordance to Zaheer's statement that her powers are "limitless" she will pick up new skills, further master her current skills, and become damn near unstoppable for any other human character in the world. She uses a mix of enhanced skills and practicality. For instance, when in the avatar state, she might not be able to bend platinum, but she can feel it. Asami teaches her how mechs are assembled, and Korra can enter the avatar state, bend metal into platinum joints, and disassemble them. She learns how to redirect lightning from Mako, and can produce lightning and extract electricity when in Avatar form. She learns how to lavabend from Bolin. Enemies fear her, and mixes in guile with her skills to avoid being out-smarted. No one human in the world would be able to match her...leading to the next WMG.
  • Asami would be happy, Mako would have an airbending fire nation girlfriend, and Bolin would be married to Opal, with a newborn.

Korra would face off with a villain which is not human, and implied not to be spirit, either.

  • The villain for that story would not be human, though it would come from the spirit world. Maybe something that even the spirits are unsure about, something from the depths of the spirit world that is lesser traveled, similar to the depths of our oceans. It could be implied to come from the same area where Raava and Vaatu came from. And, unlike the villains from the first four seasons, this villain has no redeeming qualities...and is much more random and ambiguous in nature. It can enthrall people, making them villainous. It goes after Korra's loved ones, in an effort to break her before destroying her. How would a temporarily villainous Asami sound, much like her original characterization?
    • Unfathomable, randomly-destructive being from another realm that corrupts/turns people insane? Sounds like an Avatarverse version of Abeloth. Which...honestly, would be a pretty awesome villain, especially when pitted against the aforementioned almost-invincible version of Korra. It fits the series' theme of escalating threats, and it'd be interesting to see how a physically-unparalleled Korra would have to adapt to fighting a being like that.
  • Okay, this troper is just throwing out ideas of what he would like to see. Still...some awesome things can be done with a film.

The name of the next avatar will be Gunther.
Named after Bryan Konietzko's dog. This will keep in line with Korra being named after a dog, herself.

As a break to norm, a full melody will be sung in a future film/show/etc.

  • If there is a future Korra animation, one of the main characters will sing a full song. Bonus points if it is Asami, because Seychelle Gabrielle knows how to sing.

Asami will be seen with messy hair.

  • In a comic, or similar. The context in which it will be messy is anyone's guess.

The next Avatar series will be a prequel about Avatar Kyoshi

  • Think about it? Out of all the past Avatars, she is the most popular and the most mentioned in both Avatar Series. She is mentioned as being the greatest Avatar of all time.

First Korra comic ideas

  • Focus on Korra and Asami's relationship. Much like the Last Airbender comics things will not be as easy for them as the Happy Ending of the show implies. Republic City will react negatively to the relationship because the idea of same sex relations is almost unheard of at the time.

  • Tenzin, traditional as he is, will be opposed to the relationship and try to convince Korra to end things to focus on her avatar duties. Tonraq will have a moment of Tranquil Fury towards him where he unloads his frustrations over Korra's upbringing. His own family will also call him on his tradition obsessed personality and Kya will reveal her own orientation in a moment of stress.

  • Mako, Bolin and Opal will be nothing but supportive of the two and when someone gets on their case about their relationship they will get scary.

  • The main conflict will be Korra worrying over whether she can be with Asami and be the Avatar at the same time, going to different people that she has met for advice.
    • Supporters will include Katara, Toph, Kuvira, and Zaheer
      • Katara will tell her that the Avatar needs people in their life and that while Korra is the Avatar she is also a young woman that wants someone to love.
      • Toph will be her usual abrasive self, trying to pretend she doesn't care but telling her that she has to decide if potential heartbreak down the line is worth it as she knows even good matches don't always work out.
      • Zaheer will point out that while it is Korra's choice to be with Asami she also has to accept that Asami will be put in danger as a way of getting to her and that she must decide if she can live with that.
      • Kuvira will question her on if her own personal desires outweigh her commitment to her Avatar duties but will say if she decides that then the girl who risked her life for the world and its people can damn well be with who she wants.
    • Detractors will include Tenzin and Reiko
      • Tenzin will point out that the Avatar must prioritize their duties over all else, even their loved ones at times and point out Aang's less than ideal parenting as support.
      • Reiko will point out that Korra being with Asami could call her objectivity into question as the Avatar would be seen as endorsing Future Industries much like a celebrity would.

  • The resolution of the comic will be Korra having to choose between living her life as the Avatar or embracing that she is a young woman that wants someone to love.

  • Varrick, maniacal goofball that he is, will try come up with a party idea that supports just being with someone you love regardless of who they are.

Second Korra comic ideas

  • The main story will be about Earth Kingdom loyalists wanting to get revenge on Kuvira, recruiting those who were sent to her internment camps which will bring back Baraz. They will threaten an attack on the city using some salvaged war tech unless Kuvira is given to them.

  • Several leaders, including Reiko and Suyin, will be all to happy to hand Kuvira over, citing how many lines she crossed in her power lust. Kuvira herself will accept this but Korra won't and will call the leaders out on being spiteful only for them point out while Kuvira did surrender herself she still committed horrible crimes and question if imprisoning her is really enough.

  • Korra will find herself with only Asami for support in keeping Kuvira safe, as even her closest friends will remind her of just how much Kuvira did to hurt them. Korra will convince them to help out by asking if they really want to allow a Cycle of Revenge to start because of their own pettiness, bringing up how she didn't let her own pain make her apathetic to the pain of others.

  • Baatar Jr. will appear in jail for his crimes where he will explain just why he did what he did under Kuvira to his parents. He will say Kuvira will get exactly what she has earned for treating the people that loved her like dirt and there will not be any improvement from him by the end.

  • Wu will ultimately resolve things by pointing out that for all the bad that Kuvira caused the ones hurt most deeply by her have moved beyond what she caused and have tried to make something good from what she did.

Third Korra comic ideas

  • The plot will focus on a hidden tribe of Energybenders that have come to worship Korra like she is the second coming of Jesus.

  • Korra will get a Yandere bodyguard form the hidden tribe who will be utterly obsessed with her, to the point that he nearly beats Asami to death.

  • The hidden tribe will not be the main enemies though. That will be another separatist faction of the White Lotus that will call itself the Black Lotus. The Black Lotus will be an absolute opposite of the Red Lotus, acting entirely in the open and wanting to Take Over the World instead of liberating it from authority. The Black Lotus will also feel that Korra for all of her successes is a lackluster successor to Aang, pointing out the myriad of failures that she has under her belt and that the world has changed too drastically in too short a time for any of it to be positive.

  • The Black Lotus will seek to remove spirits from the world completely by sending them back to the spirit world and sealing all of the portals shut. They will gain the cooperation of the hidden tribe by pointing out the presence of spirits increases Korra's workload and that removing them would help her. They will also point out that the spirits returning would actually be Vaatu's work and seeing as how he is basically the Devil to the hidden tribe they will agree without hesitation.

  • Korra will try to stop things but between the powerful benders in the Black Lotus and the Energybenders she and her allies won't be able to do much, forcing them to recruit Kuvira and Zaheer. She will also try talking down the Energybenders but all of them being a Well-Intentioned Extremist think they are helping Korra by forcibly making her take a vacation by capturing her and taking her to a hidden location.

  • Funny moments will come from Kuvira and Zaheer debating their philosophies in the middle of the fight. They will also come from the Energybenders acting like dutiful servants to Korra after capturing her and not understanding why she is so resistant towards them, thinking her refusal to indulge is just her being modest.

  • The Black Lotus ultimately plan to kill Korra and find the next Avatar so they can indoctrinate them as an enforcer for their cause.

Korra's emotional state and the Spirit World.
The Spirit World reflects Korra's emotional state. During her and Asami's trip, the Spirit World will be bright and beautiful but with dark clouds on the horizon because Korra is head-over-heels in love with Asami but worried about how everyone back home will react when they find out.

At some point, we'll meet an Equalist who became an airbender.

The next Avatar series will take place during a period analogous to the '60s.
Riffing on the Cold War and Eldritch Abomination notes above...
  • The Earth Kingdom/Empire will have moved in an increasingly socialist direction, becoming akin to the Eastern Bloc. This leads to a Berlin Wall-like situation in Ba Sing Se, a sandbender uprising in the Si Wong Desert (think Afghanistan), and a proxy war between the Water Tribes and this new Earth Union over the Foggy Swamp (this world's version of Vietnam). Fearing further Earth Union expansion and being connected via Spirit Portal, the United Republic would side with the Water Tribes, while the Air Nomads would remain neutral. The Fire Nation, afraid of being outpaced technologically by the United Republic, would side with the Earth Union because...
  • A Space Race is in progress between the Fire Nation and the United Republic. The Fire Nation would reach the moon first, but once there they encounter a cosmic entity (a being predating spirits like Raava and Vaatu) who corrupts them (indicated by green flames) and stages a planetary invasion. Although the new Avatar is an earthbender (and male, as the previous earthbender Avatar was female), he is also technically a firebender and therefore vulnerable to corruption himself. In the end, this new threat would cause the peoples of the world to unite against it and, ultimately, bring about an end to tensions.

The next Avatar series is will air on an another channel
Probably on Syfy.
  • Alternatively, it could air on Netflix or Paramount+ should the series dive into Darker and Edgier territory.

The next Sequel Series will feature Sozin's Comet
  • Similar to the 60s/Space Race theory above, this could potentially overlap with said theory as the Fire Nation space program could do research on the comet's firebending-enhancing abilities. Considering that the comet flies by the Earth every 100 years, this series could take place four decades after Korra, and the first book could even focus on firebending and the comet.

    Korra Comics 

Asami will learn to meditate.
Korra will teach Ms. Sato meditation technique. Asami may eventually learn to transfer herself to the spirit world, but the initial reasons will be for treatment after the events of the finale. Asami did lose her father, and may develop PTSD symptoms herself.

The 3 issues will split time between:
How the Earth Kingdom\Republic City deals with Kuvira's punishment, the fallout of the Earth Empire, the various elected leaders for the reformed Earth Kingdom and how Korra\Asami (Their relationship will get plenty of focus as well) deal with these situations, along with the rebuilding of Republic city.

Korra and Asami will not have told anyone about their time away before they left for their vacation.
Before they leave for their time in the spirit world, Korra and Asami decide to leave on a whim and not tell anyone about it, not even Tonraq or Tenzin. When they arrive and find that their time was missed, they will be (justifiably) criticized, especially by President Raiko.

President Raiko and Korra will improve their relations throughout Turf Wars.
Raiko and Korra will realize that they need to be able to work together for both to better serve Republic City. With the Triple Triads putting pressure on the city so soon after the battle with Kuvira, a good alliance will be necessary.

The two main conflicts will be tied together by an unadvertised villain.
The developer wishing to make an amusement park with the spirit portal and the triple triads will be part of a plan woven together by a plotting antagonist with larger motives.
  • This troper would like to think it would be the criminal formerly known as Lightning Bolt Zolt. He probably refers to himself as "The Kingpin", while he is jokingly referred to as "Lightning Rod", because we learn that his first name is Rodney. Rodney Zolt...WMG, remember?

The killer of Asami's mother will become known.
Someone in the Triad would know who the killer is, or the killer is in the Triad. Could be used to distract Asami.

Korra will take Asami to the Tree of Time.
Whilst there, Asami will see memories of her mom and dad.

Asami will be spirit-morphed.
The changes will be reversed, somehow.
  • Alternatively, Raiko will get possessed. The changes are irreversible.
  • Double alternatively, a spirit will pass through Varrick, only to find that Varrick is perfectly unchanged, while the spirit itself has been turned more human. Varrick "You just varricked with the wrong human, buster!"

Tokuga was an Equalist before he joined the Triads.
  • It's possible he could have learned his chi-blocking skills elsewhere, or even picked them up from an Equalist after the movement largely disbanded, but my bet is on him having been a follower of Amon in season one of the show, who ended up leaving after it was discredited by Amon being outed as a bloodbender, and having a particular set of skills and nowhere else to go, ended up joining the Triads. The way he supplements his chi-blocking and combat abilities with gear like the smoke bombs and throwing knives also seems like the sort of thing an Equalist would do, and he also seems adept at turning a Bender's own bending against them (like when he catches two rocks being hurled at him by a rival Triad's Earthbender and then tosses them back in their face) which smacks of Equalist training to me.
