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Recap / All For Luz - Chapter - 16

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S2 - Ep 3: Summer Break Shenanigans - Part 3

All For One has plans for Luz, as Riley contemplates where her loyalties lie. Meanwhile, the head of the Wittebane Family consults with his ally from another world.

This chapter contains examples of:

  • Above Good and Evil: All For One doesn't believe he or Luz should be bound by society's laws and morality due to winning the Superpower Lottery.
  • Adaptation Deviation: According to All For One, Gigantomachia became large, dumb and loyal as he had been due to being experimented on with Titan's Blood, instead of his brain failing due to his Quirk Overload in canon.
  • Albinos Are Freaks: Shigaraki's white hair and red eyes are explained to be albinism in the story and he's a Card-Carrying Villain.
  • All According to Plan: Shigaraki on his influence on Luz to get him back to his world.
  • And I Must Scream: All For One almost says this word for word to describe the Quirk vestiges trapped in Luz's Mental World.
  • The Antichrist: Tyler is so borderline-delusional in extremist fervor, believing that Luz is this.
  • Aristocrats Are Evil: The Wittebanes are rich enough to own a mansion butlers and the Maids and are the current villains in this saga.
  • Bait the Dog: While Luz knows All For One is a bad guy he has, in his own words, weaselled his way into her heart to make her believe he's not completely vile and at the very least has best interests in a Spirit Advisor in a Evil Mentor kind of way. This chapter confirms beyond a doubt that All For One is just using her. In the end, he's a heartless psychopath that doesn't care for anyone but himself.
  • Beard of Evil: Tyler has a Perma-Stubble version of this.
  • Body Backup Drive: Although more of a Body Replacement Drive in this case, is All For One's ultimate purpose for Luz, if he can't get to Tomura in his world in time.
  • The Chessmaster: All For One is very much this.
  • Child Prodigy: Shigaraki sincerely considers Luz to be this with her Quirk as the vestiges could not degrade her mind as they tried to do with him, due to not seeing them as human.
  • Complexity Addiction: Tyler claims to have had this ever since he was a kid.
  • Conflicting Loyalty: Riley is having a mental debate on rationalizing on what to do with her cousin Luz or not, after finding out she's All For One: the one that she was hired to kill. Especially since her bomb Quirk only works under The Power of Hate.
  • Consummate Liar: All For One mixes just enough truth in his lies to make him sound believable to Luz.
  • Create Your Own Hero: Tyler assisted the governor in creating the Death Camp that involve Luz turning into a ruthless Anti-Hero with a personal vendetta against him.
  • Death Is a Slap on the Wrist: All For One merely views his situation of being dead and trapped in a child's mind as a temporary inconvenience.
  • Disease Bleach: Luz's hair turning white is revealed to be because of All For One messing with her mentally and twisting of her mind into something more akin to him was having a real effect on her body.
  • Distressed Dude: King got captured by All For One for his Titan Blood until Eda rescued him.
  • Do Wrong, Right: Tyler Wittebane believes The Governor had the right idea, but the wrong approach, believing Luz can't be controlled.
  • Egocentrically Religious: Tyler Wittebane is such a massive insanely self-absorbed Narcissist, that he's convinced himself that he was chosen by God to rid the world of super-powered people after the Mass Super-Empowering Event. He also believes that if he kills Luz, directly or indirectly, it would earn him a spot in heaven and boasts that she should be proud to meet death at his hands.
  • Enemy Within: Shigaraki is ultimately this to Luz in the end.
  • Equal-Opportunity Evil: All For One has no issues making witches and demons in the Boiling Isles his followers. A useful pawn is a useful pawn regardless of their race, after all.
  • Even Evil Has Loved Ones: Tyler Wittebane appears to love his wife and unborn son. However, this is not unconditional as with Julia if they gain superpowers.
  • Even Evil Has Standards: Tyler orders the assassins he hired to try and kill Luz to spare her mother, not wanting (in his mind) innocent casualties on his consciousness. Though this is most likely due to believing her to be an Un-Sorcerer, unaware that Camila was the first person Luz gave a Quirk to.
  • Evil Is Petty: Tyler Wittebane admits to himself he doesn't care if its considered petty playing mind games with the assassins he hired by not telling them All For One's identity, due to them having superpowers, despite making it harder for them to find their target for him.
  • Evil Laugh: All For One gives one as his scheme is coming along nicely.
  • Evil Plan: All For One's ultimate goal in regards to Luz: To what he tried to Touma in canon and pull a Villain Override on the 14-year old girl, use The Boiling Isles as a way to get his own world, change her name, modify her body with help of the Mad Doctor steal One For All from All Might in the guise of an innocent teenaged girl and continue his reign of terror with no one to stop him!
  • Evil Versus Evil: All For One and Emperor Belos once had a confrontation a decade before the story began, that nearly ruined the latter's Final Solution plans as the former raised hell in the Boiling Isles. Its unknown if Shigaraki is even aware of the other Big Bad's Evil Plan is.
  • Eviler than Thou: Tyler goes as far as to believe that The Governor's Final Solution plan didn't go far enough.
  • False Friend: All For One is ultimately this to Luz. Case and point: He's also aware that Riley, Luz's cousin, plans to to murder her and doesn't seem to be in a hurry to warn her. In fact, he seems as an opportunity to turn her into more like him and make the girl distrust anyone else who isn't him. Any affection Shigaraki has for Luz Noceda is superficial at best.
  • Fantastic Racism: Tyler wants to commit genocide on superhumans, considering them to be monsters, including his own daughter. He considers Luz his top priority due to her Superpower Lottery.
    Tyler: Disgusting, filthy, wretched demon spawn.
  • Feeling Oppressed by Their Existence: Tyler ultimately feels this towards Luz and by extension all Quirk users and the supernatural.
  • The Fundamentalist: Tyler is an Ultra-Conservative Christian that holds the strong conviction that the existence of LGBT, witches, demons, and super-humans are an unholy abomination against God. Fitting, seeing as his family were witch hunters back in the 1700s.
  • Generation Xerox: Tyler Wittebane is essentially a richer, modern-day version of Phillip Wittebane being a superstitious human who believes that witches and demons are inherently evil and wants to wipe them out for the good of humanity.
  • Godzilla Threshold: All For One predicts that there would come a point when Luz wouldn’t have a choice but to take more Quirks, be it out of necessity, or by his hand.
  • Grand Theft Me: Shigaraki's plan for Luz then get back to his world.
  • Greater-Scope Villain: Emperor Belos serves as this. He's working with his descendant Tyler Wittebane to kill off people with super powers, including All For One who he even takes a personal interest in having fought her predecessor a decade before the story started.
  • Heteronormative Crusader: Julia's father is this to a T, being sick at the very thought of same-sex relationships. Not even his own daughter is exempt from their homophobia.
    No self-respecting Christian would lay with a person of the same sex. It was sinful, downright disgusting, and morally irreprehensible. He wanted to gag just thinking about it.
  • History Repeats: Noticing the events Luz goes through similar to his own past and gains some of his physical traits, Shigaraki wants her to become the "Next Me" via Trauma Conga Line.
    Ah~ good times! Luz’s life was playing mirror to his own. That was good. First persecution based on how one simply existed both in the past and the present. Now, there was seemingly a potential betrayal in the family. So long as this continued, and so long as enough tragedy strikes her, she’d be willing to listen to damn near anything he requested of her. It was only a matter of time before she gave way to her truest self. The truest self that All For One grants its user. Complete, and total, unrivalled POWER. Free from one’s limitations and morality. Free from one’s perceptions of the law. The moment Luz went quote-on-quote crazy, was the moment that he would be able to grant her the fullest of All For One.
  • Hypocrite: Despite hating the idea of witchcraft and superpowers as a whole, Tyler is not above hiring such users if it benefits him, especially to assassinate others of their kind or his opponents. A trait he shares with Emperor Belos his still living ancestor, though unlike him he doesn't care if he's called out on this.
  • Irrational Hatred: Since her bomb Quirk only works under The Power of Hate, Riley rationalises that she would have to resort to this by blaming her for her abusive father's death for it to work on her.
  • Irony:
    • All For One can't help but notice that actively manipulating Luz gets him subpar results, while allowing her a moments of freedom from his suggestions and manipulations, she is doing what he needed of her to get back to his home world.
    • Tyler Wittebane hates having to work with Emperor Belos due to believing him to be a witch and wants to kill him personally just for that, not knowing he’s not only his ancient ancestor but arguably hates witches and demons even more than his descendants.
  • Jerk with a Heart of Jerk: Shigaraki and Tyler share this trait.
  • Kick the Dog: Tyler in thoughts admits he's glad Julia, his dead daughter, is gone. Even calling her a mistake.
  • Knight Templar: Tyler is convinced of his own moral and spiritual superiority in God's eyes, despite disowning and sending his daughter to her death for being gay and having powers. He also claims that he just wants to protect Gravesfield from the "demons" and "monsters" that threaten his town; but has no problems sending, in his own words, murderous psychopaths after a teenage girl.
  • Let No Crisis Go to Waste: All For One is not one to miss a chance to take advantage of the chaos he causes or caused by others to advance his goals. Hell, he was the one who accidentally caused the Mass Super-Empowering Event and kicked off the plot in the first place!
  • Long-Lost Relative: Belos is this to Tyler Wittebane, not that the latter knows.
  • Loves the Sound of Screaming: Despite seemingly agreeing with Luz that the Quirk vestiges are creepy he enjoys the sounds of their painful moans, believing they deserve to be condemned to eternal enslavement for standing up to the collective power that was All For One. He considers it to be the one thing keeping him entertained, as he's trapped in the girl's Mental World, when he's not speaking his Quirk's successor.
  • Mad Doctor: All For One plans to meet Dr. Garaki back in his world to the same genetic augmentations on Luz as he did to his own body to hold for Quirks.
  • Magic Mirror: This is how Belos is able to communicate with Tyler Wittebane.
  • Mama Bear: Its heavily implied that All For One kidnapped King and Eda rescued him, when the 2 ended up in the "The Mutant Realm".
  • Mass Super-Empowering Event: The World Health Organization dubbed it “The Mass Power Awakening Event or, the MPAE. It's more advanced than the one that happened in Mutant Realm, which will lead to more devastating global consequences.
  • Meaningful Rename: All For One intends to rename Luz Noceda as Toshiko Shigaraki, meaning "Clever Child of Death" due seeing her as a Child Prodigy with his power that has racked up a sizable body count, after he pulls a Demonic Possession.
  • Melting-Pot Nomenclature: Averted. All For One considers a foreign name mixed with a Japanese name to be ugly as sin.
  • Mind Control: All For One used Titan's Blood to keep Gigantomachia as this.
  • Mission from God: Tyler Wittebane is firmly convinced that God has tasked him with killing all of those that have super powers, with Luz his main target.
  • The Mole: Some members of the Emperor's Coven are these to All For One.
  • More than Mind Control: The “addiction” that Shigaraki warned Luz about was really him forcing her hand, making her take Quirks to make her stronger and to fuel his sadism. Its revealed that every action, thought and word that she did that she considered as evil person was, in some way, influenced by Shigaraki.
  • Multiversal Conqueror: All For One's Evil Plan is to essentially become this, taking over his Realm, Luz's Realm and the Demon Realm.
  • The Multiverse: According to All For One, The Demon Realm, is considered a “Realm between Realms.” It almost mirrored Yggdrasil. Except, it only had 2 Realms connected to it, the first being The Human Realm, and the second being The Mutant Realm i.e. his realm.
  • Mundane Utility: Deadly as Spear Fingers maybe, Luz has ben shown using them as them makeshift forks when eating just as well.
  • Narcissist: Both Shigaraki and Tyler are also this. Shigaraki sees Luz as an extension of himself, becoming overjoyed as he sees the events she goes through similar to his own past and gains some of his physical traits. He finds her brown eyes disgusting and wishes that they would turn red like his soon.
  • Narnia Time: All For One muses that time could flow differently between in his world compared to Luz's, due the loss connection via Boiling Isles.
  • Never My Fault: Tyler claims that he lost his daughter to the devil, not because he sent her to a Death Camp he helped orchestrate in the first place.
  • Nice Job Breaking It, Hero: All Might may have done his world a favour putting down All For One in their Final Battle before the story events of My Hero Academia starts, he unintentionally caused the Mass Super-Empowering Event in Luz's world when All For One's Quirk transferred into the girl, setting off the story's bloody events.
  • Oblivious to Hatred: It doesn't seem clear if Belos is aware that Tyler hates him or not.
  • Obliviously Evil: From Tyler Wittebane's perspective, he is fighting a holy war to save all humanity from a non-human and, indeed, literally Satanic threat. He believes his side are the good guys, despite his said containing bigots, Child Soldiers, assassins, psychopaths, and kid killers.
  • Plausible Deniability: All For One plans to use Luz's skin colour as this if All Might comes across him in her body.
  • The Power of Blood: All For One used Titan's Blood to keep Gigantomachia's Undying Loyalty to him as a Mind Control agent at the cost of his intelligence, his other Quirk experiments and travel to the Demon Realm in order to find some more.
  • Pragmatic Villainy: He even admits to enjoy tormenting and manipulating poor Luz, only holding himself back to not lose her trust in him.
  • Pretender Diss: All For One sees Belos as a fool and plans on taking the Boiling Isles from him.
  • Prison Dimension: Shigaraki notes that Luz's Mental World is pretty much this to him, as he can't directly interact with the physical world, yet.
  • Psycho for Hire: Tyler plans to send at least a dozen assassins to kill Luz, who he knows is the new All For One, many having superpowers of their own and described as straight-up psychopaths.
  • The Reveal: All For One admits the “addiction” was really him influencing her in a More than Mind Control way.
    Influencing her actions, her emotions, and manipulating her without even uttering a word. While he couldn’t take over her body, yet, he definitely could influence her.
  • Sadist: It's revealed that he lied to Luz about the "Quirk Addiction" because of this, enjoying watching her kill her friends' murderers and steal their Quirks. He only holds off on tormenting Luz not out of any compassion but by Pragmatic Villainy to keep her trust in him.
  • Shout-Out: All For One notes the Quirk vestiges in the mindscape had no mouth, and could not scream
  • Sinister Minister: Tyler Wittebane is a good example of this : A fanatic that runs a mega church who believes that God wants him to wipe out every super-powered person in the world under the idea that they were created by Satan. He has an army of mercenaries to carry out his will.
  • Spanner in the Works: All For One notes he only has to fear Luz figuring out Evil Plan for it to fail.
  • Squishy Wizard: Tyler points out that not even a skilled magic user, could withstand the might of a fully automatic assault rifle.
  • The Svengali: Shigaraki is ultimately planning to groom Luz to carry out his will, as well as to make the girl her next vessel that's more resistant to the Quirk Singularity, as he tried with Tomura in canon, and use her to get back to his home realm.
  • Unwitting Pawn: Luz is ultimately this for All For One in his master scheme.
  • Van Helsing Hate Crimes: Tyler wants to kill witches simply for who they are, not what they've done.
  • Villain in a White Suit: Tyler the next Arc Villain wears one.
  • Villain Override: All For One's Long Game master plan involves doing this to Luz at some point.
  • Wham Episode:
    • All For One's death caused the Mass Super-Empowering Event to happen in Luz's world when his soul was put in her body! He's directly responsible (albeit unintentionally) for all the death and misery in the story on a global scale. He even notes its more advanced than the one that happened in his world, with more people, a 5 digit figure, having Quirks and the powers being much more powerful, like in current timeline MHA.
    • All For One plans to use Luz to get back to his own Realm and has been to The Boiling Isles before and has spies there, waiting for him. He also knows that King is a Titan!
    • The climax with the chapter not only reveals that Emperor Belos is working with his (possible) descendants (without them knowing) to deal with the superhumans. He has the means in this story to communicate and travel to the Human Realm, due to Shigaraki's brief meddling in the Boiling Isles a decade ago. The last part checks out with Millie confirmed to be an actual witch from his Coven.
  • Would Hurt a Child: Its also heavily implied the Titan's blood All For One got his hands on came from King and could very well have caused the poor guy harm to extract it before Eda rescued him from that monster when they ended up in the MHA world.
  • You Have Failed Me: While Riley knows that betraying Luz is wrong, she honestly believes she's going to be killed either way by the Wittebane's other assassins along with her via this.
  • You Have Outlived Your Usefulness: Tyler plans on pulling this on Millie for being witch if she succeeds in her mission to kill Luz.
