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Can They Survive This High School?
  • This episode begins the tradition of Collective Groans whenever the host starts the scenario in High School, with Den letting out a big one right at the start.
  • Once Ivan, Chilly and Den get to the school, a pink gas fills the classroom they're in. In Curt's words, "gas masks miraculously fall from the ceiling."
    Ivan: Why does this school have gas masks?
    Den: Did I take acid?
  • The loudspeaker voice decides to challenge the three smartest kids in the school. That is, Ivan, Chilly and Den.
  • Curt reveals that one of the three is working for him while they search for the antidote. Ivan immediately suspects Chilly.
    • Later on, Chilly suspects Den, on the grounds that she's being quiet. It's shown that she's actually just eating, though this doesn't dissuade the other two.
  • Ivan is amazed at the immersion of the scenario, since he's just sitting at home on his phone. Once Curt sends him the necessary codeword, he reacts with even more amazement, while everyone else just laughs.
  • Curt allows everyone to talk with each other over what their words mean. Cut to a few seconds of silence while everyone thinks. Curt breaks the silence with his laughter.
    • Ivan declares that he'll know that Chilly is the saboteur if her word is different to his.
      Chilly: That doesn't make sense, because I'm pretty sure we all have different words.
      Ivan: (Beat) Oh, shit.
      Den: Yeah, how is this guy the smartest? He can't even follow the rules!
    • Once everyone decides to go to the girl's locker room, Curt asks if that's really what they want to do. After another few seconds of silence, they remember that one of the words is wrong.
      • Bonus points: Every time the three of them are thinking, the animator depicts them with Blank Stares, text over their heads that says "loading...", and the computer code from The Matrix slowly fading in.
    • Chilly asks if the boys' and girls' locker rooms are separated or combined. Curt, clearly already done with this, asks if Chilly typically changes with the boys.
    • Den's line of logic on who the traitor is leaves Ivan very confused, visualized as a bunch of question marks falling down over the screen.
      Ivan: Dude, I'm so lost! Dude, I don't belong in this school, I'm not part of the top three!
    • Curt notes that, as the three make their way to the girl's locker room, they feel much weaker. Mainly because they were talking for what felt like forever.
  • Den opens a box in the locker room, and it turns out to be empty. Ivan is relieved, until Chilly reminds them that they basically wasted a turn.
  • Once the crew figure out that the next room is the music room, Chilly wonders which one of them is lying. Ivan silences her, as shown by him placing a cup over a tiny Chilly.
  • Ivan volunteers Den to open the box in the music room. Chilly wants someone else to open it, so Ivan... volunteers Den.
  • As Curt is talking during the Cliffhanger, Ivan and Chilly come in to plug their channel and Patreon and hype up the next part. Curt then continues, noting that the audience should support them, because they're poor.
    Curt: We suck.
    Den: We do.

Can They Escape Virtual Reality?

  • Ivan starts off the scenario by admitting he snuck into everyone's homes and put VR headsets on everyone, which cannot be removed. Den asks why he did that, while Curt wonders how he afforded the plane trips. Ivan says that is isn't important.
  • Ivan explains that the VR headsets will kill the players if they fail a challenge. He then goes on to explain that he'll go back to their houses to pick them up because he's unemployed, and VR headsets are expensive.
  • Chilly wonders if they are working with or against each other, again. Curt lampshades this.
  • Ivan attempts to narrate the group entering the tower, before admitting he's really bad at immersion. Also, Den gets a cool cloak.
  • The door behind the group disappears, and Curt complains about how cheap this virtual reality is.
  • Curt explains how to solve the first puzzle note , then expresses doubt as to how easy it is. Because Ivan might be too dumb to think of that solution himself.
  • Den is hung up on the fact that there are three shovels. Also, she tries to stab Ivan, but because this is virtual reality, her knife just goes through him with no effect.
  • Turns out, Curt's idea was the correct one, but now he's concerned that the next two puzzles will be much harder. Den wonders if Ivan is smart enough to do that.
  • Upon seeing the second puzzle note , Curt declares that Craigslist is crazy.
    • Den doesn't know if Ivan is tricking them with easy the puzzle sounds. She eventually elects to just stab the survivor.
    • Den wonders if they all drank tequila, leading Curt to believe that all the guests are drunk.
    • As Ivan narrates the survivor getting up from his chair, Chilly gets scared.
      Ivan: Why are you telling me to wait? (Laughing) You don't even know what happens.
      Curt (as a Siren appears from his hat): My helmet about to go off, I don't like this.
      • As it turns out, the survivor was just showing them the way out. Curt gripes about how a guy he's not supposed to talk to getting up is going to cause him some worry. He then jokes about accidentally saying "Thanks," and passing out.
        Ivan: Curt is now part of the second floor and this group of corpses.
  • Ivan describes the final puzzle: there is an empty 5-gallon bucket, an empty 3-gallon bucket, an infinite source of water, and a man dying of thirst. He can only drink 4 gallons of water, dying if he gets any more. That's not the funny part; What is funny is how everyone reacts to the problem:
    • Den wants to give the man some ice cubes from the room downstairs. Remember, the ice cubes are poisoned.
    • Curt wonders why this guy needs such a specific amount of water. Ivan reminds him that this is virtual reality, and that it's not real.
    • Chilly manages to solve the riddle note , as math problems are her specialty. Curt is completely lost, while Ivan accuses her of cheating.
      Ivan: Chilly's VR headset just explodes.
      Chilly: No!
      Curt: You know what, I'm not mad. Cause that means, I came out on top.
      • Den was apparently confused in the corner the whole time.
  • Turns out that the dying man was Ivan all along. Den tries pitching her poisoned-ice-cubes idea, while Curt elects to just beat him up for trapping them.

Can They Escape A Crisis Bunker?

  • Curt starts off the episode by saying it relates to current events. Events that will definitely get him demonetized if he says it out loud.
  • In order to prep for the quarantine, the crew need to pick up food for their house. Chilly quips that Ivan can only cook eggs, but he objects: he can also cook spam.
  • They hear a screaming in the supermarket. Suddenly, the aisle starts tipping over, and the three get pelted with cans of spam. Ivan wonders if there's a super sale.
    Chilly: Video over.
    Curt: Yeah, and then you die.
  • The three wake up in a bunker that looks very homely. Their three neighbors (Paul Jacobs, Ada Brooks, and Lee Crabtree) are in there with them. Then a shadowy figure appears on over the TV screen.
    Ivan: Oh my god, is this Saw?
    • The figure clarifies that they're doing this to keep everyone safe. Ivan declares that this isn't Saw, it's Fifty Shades of Grey.
    • Also, the debate about whether spam is a good pandemic food.
  • Den doesn't want to stab Ivan, she just wants to play board games. Everyone immediately asks if she's alright.
  • There's a keypad next to the Big Door. Ivan inputs 0420, and wastes one of their 4 chances. Ivan reasons that it must have been the code, because it's funny.
  • Ivan suddenly gets the joke with Paul Jacobs' name.
  • Den goes to talk to Ada. She opens with "You people."
  • The figure comes back and tells everyone that they have to sleep in pods. Den just agrees, but Ivan notes that nothing good comes out of sleeping in a pod. He's shown holding up a book with pictures of Han Solo and Shadow the Hedgehog.
  • Ivan is getting strange sex dungeon vibes from the entire situation.
  • Once everyone figures out that Lee Crabtree was the one keeping everyone in the bunker, he pulls a gun on them. Specifically, at Ivan.
    • Later, Chilly gives a piece of glass to Den to stab Lee Crabtree. She takes the glass... then trips and stabs Ivan. He is not amused.
  • Den is the only one who didn't escape. Chilly wants to trade Ivan for Den.
  • Once Chilly and Ivan escape, and see that the world has gone to ruin, they want to get back in the bunker, but can't. Meaning Den is the Sole Survivor.
    Ivan: How did Den have the foresight to just sleep in the pod?
  • Curt based the scenario off of 10 Cloverfield Lane, and notes that the best decision was to just stay in the bunker. A lesson which may provide some chuckles for anyone who's actually seen the movie.

Can They Guess The Traitor?

  • Continuing from the very first episode, Ivan accuses Den of being the saboteur. Den counter-accuses Ivan and tries to stab him.
The next set of code words leads the crew to the gymnasium. Den wonders how they missed the box on the way to the girl's locker room earlier. Curt chalks it up to them arguing too much to notice it.
  • Curt decides to give them an additional hint this time, since he feels he was wrong about them being smart.
  • Curt gives them their first hint. They don't even bother discussing, and immediately ask for the second one.
    • Actually, only Chilly and Den asked for the second hint; Ivan wasn't paying attention. He then repeatedly asks what the current scenario is. Chilly declares him to be the worst saboteur.
  • Ivan is generally confused throughout the entire scenario, being unable to follow Chilly and Den's reasoning. Curt repeatedly confirms that he is one of the smartest students in the school.
  • Chilly thinks that the saboteur's lying equates to flipping their words in a sentence. Curt explains that that is not the case.
  • Curt demands that they decide now, or he'll kill them in real life. Everyone devolves into laughter.
  • Ivan is revealed to be the saboteur, much to Den's frustrations. She decides to stab him right as she's dying, and as Ivan is receiving the antidote.

Can They Escape Willy Wonka's Chocolate Factory?

Can They Escape Jurassic Park?

Can They Become Wizards? (Ft. Yssa Badiola)

Are You Smarter Than a 5th Grader?
  • The whole reason why Chilly hosts the game. She doesn't want to be subjected to being tested and decides to take the initiative before the rest of the crew has the same ideas.
  • Because Den woke up too early for the game, she ends up struggling as she's forced to use Futurama references to answer History 500 and during the Science 300 question note , she falls for the boys' false hint of Mickey's dog.
    • Then when the answer is revealed answer , Ivan screwed himself when he reveals his answer is Mars. And this is after he was very confident in his answer.
      Ivan: It's not Mars?! (Covers mouth in shock)
      Christian: Did you say Mars?!

Can You Survive Final Destination?

  • Upon figuring out the scenario, Curt goes into panic mode as he desperately tries escaping while berating the more nonchalant Christian and Ivan.
    Curt: Is this fucking Final Destination?
    Den (as Ned): I don't know what you're talking about.
    Curt: GET ME OFF OF THIS PLANE DEN!!! (Bangs on the plane's airlock)
    Christian: I don't remember this scene from Rugrats in Paris
    Curt: No it's about to be Rugrats in PERIL if we don't get off of this plane, bro!
    [Later when the plane takes off]
    Curt: "None of us know how to do this! Ivan’s naked, Christian’s high as hell, Chilly's Chilly! We're done for!"
    [When the scenario reset]
    Ivan: How am I gonna get to Paris if we get off the plane, Curt?
    Curt: Paris? Paris?! We're gonna get to the grave if we don't get off this, bitch!
  • Recreyo has an impeccable track record for anyone or everyone to die in a scenario, even if it's impossible to do so or easily avoidable, so the fact that nobody dies in a death-oriented franchise is beyond astonishing.

Can You Survive Shrek?

  • The fake-out opening of Chilly announcing where the scenario is gonna take place
    Chilly: You are in High School ...
    Christian: Noooo Why?!

Can You Survive Total Drama Island?
  • Christian singing Flyysoulja's "I'm An Island Boy" at various points of the video and even chooses to perform it for the talent show.

Can You Survive Scream?
  • One particular comment perfectly sums up the video:
    Commentor: Scream, a horror movie that breaks the meta of the movie tropes, is now a scenario done by Recreyo, who often breaks the meta of their scenarios with logic, while being hosted by Ivan, whose scenarios are often questioned by the Recreyo crew. This will be fine.
