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Dark Is Not Evil / Webcomics

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  • Achewood: When Philippe falls asleep in the garbage dump where he went to find a missing couch, he's carried off by two horrifically disfigured men. They are later revealed to be Zell and Cory, two drifters who got their disfigurements in a flophouse fire, and were just taking him to their home so he'd have a safe place to stay.
  • Autumn Bay: Ghoul wears black t-shirts with skulls and such on them, has multiple piercings, and wears his hair in a devilock, but nonetheless urges Stephen, Adam, and Callie to be careful and tells the a safe place to go if they run into trouble.
  • Beyond the End: Uriel, Honey and Mortis are all noted as being dark elementals, but none of them are evil. All of them help End in some way and do their best to look out for him.
  • Blip: Liz is a vampire, wears black all the time, has short blue hair, drinks blood (animal, not human), and is really nice once you get to know her. Sure, she used to be evil, but not anymore.
    K: [I] met Liz through Hester. She's...dark. She might be Bi. Not That There's Anything Wrong with That. She seems worldly. As if she's seen everything you could possibly imagine...
  • Blood Stain has Dr. Vlad Stein, whose scratchy voice, bloodstained clothes, sleepwalking and tendency to make extremely easily-misunderstood statements terrify Elly upon first meeting. He has, of course, no intentions whatsoever of harming her, and is in fact sick to death of being mistaken for a mad scientist or an axe murderer.
  • Chess Piece has King Vlad, who uses Dark magic and looks like a demon. He's actually a really nice person unless you threaten his son. On the other hand, his son's quite the opposite.
  • In D 20 Monkey, Carlos' PC character Gul'Ren was a student who was kidnapped by warlocks and forcibly bound to a shadow elemental. However, the elemental was just as much a victim of the warlocks as Gul was, and they worked together to escape. For several years, they existed as two beings sharing one body, until being trapped in a magic-draining cage weakened the link between them. Gul realized how much he and the shadow elemental needed each other, and they finally fused into one being.
  • Digger befriends a strange creature she calls Shadowchild who turns out to be a feral demon who can eat your shadow, sending you into a fatal coma. Shadowchild is also the most innocent and well-meaning character in the comic.
  • Rilian the necromancer in Dominic Deegan masquerades as a jolly guy called Brian in the Around the World arc. After he reveals his true identity, one of his associates remarks that he was not deceiving Dominic: The masquerade was a rare opportunity to let loose and be himself for a change. The personality, the philosophy and even the body was all him, the only fake thing was the name, and even that was just the modern equivalent of his real name.
  • In Dragon Mango, despite Mango's horrified reaction, Pumpkin doesn't think the shadow beast looks like a bad little guy, and asking whether it's scared or needs help does get it to respond.
  • In El Goonish Shive, Raven can act "creepy and weird" and even comes off as somewhat sinister at times. His rather harsh attitude toward his students doesn't help. However, he's definitely on the side of the heroes and is noted to be, alongside Mr. Verres, one of the authority figures they know they can trust.
  • In Erfworld, Vinny Doombats has the appearance and bat-themed trappings of a classic Dracula-style vampire. He's also the loyal right-hand man to the color-coded "good" side leader, and acts on straightforward "good" motivations (friendship to the aforementioned leader and recognition that the enemy is a dangerous aggressor).
    • While Vinny is unambiguously good, the leader of his side is portrayed as morally ambiguous, and his fervent religious and feudalistic beliefs (which keep him in power) and overall motivations are less than entirely sympathetic.
      • Really, Don King's "fervent religious and feudalistic beliefs" are a reaction to the political climate and a desire to remain closer to sides like Jetstone (not to mention a healthy hatred of Stanley). Before the battle for Gobwin Knob, he took a much more pragmatic approach to governance with the creed of the "best person for the job", even going so far as to name a non-Royal Heir Designate. The Values Dissonance between the old Transylvito and the new Royal Crown Coalition is a minor plot point, and a cause for unease in characters like Vinny and Caesar.
    • Lord Stanley, the aforementioned enemy and leader of the opposing side, is a mean, reckless, and selfish guy with a Napoleon Complex who threatens to "disband" (read: execute) members of his own troops if he feel slighted. But as he's quick to point out to his new Chief Warlord, just because their side uses spiders and undead (or the local equivalent) and dragons, doesn't make them the "bad guys". As he explains, he's done nothing the "good guys" themselves haven't, for all the airs the Royal Crown Coalition puts on about "nobility", they are still ruling through fear and violence and aggression against smaller, weaker enemies, and in fact they are ganging up on him, not because he's a monster or a tyrant or a threat to them personally, but because they don't approve of a commoner being promoted to ruler of a powerful side, especially not one with a claim to a Divine Mandate that might supersede their own.
      • Stanley shows some more sympathetic qualities too, including genuine remorse for the effect linking his Eyemancers (and then breaking that link) had on the Foolamancer Jack, acting as an inspiration to his men when they are surrounded by Transylvito forces, and thanking Jack for saving his forces, as well as showing doubt as to whether he is doing the Titan's will, suggesting he genuinely believes himself to be a tool of the Titans' will. He's also shown, despite being genuinely kind of stupid, at least trying to remember his soldiers' names and be a better boss and leader for them over time.
  • The Watcher of Mort (God of Death) in Exterminatus Now look like empty tattered floating black robes with streams of ash running out of the openings. However, their holy mission is to protect hallowed grounds and the corpses resting therein from graverobbers and occult defilement. They hate necromancers who turn corpses into zombies. But they caution any passing "hero" not to harm the poor zombies further, as they are mere "victims, innocent puppets", who must be returned to their rightful resting places.
  • Friendly Hostility has a demon and an Eldritch Abomination as friends to the protagonists.
    • Hell, the demon's a nurse!
  • This is pretty much the entire point of Goblins: Life Through Their Eyes.
  • The protagonist of ''Gravston gets his power from the "Death Essence" sealed within him, and said essence is the source of all the death in the world, essentially making Samuel the Anthropomorphic Personification of death. Despite this, he is an undeniably good person.
  • Girl Genius: Mechanicsburg is the hometown of a creepy sentient (& sociopathic) castle, a horde of dreaded Super-Soldier monsters, and a family lineage with countless generations of barbaric Mad Scientists ... followed by two generations of heroes. Agatha Heterodyne, the latest of this lineage, is willing to accept her inheritance and use it for good rather than for evil, public image be damned.
  • The Guides from Gunnerkrigg Court are dark, frightening (at least one of them looks downright Lovecraftian), grim, and an obvious and infallible omen of death, but if you start chatting with them, you'll find out they are nice. Of course, unless you are a medium, by the time you can chat with them it's too late to tell the tale...
    • There's also Zimmy. She looks like a Stringy-Haired Ghost Girl, and acts like an obnoxious jerk to almost everyone. What's more, she has uncontrollable reality warping powers that create a hellish city populated by faceless monsters. Despite all this, she's not explicitly a bad person, wanting to be left alone more than anything, which may in itself be her nice side playing out, since other people can get caught up in her 'dreams', sometimes with rather negative effects.
  • Halflight: One of the main cast is mistaken for being evil for being dark in this strip.
  • Hanna Is Not a Boy's Name: Picture if you will a comic in which a mysterious sickly eccentric and his undead henchman kill someone and resurrect him without his consent, turning him into a predatory monster. ...And they're the protagonists. This, my friends, is the beginning to the story.
  • Homestuck:
    • Trolls may be a race of horned, yellow-eyed, fanged Jerk Asses with a tyrannical society built on massive Values Dissonance, in addition to being actual internet trolls, but most of them aren't really so bad once you get to know them better. In general this trope and Light Is Not Good apply to their culture, which has a view of of the moral status of light and darkness inverse to that of mankind as a result of their nocturnality and the dangers of exposure to the Alternian sun, making it most fitting that in recent events almost all of the biggest threats facing the trolls involve bright light.
    • Rose Lalonde dresses all in black, consults with Eldritch Abominations, and uses powerful dark magic. But she's doing all of it to try and save her friends from a game that seems impossible to win otherwise.
    • The black-carapaced Dersites are not all as evil as their queen; WV, before his exile, united Dersites (black) and Prospitians (white) against the tyrannic monarchs of his kingdom, and both he and fellow Dersite AR are varying degrees of heroic.
    • One important event in Act 5 involves a battle between a hero of Hope and a hero of Doom. The hero of Hope is a genocidal maniac and the hero of Doom is a good guy, albeit an occasionally moody one.
    • The Denizens are presented as powerful, dangerous, monstrous things, and the default assumption is that they must be fought and killed, but Sburb players can realize that they're not inherently evil or interested in their demise and can choose to bargain and reason with them instead. Davesprite describes this issue when talking to Jadesprite and mentioning how he initially assumed that Hephaestus was a villain but realized otherwise when he visited him a second time.
      DAVESPRITE: and thats what i didnt get
      DAVESPRITE: hes this terrible angry monstrous guy but theres no need to fight him
  • The Treasure Monster in The Inexplicable Adventures of Bob! is probably the creepiest-looking thing in the whole comic, but all it really wants is to serve people. It's just really, really bad at it.
  • Secret of Keychain of Creation is an Abyssal, who are supposed to be Always Chaotic Evil. She's manipulated things enough so that she only kills people who deserve it. (Or at least, people she feels deserve it.) Then again, Secret is an odd case.
  • Last Res0rt and the Dead Inside. Filled with Vampires, Zombies, and Djinn, they certainly look set up to be evil, complete with "Dead Eyes"... except Jigsaw's shaping up to be a Friendly Neighborhood Vampire, and if anybody's come across as evil right now, it's the angel-winged Celeste.
  • Curio from morphE is a Moros mage who controls shadows and the ability to perform "Death" magic. He is a 15-year-old timid wallflower and in no way represents the traits of his abilities.
  • Muted: Although many members of the Severin family fall directly into Dark Is Evil (like Athalie), others do not. Abrielle, Silvia, Camille, and Avaline primarily wear dark colors (and in the case of Silvia and Avaline, also have a black bird familiar), are also shown to be reasonable, compassionate, and open-minded.
  • In Night Terror, it's more along the lines of "Dark is Not Unredeemable", as the main focus of the game is defeating the evil Phobias, after which they undergo a Heel–Face Turn and become regular Dreamscapers. In fact, much of the cast is actually made up of reformed Phobias.
  • Off-White: Hati, the demonic looking dark wolf spirit, is tying to buy time for a dying world. His angelic brother wants the world to die.
  • In The Order of the Stick: Start Of Darkness, it's revealed that the Goblins' god, The Dark One, is actually an ascended goblin who was called that because of the color of his skin. He was actually a leader and a peacemaker before being killed by evil human, elven and halfling nobles during a diplomatic meeting. (Actually, sadly the nobles probably weren't "evil" per the D&D alignment system as defined by their own gods, since they "merely" did away with a goblin, not a member of the "privileged" races. But since D&D designers like to pretend that in D&D cosmology Good and Evil are Objective moral forces, having someone assassinated during a peace talk should rank as an evil act.)
    • Another example of how Dark Is Not Evil is the aptly titled Monster in the Dark, an extremely powerful creature owned by Xykon who hides in constant darkness as a trumpcard for him to use. However the Monster itself is a simple-minded being with childish tendencies, only acting evil when directly told to by Xykon and even then doing so ineffectively (it doesn't care to eat children, throwing them into the trashcan instead). O-Chul, a paladin being kept prisoner by the villains, recognizes the creature as not evil and befriends it within a span of three months. And vice versa. The monster ends up saving O-Chul's and V's lives from Xykon — and quite anxiously worried that its teleporting them away might have put O-Chul somewhere else dangerous.
    • Another strip has Belkar invoke this trope with regard to Vaarsuvius and an Evil Costume Switch, telling Haley that she shouldn't judge the elf just because of the newly added glowing eyes, wild hair, pale skin, vampiric fangs and ominous voices. Of course, V has just made a Deal with the Devil and killed an entire lineage of black dragons, so...
      • Even without the black dragon massacre, the trope is subverted anyway when Belkar congratulates V on entering "the deep end of the alignment pool." He was just messing with Haley.
    • Parodied with Tsukiko, the necrophiliac Perky Female Minion of Xykon. She thinks that because death is the antithesis of life and the Living are Jerkasses who are "prejudiced" against her for her "Beliefs", the undead are therefore kind and caring creatures misunderstood by others and that Xykon will eventually grow to love her. The Monster in the Dark tries to tell her that it doesn't work that way.
    • After becoming a vampire, Durkon invokes this trope, and the Order welcomes him back in with open arms. It's a sham, and the vampire is not Durkon, but actually a very evil dark spirit working for Hel.
  • The Paranormal Mystery Squad consists of a Goth, Werewolf, Wiccan and Dhampyr and they have a bat as the Team Pet.
  • Pixie and Brutus: Brutus wears an almost-perpetual frown, has two nasty facial scars, and took part in some form of combat. Upon meeting him for the first time, Lola and Mr. Wrinkles are shaken, and Lola says that Brutus looks like he breakfasts on nails. However, he easily falls into the role of sweet, protective big brother to Pixie.
  • Planes of Eldlor has a dark elf who is far more apathetic than evil. Also, the sinister-looking riftwalker dragons, which are all black with glowing violet eyes and blood, but do not appear to be evil.
  • In Punderworld, Hades is a chthonian god who stands out among the rest of his godly kin because he dresses black and has horns on his head reminiscent of a crown, but Hades takes his job in sorting through mortal souls very seriously and respects Zeus' authority.
  • In Realmwalker, Loki dresses mainly in black, Gunhild prefers dark clothes, and Hel wears a dress covered in skulls and purple goth makeup. All of them are good, and Hel also happens to be THE HALF SKELETON GODDESS OF DEATH.
  • In Shadowgirls, not only do the protagonists have some kind of darkness-based powers, but the recently revealed, rather joyfully sadistic protagonist has light-based powers.
  • Sidekicks: We have Darkslug, who is one of the most famous superheroes, wears an all black hero outfit and his name also happens to be "Darkslug". The same applies to Lamia when she transitions from a sidekick to a superhero and becomes Nightmare.
  • Most of the characters from Silver Bullet Nights are monsters and yet they're very sympathetic. Even Rachael, who practices blood magic, drugs her sacrifices before killing them.
    • Zig-zagged by One-Eyed Shadow who used to be a villain but now works under Camilla as her sidekick. He may or may not have returned to villainy after the four-year timeskip.
  • Played with in Slightly Damned. The Demons do have some evil tendencies, but are neither necessarily nor wholly evil — the most prominent Demon in the series is Buwaro, who is an absolute sweetheart, and even Lazuli, who is definitely evil, seems to have genuinely cared about her partner and is pursuing the heroes partly out of revenge for his death.
  • Tales of the Questor features a suit of pitch-black armor with red glowing eyes in the faceplate, enspelled to move by itself and haunted by the ghost of the knight who died wearing it. Said ghost turns out to be a courageous Knight in Shining Armor (paint job notwithstanding), and without him shaming the armor's current wearer into returning to the fray, Quentyn would almost certainly have been killed by the red dragon.
  • In Tower of God Jue Viole Grace/Twenty-Fifth Bam is a Slayer candidate of FUG, who dresses in black clothes and has a reputation as being The Dreaded. However he's actually a Nice Guy who was forced into his position.
  • Sam only wears black, including a spiked collar, and dark makeup. She's one of Tripp's best friends.
  • Vampire Girl: Levana, with her black hair and black skull t-shirt, notes that one of the things that she dislikes about being a vampire is how ordinary people often associate acts of evil with her kind, such as biting their necks, drinking their blood, and turning them into vampires. She is even disgusted by her own natural thirst for blood, because she knows that people need blood to survive.
  • Sterk of Vegan Artbook is supposed to be this, but his tendency to murder those who disagree with him usually make readers see him as the opposite instead.
  • Hell in White Dark Life is a Celestial Bureaucracy that purifies sinners through doling out punishments as if the whole thing was a business rather than a component of evil. This is exemplified by the Demon Lords who are far more quirky than malicious and include Artemis and Eloria.
  • In Yokoka's Quest, the Darkness Clan isn't evil, though their society does seem to have lax attitudes to violence.
  • Zombie And Mummy are a pair of rotting, undead monstrosities. They are also nice roommates.
