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Characters / Wordgirl: REWIRED

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The character sheet for the cast of the fan-made web animation, Wordgirl: REWIRED.

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The Heroes

    WordGirl / Becky Botsford 
As the title suggests, she's the main protagonist of the show. She's a 15-year-old who was adopted by the Botsfords after crash landing on Earth as a baby. She lives a double life as Fairy City's superheroine, WordGirl, using her superpowers and vocabulary to protect the city.
    Captain Huggyface / Bob 
Voiced by: stock monkey noises
A chimpanzee with intelligence that is at least equal to a human's. He was piloting the ship that crash landed on Earth with WordGirl and has stuck by her side. When he's not fighting crime with WordGirl, he's living with the Botsford family as their pet.
  • Alien Among Us: Like WordGirl, he's from the planet Lexicon.
  • Apes in Space: He's a chimpanzee (or a close equivalent) who comes from space.
  • Badass Adorable: A cute chimp who doubles as a superhero's sidekick.
  • Blue is Heroic: His costume is predominantly blue, and some of the artists, like Saf, give him a blue silhouette.
  • Formally-Named Pet: Played with. It's unclear if WordGirl named him Captain Huggyface, and his civilian name, Bob, certainly doesn't fit the bill.
  • The Good Captain: He captained (and piloted) a spaceship before crash landing on Earth.
  • Intellectual Animal: He's even smarter than some of the human citizens of Fair City.
  • Killer Rabbit: In "Mousezilla 2.0," he latches on to Dr. Two-Brains' face.
  • Non-Human Sidekick: Whether he's a chimpanzee or an alien, he's certainly not human.
  • Secret-Keeper: He knows Becky's secret identity as WordGirl.
  • Sidekick: This to WordGirl's heroine.
  • True Companions: With Becky. He's been by her side since she was a baby.
  • The Unintelligible: Becky is the only one who understands him.
     The Narrator 
Voiced by: Gabe Lerman
As his name suggests, he's the Narrator, though he may interrupt or interfere with the story. He's usually biased towards WordGirl, his usual conversation partner.
  • Breaking the Fourth Wall: While other characters do it from time to time, the Narrator does it the most. It's kind of his job, after all.
  • Interactive Narrator: So much so that Becky has no issues shushing him in "Mousezilla 2.0" when he tries to narrate her first scene.
  • Medium Awareness: Uses words like "episode."
  • The Omniscient: He knows what's going on all over Fair City.

The Villains

The antagonists that battle WordGirl daily.
  • Out of Focus: Due to the large cast of villains, some show up far less often than others.
     Theodore "Tobey" McCallister III 
Voiced by: Gold Ninja
Becky's classmate who attacks the city with giant robots. He may be a genius when it comes to robotics, but socially, he struggles, especially when someone brings up his crush on WordGirl.
     Doctor Two-Brains / Professor Steven Boxleitner 
Voiced by: Bear
A Freak Lab Accident merged his brain with an evil lab mouse, and he went from being a benevolent scientist and friend of WordGirl to a villainous scientist who terrorizes Fair City and is obsessed with cheese.


    Mrs. McCallister 
Voiced by: Lady Rashta
Tobey's mother.
  • Fantasy-Forbidding Mother: To Tobey, at least when it comes to evil robots.
  • Marry the Nanny: Played with. When she drops Tobey off with Doctor Two-Brains, he's a little flirty.
  • My Beloved Smother: Justified. Tobey is known for attempting to destroy the city multiple times, so it's no surprise she thinks he needs a babysitter in "Mousezilla 2.0." Though it begs the question of why she'd pick Doctor Two-Brains to be his babysitter.
  • Parental Neglect: Played with. She hires a babysitter for Tobey and wants him to stay out of trouble, but even five years after the original show, she still hasn't done much to really try and stop his villainous behavior.
