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Characters / Warrior Cats: Tribe of Rushing Water

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The Tribe of Rushing Water are a group of cats living in the mountains in Warrior Cats. They have ways different than the clans, which causes tension when the two groups meet in Warrior Cats: The New Prophecy and later books.

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Note: Please add character tropes exclusive to Dawn of the Clans to the Dawn of the Clans character page, not here.

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    The Ancients 

Rock/Teller of the Pointed Stones

"I am no cat's friend. I know too much for friendship. Be glad that you will never be burdened with the knowledge that I have. My curse is to live forever, knowing what has been and what has yet to be, powerless to change anything."

A mysterious blind cat who lives in the tunnels. He often shows up to help Jayfeather, or at least hint at some sort of secret. Sign of the Moon reveals that he was the first Stoneteller.

  • A God I Am Not: What we know about him as of The Last Hope: He's the origin of prophecy, the creator of the Three, and the guy with the power to eradicate free will. Does he think of himself as a god? Not at all.
  • Ancient Keeper: He is incredibly old, and holds onto much knowledge from the past.
  • Bald Mystic: Rock is an ancient, hairless cat cursed to live forever. He has mystical powers of prophecy and knowledge, and as a result, has spent a lot of time trying to guide Jayfeather along on his destiny.
  • Big Bad Duumvirate: Inverted. It's heavily implied in Long Shadows and confirmed in The Last Hope that he and Midnight form a Big Good Duumvirate, since they've been watching the Clans and keeping them safe since the dawn of time.
  • Blind Seer: He is blind, but he can see much. If Cats of the Clans and Sign of the Moon are any indicator, he is omnipotent.
  • Companion Cube: He is often seen in the company of his stick. In The Last Hope, it's revealed that he still has the stick, even though Jayfeather broke it in The Fourth Apprentice and it was subsequently thrown into the lake in Fading Echoes.
  • Creepy Hairless Animal: He is an incredibly ugly, hairless cat with bulging, sightless eyes, who haunts the tunnels where Fallen Leaves died in ancient times and has been around since then.
  • Death Seeker: In The Last Hope, he tells the Three that the Clans should have let him fade away to nothing.
  • Good Is Not Nice: He's on Jayfeather's side, but that doesn't make him polite. Or honest.
  • The Fatalist: Because he has watched the Clans stick to the path of the prophecies since the dawn of time, he believes that they will never be able to change their fate.
  • Intangible Time Travel: He can travel through time like this. And he can also interact with time travelers.
  • Internal Reveal: It was revealed back in the prologue of Long Shadows that Rock was working with Midnight. The other characters don't learn this until The Last Hope.
  • Love Is a Weakness: Cats of the Clans reveals that he'd rather choose loyalty over love, as it makes things easier. He believes that Love Makes You Dumb, and he isn't exactly wrong, what with all the disasters that happened in the series because of forbidden relationships.
  • Meaningful Name: A reveal in Sign of the Moon has given him one. His name is Rock, and he is the first Stoneteller.
  • Mr. Exposition: He mostly hangs around to give Jayfeather information.
  • Multiple-Choice Past: Is he the Guardian of the Tunnels from the Ancients, the first Stoneteller, an immortal cursed to be unable to save the Clans from their fate, a ghost, the Keeper of the Prophecies, the Creator of The Three, or some combination of these things? Not even Word of God can decide.
  • The Omnipotent: He is everywhere, even the past. Also, Sign of the Moon reveals him to be the creator of the Three.
  • The Omniscient: Cats of the Clans shows that he knows everything that happens to the clans and tribe. It's further reinforced when it's revealed in The Last Hope that he and Midnight have known every prophecy ever since they saw them reflected in the lake at the dawn of time.
  • Prophet Eyes: Evidently has these.
  • Spirit Advisor: Except possibly not a ghost. Word of God and the books have kind of flip-flopped on this.
  • Time Master: In Long Shadows, he reveals to Jayfeather his ability to travel through time.
  • Walking Spoiler: Every time he appears, we learn more about him. He deserves much whiteness.
  • The Watcher: He learn in The Last Hope that he has been watching over every single character in the series and knows their ultimate fates due to seeing all prophecies at the dawn of time. However, he is powerless to change anything.
  • Weirdness Search and Rescue: Saves Jayfeather from being trapped in the past in Long Shadows and Sign of the Moon.
  • Who Wants to Live Forever?: Maybe. He acts like this, and seems to be alive in Dark River during the Distant Prologue, which gives him a long lifespan since Sign of the Moon reveals that he is in fact the first Stoneteller. However, it is not clear whether he is alive or dead.
  • You Can't Fight Fate: One of his beliefs. The Last Hope reveals that it comes from having watched the world follow the prophecies since the dawn of time.

Half Moon/Teller of the Pointed Stones

"Maybe we should be like the moon's reflection, holding fast whatever happens."
"I will wait for you forever, Jay's Wing."

A she-cat Jayfeather meets in the past who is a member of the Ancients, cats who would become the Tribe. She was in love with his lookalike Jay's Wing, who was actually his previous incarnation. Half Moon is kind and intelligent, as well as the first Stoneteller. Appears in The Sun Trail as Stoneteller. Read about her appearance there here, but beware of massive spoilers if you haven't finished Sign of the Moon.

  • Awesome Moment of Crowning: In Sign of the Moon, Jayfeather names her Stoneteller, first leader of the Tribe of Rushing Water.
  • Because Destiny Says So: The reason why she has to become the first Stoneteller. Rock says that it's her destiny to become Stoneteller because she was the only one to read the Sign of the Moon.
  • Brooding Boy, Gentle Girl: Her and Jayfeather are worth a mention, even though they have limited interaction in the books, since they don't even live in the same time. Jayfeather's grumpy and sarcastic; Half Moon is friendly and cheerful and later becomes the first Tribe-Healer of the Tribe of Rushing Water.
  • Cats Hate Water: She mentions in Long Shadows that she hates water.
  • Chekhov's Gunman: A massive one, come Sign of the Moon where she becomes the first Stoneteller and brings about a large deal of Jayfeather's character development.
  • A Child Shall Lead Them: In "Sign of the Moon", Jayfeather realizes that Half Moon, who isn't yet considered a sharpclaw (an adult cat, to the Ancients), is the rightful cat to lead the Ancients and transform them into the Tribe of Rushing Water, due to her wisdom and her ability to read supernatural signs. "The Sun Trail" shows that she is still leader into her old age, and is considered great and wise.
  • The Chosen One: She is the chosen Stoneteller, leader of the Tribe of Rushing Water.
  • Founder of the Kingdom: Sort of. She's the one who made the Tribe into an actual Tribe.
  • Help, I'm Stuck!: While hunting in Sign of the Moon, she gets caught in a thorny bush. While her father gets her out, it gives Jayfeather time to miss catching a shrew and Stone Song to comment about how even though he missed it, it's a good sign that there's prey around.
  • I Will Wait for You: The last words of Sign of the Moon are "I will wait for you forever, Jay's Wing!"
  • The Leader: As the first Stoneteller of the Tribe.
  • Nice Girl: She is incredibly kind, especially to Jay's Wing.
  • Meaningful Name: Her name is Half Moon, and she has white fur, the color of the moon. The moon suffix of her name gains another meaning when she becomes Stoneteller due to reading the Sign of the Moon.
  • Meaningful Rename: She's changed her name to Stoneteller by the time the plot of The Sun Trail begins.
  • Reincarnation Romance: Sort of. Her love's reincarnation travels to her time and falls in love with her.
  • Satellite Character: Because she mostly shows up in relation to Jayfeather, she doesn't get much development outside of loving Jayfeather/Jay's Wing and being the first Stoneteller of the Tribe. She does, however, provide an Intro-Only Point of View in The Sun Trail, though she doesn't appear beyond that.
  • Star-Crossed Lovers: In the end, her destiny to become the next Stoneteller prevents her and Jayfeather from being together.
  • Walking Spoiler: It's pretty hard to discuss her without bringing up the fact that she's the first Stoneteller.

Furled Bracken

"I wish it hadn't come to this, but I know there is only one way to decide. Before we cast the stones, I want to remind you all that this has been our home for as long as any cat can remember."

One of the members of The Ancients. After Stone Song becomes their leader, he steps down.

  • The Leader: Used to be this until they left the lake.
  • Passing the Torch: He stepped down as leader when the cats voted to leave the lake, so that Stone Song, who wanted to leave, could take the lead.

Jay's Wing

"Jay's Wing has had a dream. He saw a place where we can live: stone hills teeming with prey and shelter, and free from any enemies."

One of the ancients. He looks exactly like Jayfeather because he was reincarnated as Jayfeather.

  • The Ghost: He never actually appears, despite a big deal being made about him. Subverted when it turns out that he was Jayfeather all along.
  • Identical Stranger: He happened to look exactly like Jayfeather. It makes sense, because Jayfeather is his reincarnation.
  • Reincarnation: Came back as Jayfeather.

Fallen Leaves

"I will walk with you, my friend, as you once walked with me. I could not leave you here to walk alone, when you walked with me like a brother."

One of the Ancients. Went into the tunnels of the Dark River to become a Sharpclaw, but never came out. He acts as a guide to Jayfeather when he's in the tunnels.

  • The Aloner: He's stuck in the tunnel with no one to talk to.
  • And I Must Scream: Trapped in a dark tunnel with no other cat for company occasionally having to relive your death by drowning? Ouch.
  • Big Damn Heroes: He saves Jayfeather and co. at the end of Dark River.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: He was trapped in a pitch-black tunnel that was being flooded. He drowned while trying to desperately get out.
  • Fatal Flaw: His impatience made him go into the tunnels when it was raining, causing him to drown.
  • Hates Being Alone: He gets really sad when he isn't with other cats. Unfortunately, he's stuck in that tunnel, and everyone who comes down just wants to find the way out.
  • I Will Wait for You: The reason he's been in that tunnel for so long isn't because he's trapped in there. It's because he believes that his mother Broken Shadow will come for him one day, and he has to wait in the tunnels so she'll know where to find him. His faith is rewarded when she arrives in The Last Hope, and he finally joins her in the afterlife.
  • Official Couple: With Hollyleaf.
  • Spirit Advisor: To Jayfeather and Hollyleaf, when she's trapped in the tunnels.

Stone Song

"We waited a moon of sunrises for Fallen Leaves to emerge. But he never came. It is time to give up waiting."

The father of Fallen Leaves. Furled Bracken names him the leader of the Ancients when they head to the mountains.

  • Alliterative Name: Stone Song
  • Identical Grandson: May have one in the form of the identical Stone Song that appears in The Sun Trail.
  • The Leader: Is named the leader of the Ancients by Furled Bracken. But he steps down for Half Moon.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted. The Stone Song who appears in The Sun Trail even looks exactly like him.
  • Outliving One's Offspring: His son Fallen Leaves drowned in the tunnels during his sharpclaw initiation.

Dark Whiskers

"Then we can cast the stones now."

Shy Fawn's mate. Has a minor role in Long Shadows, but he's dead by Sign of the Moon.

  • Bus Crash: Dies in between the ancient times segments in Long Shadows and Sign of the Moon.
  • Death By Falling: Died when he fell off a cliff.
  • Disappeared Dad: He is this to his kits, as he's dead by the time they're born.
  • Disney Villain Death: Although not a villain, he got blown off a cliff by the wind in the mountains.

Running Horse

"My bones are too old to climb stone hills. Come on, Cloudy Sun, you know what to do."

One of the older cats in the Ancients.

Lion's Roar

One of the four kits of Dark Whiskers and Shy Fawn. Appears in The Sun Trail as an elder. Read about his appearance there here.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: He's the last out of his litter to be born. They, collectively, are the youngest kits at the time, and the only kits other than Owl Feather's litter.
  • Death of a Child: Subverted. He appears to have died during his own birth, but Jayfeather, who knows how to deliver kits, clears mucus from his mouth and warms him, and he survives.
  • Disappeared Dad: By the time he and his littermates are born, their father Dark Whiskers has already died.
  • Identical Stranger: He looks exactly like Lionblaze. Jayfeather realizes that Lionblaze is his reincarnation.
  • Meaningful Name: He's named after the loud cry he made after taking his first breath.
  • Reincarnation: Came back as Lionblaze.

Falcon Swoop

The mother of Jay's Wing and Dove's Wing.

Falling Rain

The father of Jay's Wing and Dove's Wing.

    Modern Tribe 

General Tribe Tropes

  • Cave Behind the Falls: The Tribe lives in one of these.
  • Covered in Mud: The Tribe rolls in mud to cover their fur in order to disguise their scent and blend into the rock better so that prey doesn't spot them so easily. It also supposedly insulates them better. The visiting Clan cats try this, and aren't too thrilled at the idea, but it works.
  • Line-of-Sight Name: Tribe cats are named for the first name their mother sees when they are born. Lampshaded by Rock in Cats of the Clans, when he wonders why Tribe cats aren't all therefore named "Wall of Cave" or "Roof of Cave" or "Floor of Cave".
  • Medical Monarch: The leader of the Tribe of Rushing Water is called the Tribe-Healer (or just Healer). They serve as leader, spiritual leader, and medic for the Tribe.
  • Name That Unfolds Like Lotus Blossom: Even the Tribe itself! The cats are supposedly named for what their mother first sees after birth, giving you names like "Brook where Small Fish Swim" and "Talon of Swooping Eagle"
  • Only Known by Their Nickname: Justified, because their full names are simply too much of a mouthful to say on a regular basis.
  • Planet of Steves: Every tribe healer is named Teller of Pointed Stones. While there can only be one alive at one time, this could cause confusion once they are all dead together, so Stonetellers keep their original names once they join the Tribe of Endless Hunting (as confirmed by Word of God and The Last Hope)
  • Strange Salute: The Tribe's greeting gesture: extending one paw while bowing the head.

Teller of the Pointed Stones (Stoneteller)

"Do not be troubled. Not all cats believe as we do, and we must respect that which we do not know. Ignorance is nothing to be afraid of."

The leader of the Tribe Of Rushing Water.

  • A Communist By Any Other Name: He has obvious communist leader overtones.
  • Dark Secret: He lets Brambleclaw's group stay in the mountains, but neglects to tell them about Sharptooth.
  • Dying as Yourself: In Sign of the Moon, he finally snaps back to his senses as he dies.
  • Flat-Earth Atheist: Until his death, when he joined the Tribe of Endless Hunting and realized that they were, after all, watching over the Tribe of Rushing Water.
  • The Leader: Of the Tribe of Endless Hunting.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: He was nice to the Clan cats in Moonrise and Dawn, even giving all four Clans shelter. But after that...not anymore. He also exiled his own Tribe members.
  • Red Herring: At first he looks like the Big Bad of Moonrise, but it's actually Sharptooth.

"I'm a RiverClan cat at heart...That's where I grew up and where I became a warrior."

Graystripe's son, and Feathertail's brother. Originally from RiverClan, he accompanies his sister Feathertail on her journey to Midnight, despite not being chosen by StarClan. He ends up falling in love with Brook, a hunter from the Tribe of Rushing Water, and stays behind with the mountain cats rather than continue on to the lake territory with the Clans. After being exiled from the Tribe, he and Brook join ThunderClan, but later return to the mountains.

  • A Day in the Limelight: He was one of the POV characters during Moonrise.
  • Angsty Surviving Twin: Undergoes this when Feathertail pulls a Heroic Sacrifice to save the Tribe of Rushing Water from Sharptooth.
  • The Apprentice: To Stonefur while in RiverClan, then to his father Graystripe while staying with ThunderClan.
  • Big Brother Instinct: Goes along with the cats looking for Midnight so that he can protect his sister Feathertail.
  • Big Brother Mentor: To Lionpaw, during his stay in ThunderClan.
  • The Big Guy: Acts as this during the journey.
  • Child of Forbidden Love: He is the son of Silverstream of RiverClan and Graystripe of ThunderClan.
  • Deconstructed Character Archetype: Of Mighty Whitey. He's a cat from the main group in the series who gets discovered by the Tribe of Rushing Water, a group with strange customs, and finds out that he's The Chosen One destined to save them, and even gets to date a native she-cat, and eventually chooses to stay with the tribe. Plus he gets to train the tribe cats in his fighting skills to later save them from some rogues who they're utterly helpless against without him. But not only is he not really The Chosen One, but his strategy only ends up failing and leading to the deaths of many tribe cats rather than saving the tribe like he believed it would, and once he finally gets to come back and make up for everything by saving them for real he and the other cats realize that, however they want to defend the tribe, they don't want to force their culture on them or constantly be their rescuers.
  • Do Not Go Gentle: In The Darkest Hour, when Tigerstar orders Stonefur to kill Featherpaw and Stormpaw to prove his loyalty to TigerClan or die himself, Stormpaw gives his sister a reassuring lick and promises that they'll fight together. Stonefur silently expresses pride in his apprentice's courage before challenging Tigerstar to kill him first.
  • The Exile: Stoneteller kicked him out of the Tribe because he inadvertently caused a bunch of Tribe cats to die. Brook follows him. He also got kicked out of RiverClan thanks to the machinations of Hawkfrost.
  • Fire-Forged Friends: He becomes this with the party he was traveling with in The New Prophecy due to all they endured together.
  • Freudian Trio: In The New Prophecy he and Brambleclaw were the Ego to Squirrelflight and Crowfeather's Id and Leafpool, Feathertail and Tawnypelt's Superego.
  • Generation Xerox: He's heroic like his father Graystripe, and left his Clan because of love.
  • Happily Married: Mates with Brook, and they have four kits — Pine That Clings to Rock, Lark That Sings at Dawn, Breeze That Rustles the Leaves, and Feather of Flying Hawk.
  • Heroic Bastard: He's the result of Graystripe and Silverstream's forbidden romance.
  • History Repeats: Like Mistyfoot and Stonefur before them, Stormfur and his sister Feathertail are a pair of half-ThunderClan, half-RiverClan siblings who spend their early kithood in the former Clan before being raised by the latter Clan.
  • Hopeless Suitor: To Squirrelflight in The New Prophecy.
  • Hypocrisy Nod: He realizes that he's not right in being harsh to his sister for flirting with Crowpaw, as he himself is nurturing a crush on Squirrelpaw at the time.
  • I Choose to Stay: Stays with the Tribe instead of continuing to the Lake.
  • Loving a Shadow: His "love" for Squirrelflight turns out to be admiration.
  • Missed the Call: The Tribe thinks Stormfur is the chosen "cat with a silver pelt" who was going to save them from Sharptooth because the real silver-pelted chosen one was covered in mud at the time, hiding her fur color.
  • My Sister Is Off-Limits: Is originally opposed to Crowfeather's relationship with Feathertail, but he eventually grows to trust Crowfeather and is ultimately accepting of their relationship. Then she dies.
  • Put on a Bus: He and Brook haven't been seen since Sign of the Moon, which was published in 2011.
  • Sneaky Departure: The New Prophecy begins with a cat from each Clan getting an omen telling them that they need to go on a journey far away from the Clans. Since they can't let their Clanmates in on this, they have to sneak away from the Clans and meet up together for the journey. Stormfur wasn't one of them, but he insisted on going with his sister.
  • Stockholm Syndrome: Even though the Tribe cats hold him captive in Moonrise to force him to fulfill a prophecy of theirs, which would most likely have ended in his pointless death if his friends hadn't bailed him out, he decides to stay with them when they later come back in Dawn.
  • Strong Family Resemblance:
    • He is said to look very much like his father Graystripe.
    • He also has the same kind of long, thick fur as his maternal grandfather, Crookedstar.
  • Survivor Guilt: After Feathertail's Heroic Sacrifice. He believes that he should have been the one to die instead.
  • Theme Naming: Stormfur and his mentor Stonefur.
  • The Unchosen One: He fights alongside the cats chosen to find Midnight even though he never received any signs from StarClan. It was actually his sister Feathertail who was chosen, but he couldn't bear to be separated from her, so together they went.

Brook Where Small Fish Swim (Brook)

"Cats win respect from their Clanmates by being loyal and brave, not holding important positions."
Click here to see her appearance on the cover of Outcast

Stormfur's mate, and a prey-hunter for the Tribe of Rushing Water. Brook met Stormfur and his companions in Moonrise, when Stormfur is believed to be The Chosen One of a prophecy seen by Stoneteller given by The Tribe of Endless Hunting (the Tribe's StarClan). She is the first to befriend the six and quickly falls for Stormfur which causes her to be exiled with Stormfur at one point and go to ThunderClan for refuge. They return to the mountains. Her older brother is Talon of Swooping Eagle.

  • Funny Foreigner: To RiverClan and later ThunderClan for her low voice and Tribe mannerisms.
  • Happily Married: Mates with Stormfur and eventually has his kits.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Even though they are brother and sister, Brook and Talon count as this.
  • Missing Mom: Her mother is stated to have been killed by Sharptooth.
  • Nice Girl: The first Tribe cat to befriend the Clan cats. Her gentle nature is often mentioned by other cats.
  • Put on a Bus: She and Stormfur haven't been seen since Sign of the Moon, which was published in 2011.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: She leaves the mountains with Stormfur, and is declared an exile.

Talon of Swooping Eagle (Talon)

"Neither of them is right. And neither is wrong. Prophecies are strange things. Their words are never clear. Everything depends on how cats interpret the prophecy. And whether the prophecy is fulfilled depends on what they decide to do about it. It is up to us to choose the code we live by."

Brook's big brother. Was sent on a mission to defeat Sharptooth, but predictably failed. He gives Brambleclaw and friends shelter in Moonrise, and helps them defeat Sharptooth. In Outcast, he comes to the lake to ask for the help of the Clans to deal with the Tribe Invaders.

  • Big Brother Instinct: He is very concerned about his little sister Brook's safety. He even states he wanted to be there for her after their mother was killed by Sharptooth.
  • Call-Back: In Moonrise, Stormfur convinced him that his exile was unjust, and brought him back to save the Tribe. In Outcast, he's doing that for Stormfur.
  • The Exile: He was essentially exiled unless he killed Sharptooth.
  • Huge Guy, Tiny Girl: Downplayed, but he and his sister Brook are this.
  • The Leader: Of the cats who were exiled after failing to kill Sharptooth, though he's just a regular cave-guard again after they return following Sharptooth's death.
  • Named After the Injury: Got his name after an eagle tried to take him as a kit, and its talon left a scar on his face.
  • Scars Are Forever: To the point where he's named for the one he has.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Goes back to the cave even though he isn't allowed to until he kills help Stormfur kill Sharptooth. He also left the Tribe to get Stormfur and Brook back despite their exile because the Tribe needed them to fight the invaders.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: He wasn't allowed to go home until he beat Sharptooth. He can't beat Sharptooth.

Crag Where Eagles Nest (Crag)/Teller Of The Pointed Stones (Stoneteller)

"Crag you already know. He is the leader of our cave-guards, the cats who protect this place."

One of the experienced Tribe members.

  • The Big Guy: As leader of the cave guards.
  • Foil: To the previous Stoneteller, him being a younger, very calm and sensible cat who is always welcoming to the Clan cats, open to new things and willing to stretch from traditions when it's necessary.
  • The Leader: In Moonrise, Crag is said by Stoneteller to be the leader of the cave-guards. In Sign of the Moon, Jayfeather has to name the new Stoneteller. He picks Crag.
  • Meaningful Rename: His name is no longer 'Crag Where Eagles Nest'. It's 'Teller of the Pointed Stones' now.
  • Reasonable Authority Figure: Even as the leader of the cave-guards, he expresses sympathy for the prisoners. Unlike the previous Stoneteller, he is friendly, sensible and always willing to work with the Clan cats. He also quickly understands Shadowkit's issues and believes in his visions.
  • Unexpected Successor: Not even Crag himself thought he would be picked as the next Stoneteller. Justified as Jayfeather was picking, and he just chose who he thought would be best for the job.
  • Walking Spoiler: Hard to mention him without revealing a twist in Sign of the Moon.

Jagged Rock Where Heron Sits (Jag)

"[Jag] fought with courage, refusing to give up even when the invader slashed open a wound down the length of his flank, but he had none of the skills that would let him throw off his attacker."

A Tribe cave-guard and former outcast. He is killed by the mountain intruders.

  • The Exile: He's banished for failing to rid the Tribe of Sharptooth.
  • Killed Off for Real: By the invaders.
  • Remember the New Guy?: In Moonrise, we meet the three outcasts: Talon, Rock, and Bird, and they explain that the other three cats had been killed by Sharptooth. In the very next book, Squirrelpaw recognizes Jag, and he's mentioned as having been one of those outcasts with Talon.

Rock Beneath Still Water (Rock)

"Sharptooth happened. He nearly had me, too. How do you think I lost my tail?"

A cave-guard tom exiled by Stoneteller.

Bird That Rides the Wind (Bird)

"My mother was your littermate. I know exactly how old you are. You were chosen from that litter by the Tribe's previous Healer, the last Teller of the Pointed Stones. You have served the Tribe well but you can't expect to stay here forever. Sooner or later you will be summoned to the Tribe of Endless Hunting. You must choose the next Stoneteller!"

A female cave-guard part of the original group who tried to kill Sharptooth.

  • The Exile: She was banished along with the surviving members of the group of Tribe cats who couldn't kill Sharptooth.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Attempted. She and Gray vote to leave and find a new home instead of fighting the intruders for theirs. However, they stay after they are outvoted.
  • Sudden Name Change: Her name changed in between books, originally "Bird Who Rides the Wind". The allegiances of Dawn also call her "Bird That Sings at Dusk", though she's only called Bird in that book.
  • You Can't Go Home Again: She, Talon, and Rock can't go home unless they kill Sharptooth.

Night of No Stars (Night)

"Keep him off the ground. The rock will suck the warmth from him. And don't lick. The wet will make him colder. Keep rubbing. Remember, don't lick."

A female cave-guard.

  • Meaningful Name: She's black, like her namesake.
  • Offscreen Romance: In Sign of the Moon, she's pregnant with Sheer's kits. The two are never seen together, however, and the fact that he is her mate is only mentioned in the allegiances.
  • Pregnancy Makes You Crazy: Downplayed, but she is irritated when the Tribe's to-be's make noise while playing during meal-time.
  • Screw the Rules, I'm Doing What's Right!: Along with Talon, she leaves the Tribe to retrieve Stormfur and Brook for help after the invaders become too much to deal with.

Scree Beneath Winter Sky (Scree)

"Into the night? We're not cruel. It's cold out there and dangerous. You can eat and rest here, and leave in the morning."

A male cave-guard who watches over the journeying cats in Moonrise.

  • The Big Guy: He's stated to be huge.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: After Moonrise, he's never seen or mentioned again. However, it was mentioned that in Sharptooth's attack on the cave, in addition to the one cat he took, another died of their injuries and two more were on the brink of death, so it's possible he was one of them.

Mist Where Sunlight Shimmers (Mist)

"StarClan? What is StarClan?"

A female prey-hunter who appears in Moonrise.

  • The Ace: Stated by Stoneteller to be one of the Tribe's best prey-hunters.
  • Chuck Cunningham Syndrome: After Moonrise, she's never seen or mentioned again. However, it was mentioned that in Sharptooth's attack on the cave, in addition to the one cat he took, another died of their injuries and two more were on the brink of death, so it's possible she was one of them.

Star That Shines on Water (Star)

"No, there are no cats to attack us. There are no others in the mountains that we know of. How could there be another Tribe when we guard the Cave of Pointed Stones?"

A female cave-guard currently nursing kits in Moonrise.

  • Killed Off for Real: She's taken away by Sharptooth the first time he appears, to establish how dangerous he is.
  • Missing Mom: To her kits, as she's killed by Sharptooth before they become to-be's.

Gray Sky Before Dawn (Gray)

"Maybe we can hunt in peace now."

A male prey-hunter.

  • Ear Ache: After a patrol he is on is attacked by a group of the intruders, he is shown bleeding from the ear.
  • The Idealist: Hopes the intruders will leave the Tribe alone after the borders are set.
  • Meaningful Name: He's pale gray, as his name suggests.
  • Screw This, I'm Outta Here: Attempted. He and Bird vote to leave and find a new home instead of fighting the intruders for theirs. However, they stay after they are outvoted.

Sheer Path Beside Waterfall (Sheer)

"No cat expected to see you here again. Are the Clans in trouble? Do you need help?"

A male cave-guard.

  • The Mentor: Seemingly to Rain That Passes Quickly, as he was out on patrol with her and two others, she's training to be a cave-guard, and he's the only fully trained cave-guard in the patrol.
  • Offscreen Romance: With Night, she's pregnant with his kits in Sign of the Moon. The two are never seen together, however, and the fact that he is her mate is only mentioned in the allegiances.
  • Pride: Downplayed, but he shows off to Dovewing that the Tribe lives behind a waterfall.

Wing Shadow Over Water (Wing)

"This to-be, the one who has no more sense than to attack four cats all by himself, is Dark Shadow on Water, and this is Rain That Passes Quickly."

A female prey-hunter who has had at least one litter of kits.

  • Deadpan Snarker: When referring to her seeming apprentice she has shades of this.
  • The Mentor: Seemingly to Dark Shadow on Water, as she was out on patrol with him and two others, he's training to be a prey-hunter, and she's the only fully trained prey-hunter in the patrol.

Flight of Startled Heron (Flight)

"Swoop, what should we do? I can't fight while I'm suckling my kits. But they can't flee; their eyes are barely open! And I won't leave them."

A female prey-hunter who has had at least two litters of kits.

  • Mama Bear: To her second litter, at least, who she refuses to abandon.
  • Non-Action Girl: At least temporarily. She doesn't take part in the fight against the intruders, due to having kits who need her at the time.

    Tribe Invaders 


"This is about life and death. If necessary, our life and your death."

The leader of the Tribe invaders.

  • Big Bad: Of Outcast. He's the leader of the Tribe Invaders, and is trying to take over the mountains.
  • Curb-Stomp Battle: His Tribe Invaders completely destroy the Tribe of Rushing Water in the flashback battle in Outcast.
  • The Leader: Leads the Tribe Invaders.
  • Smug Snake: Stripes is completely fully of himself.


"Rights? Who gave you the rights in the first place?"

One of the Tribe invaders.

  • Damsel in Distress: In Sign of the Moon, she gets carried away by an eagle and has to be rescued from it by the Tribe cats.
  • Dark Action Girl
  • Designated Girl Fight: When Crag (tom), Night (she-cat), Talon (tom), and Sheer (tom) confront her, Stripes, and the other invading rogues, Stoneteller tries to prevent them from fighting. She cuts him off by attacking Night, causing a fight to break out.
  • Jerkass: She's not at all kind to the Tribe cats.
  • Scare 'Em Straight: She learns not to cross boundaries after being nearly killed by an eagle.


"Oh, the scent marks! I'm frightened out of my fur. So, what are you going to do now, set stronger marks? We'll hunt where we please."

One of the Tribe invaders.

  • The Cameo: A cat of his description is shown fighting the eagle in Sign of the Moon, but doesn't speak.
  • Jerkass: To the Tribe cats.
  • Lean and Mean: He's stated to be skinny. He's also rude.


One of the Tribe invaders.

  • The Baby of the Bunch: A variation. She's the age of an apprentice. Hollypaw even thinks that if they had met under different circumstances, they might have been friends.
  • The Voiceless: She isn't heard speaking.
