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YMMV / The Outer Limits 1995 S 5 E 12 Tribunal

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  • Complete Monster: Obersturmführer Karl Rademacher, during The Holocaust, was the SS commandant of an Auschwitz subcamp made up to look like a "model" camp for inspections by the Red Cross. When they leave, he usually has the prisoners gassed by the hundreds. The episode opens in 1944 as Rademacher makes his daily rounds to select a prisoner to execute in front of the rest, which he considers "the only joy I get from this miserable job". When he selects a random man, the wife begs him not to, so he selects her instead and shoots her in front of her husband and daughter, later having the child gassed to death. He gives instructions to the prisoners to write letters to their relatives to tell them how wonderful they have it there. When one man objects, Rademacher orders him sent outside and shot, before amending the order so he can personally shoot the prisoner. After the war this unrepentant war criminal lives incognito for many decades in the United States. Rademacher's cruelty and brutality ultimately becomes his own doom when, thanks to a Time Travel device, he is sent back to his own camp dressed up as an inmate. When his younger version runs into him, he demands that the rowdy old man beg for his life before he kills his older self for being Jewish.
  • Hilarious in Hindsight: This wouldn't be the last time Saul Rubinek played a Nazi Hunter for television, only this time Aaron wouldn't be his character's name like the one here, but the name of his character's late son instead.
  • Tear Jerker: An elderly Leon being reunited with his unaged daughter Hannah after more than 50 years thanks to Time Travel.
