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YMMV / The Count of Years

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  • Complete Monster: Amnās, an evil spirit originally associated with the night sky and the only witness to Ecaîas's creation of evil, brings the news to the creator Iáinos, gloating that his creations have outsmarted him and ruined his universe. When Amnās is made to stay on Almea's surface until he atones for his gloating, he furiously swears revenge on his maker and all who are loyal to him, and creates Soxāeco to assist him in ruining Almea as much as possible. They create the race of Ogres after learning that Iáinos created the Giants, and have them wipe both species out in a war. Amnās creates the race of ktuvoks as soon as he finds out that Iáinos's second species, the iliū, are even greater than the Giants. Amnās creates the ktuvoks to keep slaves by nature, as well as to kill and eat iliu children. He then tells the ktuvoks to destroy the iliū, which plunges Almea into thousands of years of war. When the elcari are made, Amnās steals their children and brainwashes them into worshipping him and waging war on their own parents. Amnās whispers temptations into the ear of the human king Līxigōcas, so that he declares war on the iliū, making the entire human race fall into sin permanently. Amnās then uses a superweapon to wipe one of the repentant human kingdoms off the map, changing it from fertile land into a desert. He then gets into a Duel to the Death with the king of the iliū and kills him, before burrowing deep underground in order to free Ecaîas, knowing that this will destroy all life on Almea, willing to have all his own creations destroyed instead of letting his enemies continue to live on Almea. Amnās's war destroys all civilization and brings humanity back to the Stone Age for 10,000 years.
