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YMMV / The Cat in the Hat Knows a Lot About That!

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  • Accidental Innuendo: In the episode "Top of the Sky/Jiggle Bones", while trying to determine what body part a long, straight bone belongs to, the Cat tells the children "The arm isn't the only part of the body that's long and straight!"
  • Cant Unhear It: Like Allan Sherman (and, dare we say, Mike Myers) before him, Martin Short is another memorable voice for The Cat, and some imagine hearing him when rereading the original book.
  • Fandom Rivalry: A very oddly one-sided one with Green Eggs and Ham, another Dr. Seuss-based animated series aimed for older audiences and streams on Netflix. Unlike The Cat in The Hat Knows A Lot About That, which received mixed reviews, Green Eggs and Ham had a more positive reception from critics and fans. As much praise as the show gets on its own merits, not-fans of the other show tend to praise this one simply for not being the other.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Oliver Putnam as The Cat in The Hat!
