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YMMV / Shall We Dance (2004)

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  • Adaptation Displacement: Many western fans are unaware of the original 1996 movie at first, even though it has almost the same plot, got better reviews, and has a richer cultural experience to its plot due to ballroom dancing being less accepted by many people in 1990s Japan than in early-2000s America.
  • Best Known for the Fanservice: A few sensual dance instruction scenes featuring Jennifer Lopez and some of the more minor female dancers are what some movie fans admit to being the most interested in.
  • Ensemble Dark Horse: Link, the Camp Straight dancer played by Stanley Tucci and Bunny-Ears Lawyer private detectives Devine and Scotty all make the most of their supporting roles and get some of the most complimentary comments from fans.
  • It's the Same, Now It Sucks!: One reason some fans don't respect the film too much is because of how little it diverges from the plot beats of the Japanese film that inspired it.
  • Jerkass Woobie: Bobbie can be a very rude and abrasive person, but she is also a single mother who is working two jobs, has health problems, and has a sense of loneliness now and then.
  • They Wasted a Perfectly Good Character: Vern's girlfriend, Lisa, whom he has been working up the nerve to propose to, is an unseen character until the last few scenes, where her energy, enthusiasm, and chemistry with Vern during the ballroom dance competition are highly watchable and can make it a shame she doesn't appear more (something even the director admits to regretting in the commentary).
