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YMMV / Prom Night

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  • Complete Monster:
    • Second & third films: Mary Lou Maloney was a popular, if spiteful and manipulative girl in life, but became something much, much worse in death. When she used two boys, Buddy and Billy to become prom queen, and is killed in a revenge prank gone wrong, Mary's spirit awakens years later, killing a pregnant teenager named Jess and possessing her friend Vicki, trapping the latter in a dark world. Mary Lou seeks to become prom queen again, killing everyone who gets in her way; this includes Buddy, now a priest; Vicki's friend Monica; and attempts to seduce Vicki's father in his daughter's body before killing her mother. Mary Lou learns Vicki is now dating Billy's son Craig, and seeks revenge on Billy through his son. Billy is forced to shoot Vicki, causing Mary Lou's spirit to manifest and go on a rampage, during which she attempts to drag Craig into the underworld. When seemingly defeated, Mary Lou possesses Billy with the apparent intent to try to kill Vicki and Craig again. Escaping Hell, Mary Lou kills another one of her ex-boyfriends before seducing and becoming obsessed with a student named Alex. Mary Lou would go on to kill students and teachers for Alex before he rejects her. In retaliation, Mary Lou kills his best friend Shane, framing Alex for the deed and plans on killing his girlfriend Sarah. At the prom, Mary Lou agrees to let Sarah live if Alex agrees to be her prom king for eternity in Hell. When Sarah seemingly rescues Alex, Mary Lou kills Sarah before leaving Alex stranded in Hell.
    • 2008 film: Richard Fenton was a former teacher who had a hidden obsession with one of his students, the fourteen-year-old Donna, whom he began stalking and harassing. When he got fired for this obsession and was served a restraining order, Fenton decided to kidnap Donna so he could have her all to himself. To this end, he murdered her whole family, including her younger brother, before Donna managed to flag down the police and they caught him. At his arraignment, he unrepentantly insisted to Donna that she belonged to him and he would return to get her. Three years later, Fenton breaks out of prison just before Donna's prom night, and attends her prom party at a local hotel incognito, murdering most of Donna's friends and anyone else who crosses his path, including some of the hotel staff. When corpses start turning up and the police hustle Donna back to her home for her safety, Fenton quietly murders a cop while sneaking into her house, and slits her boyfriend's throat in his sleep. He then attempts to rape and/or murder Donna before being gunned down by the police.
