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YMMV / Piero Scaruffi

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  • Common Knowledge: Despite the infamous opening to his essay and the memes, Scaruffi did not hate The Beatles, he just found them overrated. While he very much dislikes their early, teenybopper era and dismisses it as disposable pop, he recognizes their later work as fairly good in their own right, even giving Abbey Road and Sgt. Pepper's Lonely Hearts Club Band good reviews.
  • Critical Dissonance: The engine that his music writing runs on. To his credit, he does not believe that quality has anything to do with popularity, although it has been argued that he takes this to absurd lengths — he will fall back on the No True Scotsman argument in an attempt to prove that any popular music that he likes wasn't all that popular in the first place.
  • It's Popular, Now It Sucks!: Could be considered Rule of Scaruffi. He so greatly dislikes the idea that good music is popular music that, when he likes a musician who happens to be also popular, he will claim that they aren't popular.note 
  • Memetic Mutation: It's a given that someone will drop the opening quote of his Beatles career overview and parody it in any discussion related to him.
    The fact that so many books still name the Beatles "the greatest or most significant or most influential" rock band ever only tells you how far rock music still is from becoming a serious art.
    • "Piero Scaruffi gave Limp Bizkit a 7.5/10" note 
    • "Not A Big Lose for Music" note 
  • Never Live It Down: The guy's an accomplished neuroscientist and has written reviews for thousands of bands, but most people just know his essay about The Beatles, despite the fact that if you actually look at his reviews, he doesn't hate them.
