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YMMV / Hunter: Return to Justice

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  • Complete Monster: Vladimir Koskov is a former KGB official turned Russian Mobster who wishes to acquire a list of Russian expats to extort or kill, having earned a reputation as the "Butcher of St. Petersburg", due to how many dissidents have been eliminated by his hand. After Roger Prescott, real name Mishka Savaransky, lures Vladimir to Roger's home in an attempt on his life, Vladimir meets up with Roger in order to threaten him and his fiancée, Sgt. Dee Dee McCall, in particular threatening to torture McCall. Having a henchman shoot up a patio where McCall is having a discussion about the situation with LAPD Lt. Rick Hunter, Koskov eventually takes McCall hostage intending to dismember her if Roger doesn't give him the list.
  • Retroactive Recognition: Frank Grillo plays Detective Terence Gillette.
  • Values Resonance: Roger's willingness to turn against his own government due to viewing their actions as unjust would have resonated with viewers who have escaped authoritarian regimes or engaged in civil disobedience, even as of 2023.
