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YMMV / Hear Me Roar

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  • Angst? What Angst?: The Lannisters as a whole get accustomed to the whole "transported to another world" thing pretty quickly.
    • The people of the Westerlands as a whole are a bit more mixed, however, with a resurgence of the Faith Militant being a direct result of the Arrival.
  • Complete Monster:
    • Monstrous like the original, King Joffrey Baratheon bribes a goblin army with gold to restore him to the throne. Leading them to ravage the Westerlands, Joffrey orders those wounded from an ambush be executed to keep pace. Taking Casterly Rock, Joffrey threatens to feed his prisoners to his goblins if the attacking Jamie does not surrender, not caring that his own brother, Tommen, is amongst his prisoners. Meeting with Jamie, Joffrey attempts to murder him before using Tommen as a hostage and then trying again to kill Jamie for revealing himself to be Joffrey's true, non-royal father.
    • Saruman of Many Colors, initially presenting himself as a friend to the Westerlands, is in truth anything but. Upon meeting Joffrey during his search for the Shire, Saruman directs him to it in hopes of stealing the Ring from him. With the help of his assistant Qyburn, Saruman subjects his own troops to barbaric experiments in hopes of creating a stronger breed of orcs. Once they succeed, Saruman cuts down trees from Fangorn Forest to fuel his industry, despite knowing of the trees' sapience. Saruman then sends orcs after Frodo, has his troops kill Prince Theodred to cast suspicion on the Lannisters, and incites an anti-Lannister uprising among the Faith Militant to make the chaos in the Westerlands even worse. After his attempt to conquer Rohan through Grima Wormtongue is foiled by Eowyn and Tyrion, Saruman attacks Rohan in earnest. When the Lannisters, Rohirrim, and hobbits attack Isengard in response, he sets up the Dunland men to be slaughtered in order to hold the attackers off a bit longer.
