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YMMV / He Died With a Felafel in His Hand

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  • Aluminum Christmas Trees: One of the first shots in the movie is at the Brisbane house, where Taylor plays golf with a cane toad. Golf ain't the half of it; cane toads have reached plague proportions and everyone turns a blind eye when it comes to how you kill them...
  • Fridge Brilliance: Why is almost nothing explained? Why do we barely get to know any of the housemates' names? Because this is Danny's story, and at the time of the movie, he's been in over forty shared houses. No need to learn much about the housemates- they'll either be gone or he'll be gone soon.
  • Fridge Horror: Everything Flip says to Danny before he dies sounds like a verbal suicide note.
    • While Nina is portrayed as an Attention Whore who may or may not be a pathological liar, it's possible that everything she says while trying to garner sympathy was completely true.
  • Genius Bonus: At the funeral, everyone puts something on the pyre. Dirk throws on a red ribbon, which symbolises- among other things- drug prevention.
    • These days, it's largely associated with AIDS awareness. Who are the prevalent risk groups? Male homosexuals (Dirk) and intravenous drug users (Flip).
  • Japanese Love Star Wars: Despite barely speaking English, Satomi/Tiger Girl instantly recognises the name 'Jabba the Hutt'.
  • Les Yay: Romane Bohringer pashing Emily Hamilton! Yay!
  • Narm: The first shot of Flip's dead hand holding up the felafel. His hand is clearly moving, and rigor mortis couldn't have set in that early.
    • The title shot starts with a black screen and then the words of the title snap in one by one. It's kinda narmy, because it goes something like "he... hand... a... with... his... in... died... felafel!"
  • Nightmare Fuel:
    • Sam's suicide attempt. If Danny hadn't woken up, she'd probably be dead.
    • The cops shooting Iain, covering it up and threatening to kill Danny.
    • Flip's death. He died in his home, minutes away from friends who could have helped him if they'd known.
  • Paranoia Fuel: Again, Sam's suicide attempt. If Danny hadn't woken up then, everyone would have woken up and found a flooded bathroom with her corpse. And there is way too much potential for this happening in real life.
  • Tear Jerker: Flip's funeral. Everyone turns up.
    • The scene where Danny is lying on the floor of his room, hanging onto the phone, clearly hoping that Sam will call- and she doesn't.
  • Unintentional Period Piece: Corded phones, Shape milk, the TV's... it's very obviously from around 2000.
  • The Woobie: Sam, Danny, and Flip.
