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Heartwarming / He Died With a Felafel in His Hand

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  • "I bet if you tried really hard, you'd be able to kill yourself better than anyone else I know." "Really?" "You do everything better than anyone else I know."
  • Anya answering Nina's attention-seeking diatribes with "I didn't know." It's basically the first time in the movie that anyone actually bothered to listen and/or care.
  • Danny interrupting Sam as she tries to kill herself. Once he gets her out of the bathtub, he's stroking her hair and trying to calm her down.
  • "I love you, man." "Love you too, Flip."
  • Anya's incredibly depressing story, which she tells to Danny while he's locked himself in his room. It culminates with him accepting the cigarette she slides under the door.
