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YMMV / Barbie Dreamhouse Adventures

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  • Cargo Ship: Skipper and her smartphone.
    • She even has a fantasy of herself and her phone running towards each other to hug.
  • LGBT Fanbase: A fair amount of fans of the show like to view Trey as being gay. Other people interpret Barbie as bi and Skipper as ace.
  • Les Yay: Nicky is definitely into her fashion designing idol, WAY into her. The idol seems to like Nicky back.
    • Barbie with all of her female friends (but that’s not unique to this series) however her being single is.
  • Jerkass Woobie: If your in a forgiving mood then Trey can be seen as this. He has no true friends, his parents are awful and he is shown to be jealous of Barbie and her close family.
  • Replacement Scrappy: Tammy is seen by many fans as being an inferior version of Raquelle, particularly because Raquelle was a fan favorite and was actually quite funny, where Tammy is not (and when she tries she does a bad job).
  • So Okay, It's Average: Seems to be the main consensus with general audiences. Although it's a fun, light watch on its own; generally considered to a good show by most; and enjoyable for its target audience of young girls, it's not seen as funny or memorable as Barbie: Life in the Dreamhouse and has far less of a Periphery Demographic.
