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Western Animation / Dino Disappears

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After Fred mistakenly ignores Dino on his birthday, followed by putting him outside due to thinking he attacked Pebbles, Dino runs away from home. While searching for him, Fred sees a dog that vaguely looks like him, and despite the owner saying otherwise, stubbornly believes he's Dino, resulting in a string of hijinks that end with Fred and Barney arrested for dognapping.

Tropes appearing in this cartoon:

  • Brick Joke: While stating his stubborn belief that Rocky was Dino, Fred declared that he'd sleep in the doghouse for a week if he was wrong. Guess where he ends up at the end of the episode?
  • Identical Stranger: Rocky, the acting dog, only looks remotely like Dino, and despite acting nothing like him, Fred stubbornly believes he's Dino. He's left eating crow (and dog food) when the real Dino turns up.
  • Impostor-Exposing Test: When a trio of Inexplicably Identical Individuals that look like Dino are brought and no one (not even Pebbles) can tell who's Dino, Fred tries to figure it out by saying "Come on, Dino. We're going for a walk!", only to end up having all three trample him.
    Barney: Well, you've proven one thing, Fred: there are a lot of dogs named 'Dino'!
  • Nobody Here but Us Statues: While being chased by dogcatchers, Dino attempts to hide by jumping in front of a movie poster and pretend he's dancing with a girl on the poster. It only works for a few moments as the dogcatchers spot him.
  • Not What It Looks Like: When Pebbles was about to fall out of her crib, Dino quickly races up and grabs her with his teeth. When Fred comes in, he think Dino attempted to attack Pebbles out of jealousy and put him outside. The ends up being the last straw for Dino and he runs away.
  • One-Steve Limit: Averted, as Fred found out the hard way that Dino is a common name among dinosaurs.
  • Saw It in a Movie Once: After dognapping Rocky and being chased by the police, Fred tries to lose them by double backing around a rock, telling Barney he had seen it done in a movie. Unfortunately, immediately after the police car pass by, it does a U-turn and crashes into Fred's car, prompting Barney to state the police must've seen the same movie.
  • Too Unhappy to Be Hungry: Due to being sad about Dino being gone, Pebbles refused to eat her mush, no matter what Wilma tried.
    Wilma: Oh, Fred, we've just got to get Dino back. Pebbles hasn't stopped C-R-Y-I-N-G.
    Betty: She's very U-P-S-E-T.
    Barney: I can see what her trouble is. She's not E-T-I-N.
  • Tropey, Come Home: Dino runs away after Fred makes him feel he's unwanted.
