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WMG / PowerWash Simulator

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Future Crossover DLC

  • Barbie: The washer is brought in to clean all the dollhouses in Barbieland.

  • Bendy and the Ink Machine: Would either be set in between the first two games or after the second, where you're hired by GENT to come and clean up some of Joey Drew Studios' property...and maybe accidentally get sucked into the ink world.

  • The Owl House: Would likely be set after the end of the series, with the power washer brought in to clean up the isles after all the chaos.

  • RWBY: A couple names were shown in Santa's Naughty/Nice list, meaning the Powerwasher may end up at Beacon Academy. Bonus points if they're cleaning up after the Food Fight in Volume 2.
    • Likely not gonna happen with the closure of Rooster Teeth.

  • Sonic the Hedgehog: Similarly to the FFVII jobs, you'll be hired by Eggman to clean up his various robots, and maybe get a chance to clean some things for Sonic's pals, like Tail's tornado.

  • Batman: The Powerwasher will be taken to Gotham City in order to clean up a huge mess left behind by a battle against Clayface. You can also clean up the roof of Gotham PD, including cleaning off the Batsignal.

  • JoJo's Bizarre Adventure: Set after the end of Stardust Crusaders, where you're ordered to clean up Dio Brando's now abandoned mansion while the Speedwagon Foundation decides on what to do with it.

  • Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles: The Powerwasher is hired by the Shredder to clean up some leftover mutagen that got spilled all over a Foot Clan stronghold, leaving you at risk of getting mutated if you accidentally touch it. The Turtles will also hire you to clean up their lair after a battle or pizza party that got way out of hand.

  • Among Us: The Powerwasher is hired to clean up the many bases of the game. Multiplayer games have Impostors whose job is to add more dirt/kill the cleaners.
The Viscera Cleanup Detail janitor is a descendent of the Powerwasher
Because cleaning up after someone else's mess runs in the family
