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Len and Layla are Magical cats who can take human form, not the other way around.
Several things made me come to this conclusion: First, Len's ocassional habit to talk about human beings as though she wasn't one, the second being the fact that those two, implied to be the original cursed twins, are the only ones to display such Animorphism, third, a queen's litter would be the equivalent of twins.

Would it be that unthinkable that a couple cats could become powerful witches if they were given enough time and were exposed to the supernatural world, Cats Are Magic after all.

Len will get redeeming qualities in the following games, and possibly Ship Tease with Mario
Yes, it sounds ridiculous when you just play the Arc, but both Alice and Riba got those in certain routes despite being purely evil most of the worlds timelines.

I can't help but speculate that while she may or may not make a Heel–Face Turn in some ending, she will likely be analyzed more sympathetically and may even be shown to have a damn good reason for her low views on Hope, possibly connecting her to Riba's ascension as a demon.

As for the Ship Tease, well, both Alice and especially Riba got it, why not her?, who's devoted so much time to watching him?
