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Tropers / The Free Wind

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"Never Seen, only Heard; Never There, only Here; Never Restrained, only Free!"

Andrew recalled the poem years ago. It was written for him, about him. It was him. It was a treasured possession of his.

After breakfast, he went upstairs to his computer. It was time to get to work. He was working on one of his "Projects". He knew them as "GDD's", or Game Design Documents. It was his dream for the longest time to combine the interactivity and fun of a videogame with the drama and emotions of a story. Two of his projects had developing stories that he believed to be his greatest work. The third wasn't really made to tell a story, more to just have the player feel like the Ultimate Badass, like one would find in a Japanese Manga.

His first story was a Historical Fiction named Contrast Soul. The story of a Wise Prince named Luc, who is the son of Louis XIV, king of 17th Century France. Cardinal Mazarin II, the son of the original Cardinal Mazarin, took Versailles using his influence in the church to have Knights Templar Remnants take over Versailles in a Coup d'Etat, resulting in the death of Luc's siblings, many of the palace's residents, and Louis XIV himself. Luc, along with his childhood friend Adelle and a Royal Guard named Bennette, escape Versailles and and embark on an adventure throughout Europe to escape Mazarin II's Secret Police and Templar Remnants, return Luc to the throne, and to solve a conspiracy that treatens History itself. Realizing he can no longer exists, Luc goes under a new name: Zephyr.

His second story, called Damocles is a Near-Future Sci-Fi tale of Loyalty and Betrayal. As the Low-Orbit Weapons Station Damocles hovers above the earth, doom is spelled for all. Chad Brooks must lead his squad from AFSPC 16th Space Control Squadron to disable the station. The story revolves around the 16th, and the main character's conflicting loyalties to both his country and himself, as he increasingly disagrees with the decisions of Mission Control. It also reveals the purpose of the Damocles's existence as an instrument for peace rather than war.

After his "work", he decided to visit TV Tropes. He had fun, needless to say. He then continued to play Xbox, hang out with his friends, and spend his summer vacation the way he wanted.

This troper exhibits the following tropes:

Action Survivor

Skilled, but Naive

The Wise Prince

Stoic Spectacles

Afraid of Needles

Brilliant, but Lazy

Neutral Good

Closet Geek

Hates Being Touched

Not So Stoic


