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Trope Co / Space Zone

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When you run out of Theme-Park cultures to explore and exploit, now's the time to capitalize on the final frontier.

Get ready to have your Astral Finale INNNN SPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACE... Zone™.

Space Zone™. I'm talkin' 'bout Space Zone™.

In the Trope Co.® Space Zone™, make gravity your bitch as you travel on the surface of moons and asteroids, leaping from rock to rock and traveling every inch of them as though they were big enough to have any gravitational pull on you. Fight cosmonauts abandoned by the Cold War, space-faring robots, Lunarians, Martians, Venusians, Uranians, even Sentient Stars that's got beef with the air-breathing Player Character stealing their coins, raiding their fridges and sleeping with their sisters.
