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Trivia / Julie Christie

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  • Acting for Two: She plays two characters in Fahrenheit 451, but this was only a last minute idea.
  • Costume Backlash: She hated the famous red dress in Doctor Zhivago and only wore it because it fit the character - Lara's old lover having bought it for her and expecting her to wear it.
  • Creator Backlash: She disliked the role of Jackie in Shampoo, and only did it at the nagging of her then-lover Warren Beatty.
  • Enforced Method Acting: As the sex scene in Don't Look Now was the first one shot, she and Donald Sutherland drank champagne to get rid of their nerves.
  • Production Posse: She was directed by John Schlesinger in Billy Liar, Darling, Far From The Maddling Crowd and a TV adaptation of Separate Tables. The first three were also produced by Joseph Janni, who she also worked with on In Search of Gregory.
  • Star-Making Role: Billy Liar and Darling made her an instant star.
  • Stunt Casting:
  • Throw It In!:
    • A scene in Doctor Zhivago has Lara slapping Victor, who slaps her back. Her slap was scripted, but Rod Steiger's was not, so Julie's surprised reaction is genuine.
    • She and Donald Sutherland improvised the conversation in the church in Don't Look Now where Laura lights a candle for Christine. There had been one scripted, but a real life exchange between them was caught on camera and left in.
    • The dinner scene in Shampoo was also improvised.
  • What Could Have Been:
    • Warren Beatty wrote Reds! intending for her to play Louise. As the script took thirteen years to write, they had broken up by the time he finished, and she turned the role down.
    • She notably turned down the role of Liz Cassidy in The Greek Tycoon, despite being offered $1 million for it.
