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Timeline / Kamen Rider Agito

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  • Over 30,000 years ago: OverLord the twin entities, embodiments of Light & Darkness battled to settle who will rule over their creation, Before dying by his brother's hand, The OverLord of Light bestows his essence to humans so that someday they will be able to awaken his power within them. The OverLord of Darkness then created his emissaries as protectors of humanity but they must eliminate humans who possess the Seed of Agito. Before he passed away, the OverLord left his very own DNA model in the mysterious puzzle artifact. Over 30,000 years later, some scientists solved the puzzle and using his DNA model to recreate him.
  • 2000-2001: Monsters referred to by the police as "Unidentified Lifeforms" appear before being defeated by the Unidentified Lifeform #4, who is the inspiration for the Kamen Rider G3 System developed by the police department's Squad against Unidentified Lifeforms (SAUL).note 




  • April:note  Three months following the fall of the Unknown, Shouichi is embroiled in a conflict with Shocker, who identify him as a Kamen Rider. Through Time Travel, Agito fights alongside Kamen Riders #1, V3 and Black to defeat the Evil Eye, realising that Kamen Riders are heroes who help and protect people. Returning to his own time, Agito shares his discovery with contemporary Rider, Gills. (Seigi no Keifu)


  • 2009: In the World of Decade, Agito fights with the other Kamen Riders to defeat Dai-Shocker. (All Riders vs. Dai-Shocker)
  • 2011: In an Alternate Timeline where Shocker conquered the world in 1971, Agito is among the Kamen Riders who reappear to defeat Shocker and its Great Leader. (Let's Go Kamen Rider)
  • 2012: Agito is among the many Riders who apparently defeated by Captain Marvelous (Gokai Red), Emperor of Dai-Zangyack which seeks to wipe out the Kamen Riders, opposing Dai-Shocker led by Great Leader Tsukasa Kadoya (Kamen Rider Decade) who are hunting the Super Sentai. Infact, all the presumed deceased Riders and Sentai had been transported to the dimensional rift, from which they emerge to defeat the new Shocker-Zangyack Alliance. (Super Hero Taisen)
  • 2013: Agito, among the first 15 Heisei Riders, is summoned to World within the Magic Stone, where he helps to defeat the evil wizard Amadum and his army of monsters. (Wizard ep. 52-53)
  • 2014: Agito participates in the battle to defeat the Underground Empire Badan, as well as the brief conflict between the Heisei Riders and Showa Riders. (Kamen Rider Taisen)
  • 2015: In an Alternate Timeline where Shocker conquered the world in 1973, Agito serves Shocker before his brainwashing is reversed, joining the other Riders in the fight against Shocker before the timeline is restored. (Super Hero Taisen GP)
