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Tear Jerker / A Hat in Time

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"Down with the Mafia..."

  • The Snatcher's origin. His time rift story makes him look like a Jerkass Woobie when you apply it to his current state. He was the prince that Vanessa chained in her basement. The whole conflict between the two was all due to a misunderstanding: the prince was buying flowers from a flower girl, the latter of whom Vanessa mistook for a mistress. The prince would later die in the basement, as the inconsolable Vanessa morphs into the monster she is today.
    Snatcher: You know, they always say love is a warm feeling... But in my experience, it's been positively chilling.
    Snatcher: You might think the embrace of death is the coldest thing there is, but I can tell you from experience... it's not.
  • Subcon Forest and its inhabitants were sadly not safe from Vanessa's wrath. The forest itself went from a lively and lush green forest filled with life in its heyday to what is now a nearly desolete, dark and forest with only subtle reminders of what it used to be, with the forest's inhabitants either becoming lost souls who wander around the forest or if they sign a contract, Snatcher's minions. One of the optional replacement tracks in the game, a slow and melancholy remix of Subcon Village, really sells home the forest's sad state.
  • The bad ending, where a scared and sad Hat kid runs in regret after choosing to run away from Mustache Girl.
  • The backstory of the captain shows how he became fond of his captain teacher and hoping to end to command on the same as him, only to drift apart in different boats. Many years later, while dreaming of him and his master on the same boat, he received an unfortunate message mentioning that his beloved master died when his boat sunk in the deep ocean.
  • A little one, but the backstory of the premiere of Groovy Underground a DJ Grooves movie, can be especially tearjerking to see him shamed and humiliated by the angry mob displeased by his movie. Fortunately, it turns into heartwarming when his penguins protect him from the mob and give him comfort after.
  • The confirmation in one of the Seal the Deal rifts that both the Dwellers and the Subconites were innocent children who were killed when Vanessa's ice consumed their town. The Snatcher offered some of them the chance to live again in some capacity if they serve him (given how he treats them, out of the kindest act his heart still had it in him to manage), but some either refused or he didn't have enough bodies, resulting in them aimlessly roaming the woods.
  • The final Seal the Deal Story Book shows us the tragic backstory of how Mustache Girl's town was invaded by the Mafia and how she ended up the way she is now.
    • Especially heartbreaking are the last pages, showing how alone and hopeless she was in her fight against the Mafia.
  • The game initially plays it off, but then Rumbi's storybook montage suggests that Hat Kid was a lot more distressed without her soul than she let on.
    • Also from Rumbi's storybook, it shows that Hat Kid was deeply hurt by Mustache Girl's betrayal after the two disagreed on how the Time Pieces should be used.
