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Tear Jerker / Emmet Otter's Jug-Band Christmas

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  • In a reverse Gift of the Magi, Emmet and Ma each take something of the other to help with their performances. Emmet puts a hole in Ma's washtub, while Ma hocks Emmet's tool chest to buy new clothes. Both feel guilty about it, but believe they are doing the right thing for the other person.
  • "When the River Meets The Sea" is a ultimately a triumphant, but sad, song about death and what awaits those who pass on. In context, it was Emmet's father's favorite tune, and the characters sing a reprise at the end of the movie in memory of him. There's a reason it's been covered by John Denver and Rose Polenzani. Not surprisingly, it was also one of many songs performed at Jim Henson's memorial. In fact, Dave Goelz revealed at a public event shortly after Jerry Nelson passed that whenever a Muppet-related person passes, the song is played at their memorial. He then mentioned that 30 puppeteers sang it at Jerry's memorial.
  • In a similar spirit, Our World. A simple little ballad of peace and love, again coming from a children's Christmas special. Paul Williams, ladies and gentlemen. It is also the only other song in the special to receive a cover by a somewhat major artist, this time by My Morning Jacket on a compilation CD called The Green Albumnote .
  • When both Emmet and Ma lose the talent contest. Not only did they lose to a bunch of jerks, they both lost essential elements they need in order to survive. The walk home is quiet and subdued for everyone involved.
  • "Alice Keep Dreaming" from the Screen-to-Stage Adaptation.
