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Tear Jerker / Eiyuu Senki: The World Conquest

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  • The scene where Arthur confesses to Chihaya the burden she has to bear as Queen of Britannia and how screwed up the country was before she was chosen by Camelot. Paraphrased:
    Arthur: There have been many times when I wished to return to being a woman instead of a queen as I still cannot see myself as one, but for the sake of my country I simply cannot. Just this once, allow me to be selfish and stand before you as a woman only for tonight.
  • Arthur overcoming her own brainwashing through sheer willpower long enough to give orders to Tristan, Palamedes, Kay, and Ywain to fight for and protect Chihaya before she's forcefully dragged away by Brainwashed and Crazy Galahad and Gawain. Chihaya's lines don't need to be voiced to know the pain he's feeling when he calls Arthur's name.
    Arthur: ...Thank you. For believing in me... For trying to save me... But do not forget... I will not be myself when next we meet... So... If I become evil... one who would throw the world into chaos... at least... by your sword...... You must... kill me...
  • Takeru's death after defeating her at Mu. Especially Himiko's Please, Don't Leave Me lines:
    Himiko: You said you would fight together with us! You said you would be my strength... you promised! Your seat is still empty and waiting for you! I fought believing you would come back to us! Wherever you were, I knew I would find you... I made a promise to save you!
  • Tezcatlipoca's backstory: He attempts to overthrow Nyarlathotep with his best friend, so she reprograms them to make them fight each other to the death. After his victory, he's returned to normal, but goes crazy and kills himself after seeing what had happened. Nyarlathotep revives him and forces him to fight the Zipang army. After giving him a Mercy Kill, his final words are to thank them.
