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Tear Jerker / Daisy Brown

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  • The hidden message in the closed captions of I made dinner!! seem to be the thoughts of Daisy's mother, Rose, as she dies giving birth. And the last set appears to be Daisy's father, Curtis, breaking down after his wife dies.
    (Oh God, I'm dying.)
    (It's too much blood... I'm gonna die here.)
    (Oh Honey, please stop shaking me.)
    (That won't make me survive.)
    (Oh God, please watch over this newborn.)
    (O Jesus please don't let it think I left, or I didn't care.)
    ("Please wake up.")
    ("I can't do this without you.")
  • quiet video. Alan hasn't made a noise in days, and Daisy is distraught. She tries to get him to make a sound, anything at all, but Alan's in too much pain and can barely move his newly-formed limbs. Daisy clearly thinks her only companion is dying, which will leave her all alone in the world.
    Daisy: Yell at me, Alan. Do you wanna yell at me? I don't care if you're mean. You don't need to be nice. *sniffs* Just can you please say something?
    • The hidden message in the closed captions seems to be Daisy as a child finding a secret room her father had hidden from her, and her father beating her for it.
      (I'm so sorry Dad, please let go!)
      ("DON'T touch things that aren't yours, you could have fucking broken these.")
      ("If you would start using your head, I wouldn't have to do this.")
      (I'm sorry.)
      ("Oh for God's sake, get up.")
      (I-I can't.)
  • Strawberry's death.. It's almost a Foregone Conclusion, since keeping an animal in a house with a violent Body Horror monstrosity probably isn't going to turn out well. But, when it happens, it's still heart-wrenching. The video on the subject is simply titled "strawberry is gone", and shows Daisy placing a flower on Strawberry's grave. Reading the description also shows that Daisy is beating herself up over it.
  • The video where Daisy finds a cassette tape addressed to her from her dad is a bit heartwarming, but Daisy forgets to turn off the camera, and the last few minutes of the video show her curling up in a blanket next to the tape player and rewinding back to him saying “I love you, Daisy...I love you.” Over, and over, and over...
  • "Hateful Thoughts" is a mixture of this and Nightmare Fuel. Daisy essentially has an incredibly realistic mental breakdown, where she trashes her home and screams about everything she'd gone through because of Alan. Reading the captions heavily implies that what triggered it was another episode of emotional abuse from Alan that went way too far.
  • From "the basement":
    • When Daisy is calling out Alan, one of the things she screams at him is how he used to be her best friend. Made worse by the fact that he promptly mocks her for it.
    • Daisy crying when Alan traps her in the basement.
    • The state that the other monsters are implied to be in. As Daisy talks to Lithop, several of them can be heard wailing and moaning in agony.
    • When Lithop tells Daisy that, based on what Daisy's father told her and the other monsters, Daisy must be there to help her and the other monsters, Daisy tearfully responds by telling her that she can't help anyone and can't even take care of herself.
    • Daisy's mental breakdown when she sees Lithop's real face.
  • Daisy's reaction to killing Alan in "Final Video". While she did it to protect Lithop and Alan absolutely had it coming, the fact remains that she did used to consider Alan to be a friend and that she raised him since he was essentially a baby. Being pushed as far as she was, it's understandable that she'd react to this by breaking down crying.
  • The creator of the series did a video in 2021 revealing some background information about the series and gave two "canon" (or as close as canon as can be) explanations about what happened to Daisy's father, both of which are this trope.
