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Sandbox / Signature Scene Wick Check

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Signature Scene is meant to refer to the iconic, well known scenes of various works, but it's often heavily overused, used to gush, has issues with being low/zero context, and potentially clashing with There Is No Such Thing as Notability in its current form.

I've divided the wicks into two sections, first, what it is used for, and second, how many examples each given page has.

Wicks checked: 10/60


     Correct use: Scene is well known and example has sufficient context or proof: 1/ 60 
  • YMMV.Downfall 2004: Signature Scene: The scene of Hitler's Villainous Breakdown upon hearing of Steiner's failure to launch a counterattack on the Soviets; particularly because it's known for being the moment that launched a million memes. In the 2012 Sight & Sound poll (in which critics from around the world get together and list their top 10 films), UK critic Kaleem Aftab chose this scene for his top 10, saying, "Bruno Ganz's performance as Hitler is so brilliant in showing his disgust at the failure of Steiner to attack the allies that the scene has been used and abused by legions of Internet users around the world, replacing the original subtitles to comment on current affairs –- it's the gift that won't stop giving." It's... it's beautiful... it cites evidence, gives context, and it's the only one on the page, brings a tear to my eye.

     Questionable: Example has context but it's unclear how well regarded the scene is: 2/ 60 

     ZCE: 5/ 60 
  • Hannah and Her Sisters: Signature Scene: "I have my answer. I have my answer! I'm walking on air!" Just a quote with no context at all
  • YMMV.L Eclisse: Signature Scene:
    • The two scenes in La Borsa.
    • Also the final sequence. Both of these are zero-context, so only counting as one example
  • YMMV.Miss Saigon: Signature Scene: The helicopter. ZCE
  • YMMV.Schindlers List: Signature Scene: Certainly has many options, but the liquidation of the ghetto, the girl in the red coat, Schindler's guilt ridden breakdown and especially the mass burning of corpses will always stand out. Four that just name a scene
  • YMMV.Tales Of Symphonia: Signature Scene:
    • The boss fight against Genis's friend Marble.
    • Lloyd's coffee gambit, where he tricks Colette into revealing that she's losing her senses.
    • The Duel Boss fight with Lloyd against Kratos. All three just name or describe a scene

     Other/Unclear/Pothole 2/ 60 

Number of examples

     One: 5/ 60 

     Two: 1/ 60 

     Three 1/ 60 

     Four or More 1/ 60 
